Little Pidge/Hunk & Voltron: Blankie

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"Bu it's my blankie!" Pidge protested, crossing her arms.

"Pidge your not taking a nap, he is," Lance pointed out, earning a glare from the boy.

"Not his!"

How did this start? Easy, Pidge liked her onesie and blankie a lot. Her jammies, as she says, are warm and soft. It was red with snowflakes on them. Perfect in her mind. Hunk and her had different headspaces. Pidge was usually older, with around a 4/5 headspace. Hunk was younger with a 1/2. Although Pidge never minded playing with him. Even if Hunk ended up falling asleep while playing hide and seek.

A little before their fight everyone was watching a movie. Pidge wanted to put on the Polar Express, everyone protested because it was Halloween. So they all decided that they should watch Halloween town. They had a treat during it, Allura was experimenting with some ingredients. She even made Hunk a bottle of milk, Angel Milk to be exact. Pidge didn't even notice Hunk had her blanket wrapped around him until the movie ended. Hunk got sleepy and Keith thought it would be the best action. Apparently it was not.

"Pidge, why are you glaring at Hunk?" Shiro asked after Pidge turned around to glare at them better.

"Mine," she said, pointing at her blankie.

"He's sleepy," he said, going to choose another movie.

"Mine," she said with a bit more of force.

"Yes, but Hunk's using it," Keith said, pulling Hunk closer to him.

"Bu it's my blankie!" Pidge protested, crossing her arms.

"Pidge your not taking a nap, he is," Lance pointed out, earning a glare from the girl.

"Not his!"

"He's just using it for right now."

"Not his," Pidge grumbled, tightening her fist. She told herself not to get mad. Getting upset would earn a punishment. And she did not want that. But the blanket was Hunk's! It was hers! She loved her blanket. The others just thought that it was a normal blanket. But it meant everything to Pidge. Hecky heck, even big Pidge secretly shoved it in her backpack when she went places and held it tightly with one hand under the table. "Not his." She reminded himself and them.

"He's just using it?" Lance sighed as she saw tears forming in Pidge's eyes. Why was she getting so upset? It was just a blanket. But just a blanket in their minds meant a whole lot to Pidge in hers.

Pidge whined and layed on the floor. She pouted and made grabby hands for it. Keith waited for her to use her words but Pidge just continued to do this action.

"Words Hun," Keith reminded him, making the girl huff and roll onto her tummy.


"I'm blaming Keith for this hissy fit," Lance mumbled.

Everyone heard and Pidge's anger was bubbling up. She had the mix of anger and sadness. And although she wanted to start crying she also just wanted to rip the blanket off Hunk. The blanket was hers. HERS. Not Hunk's. It was not just a regular blanket. It was her blanket. One that's been with her through all her nightmares and big kid stress days. When she couldn't slip and when she had slipped. Instead of raising her voice Pidge sat up and fell onto her back, covering her face with her hands as she tried to breath normally.

"Here, wrap him with this," Allura said as he stood behind Keith. Keith jumped and Allura blushed. She was holding out a different soft blanket. She noticed how upset Pidge was getting and got a new one. "Sorry, I know I'm silent at times."

"I know. You're like your mice," Keith rolled his eyes, earning a smile from Allura. He quickly unwrapped Hunk from the blanket and re-wrapped him in the new blanket. This woke Hunk up and he started to whimper. Keith shushed him and put a pacifier in his mouth. "I got you buddy, I got you."

"Hey Pidge! Got your blankie," Allura said, throwing the blanket at Pidge as Shiro put on Nightmare Before Christmas. Pidge sprung up and wrapped himself in it.

The blanket made her feel safe and warm. Her friends did as well but her blankie was there for her whenever she felt like she was ignoring them with her problems. Allura didn't go back to her chair, instead she sat next to Pidge on the floor. She didn't bother questioning Pidge about why she got upset over the blanket. And the others knew not to either. She knew about how people have objects that make them feel safe. Right now they just needed to enjoy each other's company without judging each other. And instead let Keith scream as Jack Skeleton for being an idiot and ruining Christmas.

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