Little Lance/Keith and Allura/Shiro pt2

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Alright, I said toddler but I'm pretty sure it's more of a baby head space.

"Hmm," Lance said as he rummaged through his clothes. "I don know what I want!"

"How about your pretty dress?" Allura offered, walking beside him.

"Nu, nu dresses today," Lance shook his head. He owned a lot of skirts, dresses, shorts, oversized stuff, a lot of other things. Plus cute accessories. He was comfortable with wearing 'girl' outfits. He looked nice in them. He had the confidence. And he would always invite Pidge or Allura to wear them with him. Plus, it reminded him on home. He had many siblings and nieces, his family was quite large. And they would love playing dress up with him! It was their thing.

"How about a cute skirt with a nice shirt?"

"These!" Lance smiled, grabbing out a pair of clothes. It was a yellow skirt with a shirt that was baby blue with a cute blue lion in the middle. The words on the shirt said 'Charming'. He also had a cyan and white jacket. With some black shoes.

"Alright, do you need help getting dressed?" Allura asked, grabbing his Ariel paci from a paci box.

"Nu! I'm a big boy!" Lance huffed, putting the clothes on the floor and trying to take off his shirt. He successfully did it but when it got down to the pants, it had a hard time undoing his button. "Otay, maybe a little."

Allura chuckled a little as she put the paci in his mouth and helped unbutton his pants. He quickly tried to get on his shirt, causing his head to get stuck in a sleeve. Allura almost bursted out laughing as Lance struggled and complained. And the pout on his face after was amazing. She helped put on his jacket. Then she put two hair clips in his hair to push his bangs away.

"Mama?" Lance asked, looking in the mirror. "Am I prettyyyyy?"

"Beautiful, Prince," Allura smiled as he spun. "Now shall we go find the Space Mice?"

"Yeah!" he smiled, grabbing Allura's wrist and dragging her out of the room. Stopping at the hall. "Umm, Mama, where are the Space Mice?"

"I think they're in the training room," Allura replied, leading him there.

"But I not aloud in there,"

"But I am. Do you know what you want to do? What adventure you want to have?"

"Uh-huh! I wanna go swimming!"

"So I got you all dressed up for nothing, ey?" Allura rolled her eyes as they got the the training room. She opened it and called for the Space Mice, who came running over as Allura picked them up.

"Sorry," Lance blushed. Now that he thought of it, it did seamed pointless of getting all pretty just to get into swim trunks in five minutes. Maybe they should do something else instead? Or maybe Mama shouldn't bother watching him and they should just go confront Papa-

"It's alright," she kissed his cheek. "The mice really like your outfit."

"Thanks mice!" Lance smiled, leaning and kissing their heads. Lance reached his hands out and Platt and Chulatt climbed on him.

"You four ready to go swimming?" Allura asked them. They all gave different response. Weither it was a pout or a exited jump. "They're willing to do it. Although, they want a inflated raff.

"Swimming!" Lance giggled, grabbing Allura's wrist and dragging her to the pool. When they got there Allura pulled a lever that made the room flip almost and the pool was on the ground. Lance laughed and sprinted off to the changing room. The other two mice came running after him. Allura sighed and went to get him floaties and the little raft the mice wanted. She blew them up with a machine and went to get changed herself.

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