Little Adam & Shiro: Shopping Trip

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Adam stared at the store from the car. The walls were a pastel green with a big see through door that had a white outline. Where Shiro had found this place he had no idea. But it seemed cool.

"Are you okay?" Shiro asked, grabbing his hand.

"Where'd you find this place?" Adam asked, unbuttoning his seat belt.

"An old friend brought me here. We don't talk much now," he shrugged as they both got out of the car. "I's a lot more bigger than I remember though. Must of grown over the years."

They walked into the store hand in hand. The cashier waved at them, Shiro waved back. Adam was a bit at awe of the place. It was nice, really nice. There were different aisles with multiple little stuff. Pacfiers, clothes, treats, toys, and a lot more. Shiro laughed softly at the look on Adam's face. He lead them over to the pacifier area. Adam gasped at how many different kinds there were. Newborn to adults. There were design ones, ones with printed animals, and solid colors. You thought it, it was there.

"Pick something out," Shiro ushered him.

Adam didn't want a decorated one, not yet at least. So he choose two solid colors and one with an animal print on it, both in adult sized. He got a navy blue and a pastel yellow. And the other was white with a panda on it, the handle black. He also got a clip that had planets on it. Shiro patted his head and smiled at him.

"God don't do that," Adam swatted his hand away.

"But why?" Shiro pouted as Adam put the pacifiers into the cart.

They both knew the answer but Adam didn't replie. Shiro had an easy way of making Adam regress. Plus with being in this shop, it wouldn't be hard for many people to regress. And Adam really didn't want to regress out in public. When Adam didn't replie Shiro kept on walking with the cart, Adam following close behind. They went to the clothes aisle next.

"This ones entirely new to me," Shiro said as they walked down. "Go and pick something out. I'm sure you'll look adorable!"

"I'll kill you," Adam growled.

"Yeah, yeah," Shiro suddenly stopped. "How about this?"

Adam looked at what Shiro found and blushed. It was a baby bodysuit in adult's size. It was all black with red and white rocker ships. He doesn't regress that young! He was normally a bigger kid. Like four or five, those are big kid ages in his mind. And maybe three but that's not a bigger kid. Plus that outfit was embarrassing. Adam wanted to whine right then and there but he bit his lip, looking away.

"You're a median, right? I'm gonna buy it," he happily hummed, shuffling through some of them before putting one in the cart.

Adam pick out a few things with Shiro's help. He got two onesies, a fox and a panda. A pair of black shorteralls, and a shirt with the moon on it. Shiro gave his boyfriend a big smile. Adam couldn't denied it now, he's been holding back on slipping since the pacifier section. Although he's tried not to show it.

The next aisle seemed huge. He made sure to stay close to Shiro's side. There were a ton of toys. Stuffies, balls, barbies, blocks, a lot of stuff basically. Shiro stopped every once in a while to ask if Adam liked this or that. Adam just shrugged for every answer. They made it half way down when Adam remembered something that Shiro taught him in case he was too shy to say he had slipped, which he had by now. Personally he blames Shiro for using cute pet names at the end of every sentence, as if he was trying to get him to slip. Anyways, he tugged on Shiro's sleeve, which caught Shiro's attention. Shiro grabbed his hand as they came to a halt.

"Have you slipped, Dear?" he whispered, even though there wasn't anyone in the aisle. It seemed as a slow day. Adam nodded and looked away. Shiro patted his head and smiled. "What kind of headspace, Baby?" Adam just shrugged and gripped his hand tighter. Shiro took noticed at this and bopped his nose.

"That's fine Darling!"

Shiro looked back at some of the toys. Adam was more of a cuddlier and cartoon watcher. So interactive toys wouldn't work well with him. Some stuff animals would be at best, especially if he needed a cuddle buddy in case Shiro was in a meeting. He walked Adam to the stuffed animal area of the aisle, grabbing a stuffed bat and a stuffed panda. The panda was bigger than a normal sized stuffie, which was fine because it happened to be Adam's favorite animal.

"How about these, Cookie?" he held them out in front of him. Adam nodded and smiled, feeling the softness of the panda. Shiro put the stuffies into the cart and began to walk again. Adam whined and began to follow him, which made Shiro stop. "Something wrong?"

"Dada, feet hurt," Adam complained, pointing at his feet. Shiro made room in the cart and picked Adam up. Adam was surprised at first when he was put into the cart, but it made him feel small so he just giggled and held onto one of Shiro's hands.

"Alright then, Bunny, let's do some more shopping."

The next part of the store was sippy cups and bottles. They got Adam three sippy cups and two bottles. The bottles were normal basic ones, and there was a normal green sippy cup. Although one sippy cup was Mickey Mouse themed, the other had swirls and shaped over it. It was a quick grab and so they went over to get some little snacks. Adam looked up at Shiro as he picked some stuff out.

"What?" Shiro asked when he caught his baby staring at him.

"Why?" Adam asked as he tilted his just just slightly. Referring to the cookies and goldfish Shiro had set down.

"Because you've been a good boy today, Sweetheart!" he cooed, patting Adam's cheek.

Adam blushed and took off his glasses to fumble with them. Shiro frowned but let him do it. Adam had a spare in case he broke those. Shiro made hast to grab a box of pull ups as well. It was obvious Adam was getting bored of this place. Going as far as playing with his glasses. Ones that even Little Adam didn't dare use as a fumble toy. He payed and walked out with the stuff. When they got to the car Shiro got Adam out and buckled him up. He then loaded everything into the trunk and got into the drivers seat. Adam's eyes were close to closing as well.

"It's alright, Baby. I'm pretty sure it's pass your nap time," Shiro said as he gave Adam one of his hands to hold. Adam basically wrapped himself around it a began to drift off. Shiro couldn't wait to see Adam's face when they got him into his new gear.

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