Little Daniel/Keith & Voltron Force: Beach Day

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This was more of an excuse to write more Voltron Force. Plus little Daniel and Keith are cute so meh. Don't think I did the best but I'm sad right now so again, meh. Also, 'totally' not reusing titles at all.

"Daniel! Don't go out so far!" Vince warned him from the beach.

"He'll be fine, Vince- Keith you try to dip your head into the water and see how long you can hold your breath one more time I will remove you from the sea myself!" Lance threatened, earning a giggle from Daniel and a huff from Keith.

The team was having a beach day. Both Daniel and Keith had slipped and the team thought it would be the best. It was actually a bit funny when the paladins learned that the Daniel was a little. And it was even better then the trio learned that Keith was a little. Pidge even made a joke that day that the black paladins must all littles, receiving a glare from the two. But that wasn't right now. Currently everyone was doing something different. Hunk and Lance were playing Frisbee. Allura and Larmina were playing volleyball. Vince and Pidge were building a sandcastle. And Keith and Daniel were playing in the water.

"I am seriously about to take away Keith's water privileges," Lance mumbled as Keith went under the water again.

"Oh he's like six, let him have some fun," Hunk chuckled, throwing the Frisbee at his friend.

"Yeah but he might drown," Lance said, throwing the Frisbee back.

"One; he's not stupid," Pidge spoke up. "Two; I thought Daniel was the worrywart."

"Listen I'm just worried that he's gonna end up not coming back up and I'll have to go get him," Lance said simply, then getting hit with a Frisbee to the cheek. "Ow! Hunk!"

"Oops, sorry," Hunk said guilty.

Daniel and Keith were now splashing each other. Waist deep for Keith and a little higher for Daniel. Daniel liked splashing water around. Vince liked that it tired him out. It's just that Daniel also likes going out farther than he should. Keith, he liked swimming. But the others don't want him to swim without one of them. And they were all currently doing something else.

"Out," Daniel said, stopping his splashing and pointing out towards the ocean.

"'Ance said no," Keith said, moving the water around him.

"Hmp, out," Daniel said again, crossing his arms. He was around four maybe? Defiantly not old enough to be going out any further. But Keith didn't see the harm in it.

Keith shrugged but sat down in the water, letting his head fall back. It felt relaxing. Not that he wanted to listen to Lance's rules! No, he loves to break those. But because he liked the feeling of water around him. Daniel began to swim out further, giggling and smiling. Once he was around neck deep he started spinning around and splash again.

It actually took a while for the others to notice that the two littles weren't splashing each other anymore. Vince started to freak out and was the first one to spot his baby out so far. Hunk saw that Keith just say down and let his hair soak. So Lance couldn't get that mad at Keith. But he was upset at Daniel for going off so far. Pidge did make the statement that he was around a toddler and one of them should of had a closer eye on him.

"Well then someone go get him!" Lance said, pointing at him. Allura sighed and put the volleyball on the floor.

"I'll do it," she said, walking towards the water.

"Your gonna make the princess go out to get Daniel, Lance? That's a low dude," Hunk joked, throwing the Frisbee at Larmina.

"Hey, I just don't like getting wet. Waters not really my type," Lance put his hands up in defense, smirking. He had made a joke about his lion being fire, not water. Which made Larmina glare at him.

"Right. I'm gonna go and swim with Keith now. Larmina, you wanna Frisbee with Lance?"

"Only if the old man's up for it," Larmina teased, throwing the Frisbee back at Lance.

"Old man? . . . Oh I'll show you old man!" Lance growled, throwing it back at her.

Over with Hunk and Allura they agreed that Allura would go 'save' Daniel and Hunk should go swim with Keith. As Allura swam over to Hunk tapped Keith's shoulder, making him jump.

"Sorry Keith, you wanna go swim?" Hunk offered, lending out his his hand. Keith put a happy face on and stood up a bit too fast, almost falling over but catching himself.

"Swim!" he chanted, grabbing onto Hunk's hands. Hunk laughed and began to swim with Keith.

Allura . . . didn't have such a good time.

"Nu wan go!" Daniel exclaimed, trying to get out of Allura's grip.

"Daniel you're out to far. If we go back to at least my hip level then I can get Lance not to yell at you-"

"Nu! Stay!"

Allura tried to not drop Daniel from her hip but she was having a hard time. Daniel was fussing and squirming. The others watched from the shore. Vince growing nervous that Allura would drop him and Pidge holding him back from going into the water. Lance was getting upset that Daniel wasn't listening. And it wasn't like Daniel wasn't listening on purpose! He just wanted to stay out in the deeper endish. Was that really so bad?



"Listen to me," Allura said frustrated, grabbing both of Daniel's wrist. But this didn't stop his legs from kicking harshly. "We need to get you back to the shallow end, alright?"


"Little Cub," Allura said, making Daniel freeze. That was Vince's name for him. Not Allura's. Was Vince okay? Did something happen to him? Allura saw the fear that settled on Daniel's face and hers softened. In her mind, she thought that he was just scared of him. "You're too little and tiny to be all the way out here. But if you want you can go swim with Hunk and Keith. Or build a sandcastle with Vince and Pidge."

Daniel calmed down at the name of Vince and pouted, "Bu I wan stay."

"In the water or over here?" Daniel held up one finger. "Alright, can we go to where Keith is?"

Daniel's frown deepened but nodded. He felt a little tired from staying up so long, 4 AM to 3 PM is a lot for a toddler, and he's been moving the entire time.

He let Allura carry him to where Keith and Hunk were and had their own splash war. Keith was swimming with Hunk's help and was having a great time. In the end, Daniel ended up taking a nap and Keith played Frisbee with Lance and them. Daniel was on an extra towel they brought and he was laying near Daniel's and Pidge's castle. Keith was playing with the others, since everyone else joined. He fell on his butt a lot when trying to hit the ball.

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