Little Kuron & Shiro: Pumpkins

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"Kuron, stay," Shiro said as he got the small wagon out. Kuron jumped a little but stayed near the car. Shiro shut the trunk and grabbed his younger twin brother's hand. Or, younger by two minutes. "Alright, now we can go."

"Pumpin!" Kuron smiled, leading Shiro over to the pumpkins.

Kuron gasped as he saw how many there were. There seemed to be thousands! Shiro laughed at Kuron's reaction. He ushered Kuron to go pick one out. Kuron hesitated but walked out to go see which one he wanted. He made a good few feet before turning around to see him. Shiro chuckled before quickly catching up to him. Kuron seemed happier by this and walked a little ahead of him. Shiro tugged the wagon behind him as Kuron stopped every few steps to look at the pumpkins. Shiro didn't mind really. He expected Kuron to try to look at them all. It wasn't until Kuron began to walk to a certain pumpkin that Shiro stopped walking. He wouldn't be able to follow Kuron without having to leave the wagon. Shiro looked a little bit around him and randomly choose a pumpkin that he liked. One side was taller than the other but he didn't mind. Still good enough for carving.

"Sh- Sh- Shi-" Kuron tried to form Shiro's name without sounding babyish, since he was speaking louder to call him over. He didn't want anyone to stare at him. Shiro caught onto this and moved the wagon so that it was next to a hay barrel, then briskly walking over to him.

"Found one?" he asked. Kuron nodded and pointed a pumpkin. It was smaller than the other ones. It was separated than the other as well. Shiro picked it up and walked back to the wagon, placing it besides his. "Alright, do you wanna go and climb the tall hay?"

"Uh-huh!" Kuron nodded as they made their way down from the hill. He kicked small rocks on the way, just some harmless fun. He also grabbed onto Shiro's sleeve on the way.

The two made their way to the giant hay stack that other children and some couples were climbing. Shiro pushed him forward a bit and Kuron began to climb hay stacks. Looking down a few times. He almost made it to the top when he sat on one of he barrels, waving at Shiro. Who waved back. Shiro guested at his phone and Kuron nodded. He got a few picks and Kuron climbed back down. He didn't want to be up with a ton of people touching him anymore.

"Everything alright Little Bro?" Shiro asked as Kuron hugged him firmly. Kuron gave a soft small nod and Shiro gave him a firm hug back. "Too many suprise touches?" Kuron nodded. Surprise touches were a thing they called when Kuron got bumped into or got touched without permission or knowledge that it was going to happen. "Alright, let's get going back to the car. Then I can help you carve your pumpkin."

I hate that I actually don't notice at times that I write three oneshots in one day. Like, I spend around five hours without taking a break just because I don't realize that I'm writing half the time.

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