Little Ezor & the Lesbians (Plus Lotor): Attention

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Prompt: Can you please possible write one where Ezor regresses and Lotor or one of the other generals (or all three of them) take care of her, but she's being kinda bratty?

Requested by  @sweetiepie2288

Don't judge me for my title names! I would say generals but I don't think Lotor's a general, since he's the leader. Plus we all know it's true but I'm not saying anything. But I can totally change it if needed.

They knew Ezor was wake when they heard the cradle rattling. Acxa was the one to go to her. Ezor was whining and shaking the craddle. Acxa pushed the thing to the side and picked her up. Ezor squirmed as she was lifted in the air. It was difficult carrying her to the control room without dropping her.

"Rid! Rid!" Ezor called, trying to reach out to Zethrid.

Zethrid smirked, grabbing Ezor from Acxa and cradling her. Ezor giggled and snuggled into Zethrid's chest. Zethrid smirked at Acxa, who just rolled her eyes and went back to her seat.

"Someone's playing favorites~" Lotor taunted from the main seat. Acxa scoffed and slapped his arm.

"She woke up from a nap! She's probably just tired," Acxa exclaimed before pulling up some coordinates.

"Sure," This time it was Lotor's turn to roll his eyes. "Zethrid how were the blasters? They worked well?"

"Not enough force for my liking but they fired," she replied, sitting in her seat. Narti was in the seat beside her, Kova on her lap.

Ezor looked around. Everyone was using big kid words. No one was paying attention to her. She huffed and grabbed one of Zethrid's ears and pulled. Zethrid winced and grabbed her hand, placing it back onto her stomach. Ezor huffed as her Mama went back to work, typing something into her station. So she grabbed her other ear. Zethrid grabbed her hand and looked at her.

"We don't pull ears, Hun," she said, before going back to work.

She knew that Ezor wanted attention. But she still needed to type somethings in before she could play with her. Instead of Ezor huffing and whining, like she expected her too, she tried to wiggle herself out of her arms, pushing Zethrid away. In her mind, Mama didn't want to spend time with her. So she was upset.

"Let her roam around," Lotor sighed. It was seemed as though Ezor was bored with Zethrid. Otherwise he couldn't think of a reason for her trying to escape one of her favorite caretakers. The other being him. Which he takes much pride in.

Zethrid grumbled and put Ezor on the ground. Ezor looked back up at Zethrid and frowned. So she crawled over to Narti. Then her eyes landed on her tail. She pounced at it, making Narti move it away. Ezor went face first into the ground. Instead of crying, like any other little would, she rubbed her face and tried again. This time Narti wasn't fast enough. When Ezor wrapped onto it she accidentally dug her nails into it. Making Narti jump out of her seat and Kova to growl slightly.

"What happened now?" Lotor groaned as he turned his seat around. Geez he felt like a full time Dad with the girls. He saw Ezor pouting on the floor, Narti holding her tail, and Kova seeming to be glaring at Ezor. Ezor just huffed and turned around, crossing her arms.

"Ezor what have we said about attacking tails?" Acxa asked the smallest one. Ezor didn't respond, just blowing raspberrys at her. Which grabbed Zethrid's attention.

"Ezor, apologize," she said, pausing her work.

Narti sat back down in her chair, petting her purring cat on her lap. Ezor bit her tongue a little at Zethrids tone but tried to push it off. When Ezor didn't response Zethrid looked over at Lotor. If there was one thing little Ezor was scared of it was Lotor. He used a calm voice when he was mad. It was confusing and Ezor didn't like it at all.

Lotor stared at Ezor with an unreadable expression. He couldn't quite pin point on why Ezor was acting out today. Well first of all there was wanting Zethrid instead of Acxa. That was normal but it wasn't too bad. But then there was the ear pulling. Not just one ear but two. And she knows not to attack Narti's tail. So why was she acting out? Had she woken up feeling bad? Had they done something wrong? She wasn't hungry. If she was she'd whine and roll around until they fed her. Acting out like this was uncommon. Unless . . .

Lotor frowned and got up from his head, couching in front of Ezor and looking into her eyes. She tried to turn her head but he grabbed her chin.

"I'm sorry, Baby, have we not given you any attention since your nap?" he asked, turning his head to the side, making his long hair fall to the side. Ezor nodded her head slightly. Lotor gave her a soft smile and picked her up, placing her on his hip. "I'm sorry, Little One. How about this, I'll play with you for a while but you have to apologize to everyone."

"Otay!" she smiled, petting Lotor's soft hair. Lotor walked over to Narti and leaned down a little for Ezor to hug her, who hugged back. "Sowry Nat, sowry Kitty." She gave them both a kiss on their heads. He then walked over to Acxa, by Ezor's choice, who lightly laughed as Ezor gave her a hug. "'M sowry Axe."

"You don't have anything to apologize to me, Bud," she smiled as Ezor kissed her forehead.

Lotor then walked over to Zethrid, who sat in her chair facing them. Ezor seemed a bit shy in front of her. She was scared Zethrid would be madder than the others. So Zethrid kissed her cheek and nuzzled her noise.

"'M sowry Mama," Ezor said while hugging her, then kissing her cheek.

"It's fine, Dear. I'll come play after work, alright?"

"Otay!" she smiled, swaying her legs as she wrapped her arms around Lotor's neck.

Lotor's smiled widened as they walked into the nursery. There were many things to play with. Barbies, dolls, stuffed animals, rubber balls, dress up, and a couple more things. Ezor, you could say, was a bit spoiled. Not only that but she also barely got a time out. The others either didn't have the hears or she gave them puppy eyes and tears.

"Ball! Ball!" she pointed at one of the rubber balls they had. Lotor placed her on the floor and grabbed the dark blue one.

They played for a while, just rolling the back and forth. Eventually Lotor turned the game into an easy game of soccer, which Ezor gladly accept. Soon the rest of the girls came to play. The teams were Ezor and Zethrid vs Lotor and Acxa. Narti kept track of the score with Kova playing with some yarn. Ezor's team was winning by a lot. But they were all having fun. Laughing, smiling, and overall paying attention to their kit.

Y'a'll know what would be cute? Little Lotor with his four Mamas.

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