Little Keith & Shiro: Grumpy Baby

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Keith felt little. As in little little. Of course he pushed it back but the others clearly saw through his disguise. But only one person who actually knew that he was a little was Shiro. Luckily the others knew that Keith had a habit of ignoring his health needs. So they probably thought he went without sleep again. It wasn't until Coran stopped them half way through their last training set that Keith's urge to stick his thumb in his mouth grew worse and worse.

"Number Two, is something wrong?" Coran asked him in a whisper as they all began to leave.

"Fine," Keith grumbled, earning a sad frown but a nod.

"Tired?" he asked, earning a nod. "Alright, I would recommend taking a nap. I know how humans get when they go without sleep."

Keith wanted to glare at him. Acting moody help when he was holding his headspace back, even if he got lectured later for acting like a brat. But instead he just quickly tried to get out of the room. Unfortunately Lance caught his arm.

"Keith, your punches were about to break your arm," Lance said as everyone else left. "What's with that?"


"Rightttt, not buying it. When you're tired you get even more aggressive and your punches are even harder. So, why were you about to hit with your wrist?" Lance asked, crossing his arms.

"Leave me alone, L-Lance,"  Keith growled, going to move again. Lance scoffed at his tone. Obviously not liking it.

"Alright what's with your attitude today? Did I do something wrong? We're a team, you have to stop being like this."

Keith didn't respond, seeing Shiro at the doorway. He tried to go but Lance grabbed his wrist. also seeing Shiro as well. "So you can go talk to Shiro but not me, right?"

"Keith!" Shiro called from the doorway, motioning him to come over.

"Daddy's calling," Lance put on a fake smirked, letting Keith go.

Keith scoffed at Lance's remark. Knowing it was from some musical or whatever but really not caring right now. He just wanted his Brudda. He wanted to suck on his paci while in comfy clothes. Maybe even have a bottle of milky. But the room was so far and everyone was going to be in the halls. Keith scurried over to Shiro and stood beside him. Shiro put his hand on Keith's shoulder and smiled at him.

"How little are you, Sweetheart?" he asked. Keith held up a finger and Shiro nodded. "That's very little. Why didn't you inform me earlier?"

"People," Keith grunted, hugging Shiro. Shiro hugged him back and Keith melted into the touch.

"Yeah, people can be scary. Alright, let's head back to Big Brudda's room and he'll get you into something more soft," Shiro promised, putting his hand on Keith's shoulder as they both pulled away.

Keith nodded and Shiro lead him back to his room. They passed the others on the way, of course. Keith was grumpy that Shiro couldn't carry him because the others were out. This also meant that he couldn't go with Shiro to get milky. Luckily they got to the room fast, or else Keith would of needed Shiro to carry him. Once they were in the room Shiro picked Keith up an placed him on his hip. Keith tightly hugged back and dug his face into his neck. Shiro patted his bum as he used one arm to get a onesie and diaper from the closet and a pacifier from the his nightstand. He put the pacifier in Keith's mouth and layed him on the bed. Keith whined and tried to reach out for him. He wanted to be in his Brudda's arms. Shiro made him feel safe and loved. He promised him he'd never leave. Keith was scared that one day he'd open his eyes, and he'd be gone.

"Hold on Buddy, I'll get you changed really quick," Shiro shushed him as Keith's eyes began to fill with tears. He quickly changed Keith into the diaper and the Flareon onesie. "See? There we go. All snuggled up and warm."

Shiro began to pet his hair as Keith sat on his lap. Keith was laying his head on Shiro's chest as he played with Shiro's robot hand. It was cold and fascinating. Plus Keith liked playing with Shiro's fingers. Bending and twisting them. Opening all his hand and then making a fist. It was fun. Shiro let him for a while, he never minded Keith playing with his hand. It wasn't until Keith opened his mouth to bite one that he pulled his hand away, putting the pacifier back into Keith's mouth that had fallen out.

"Now now, let's not do that Keefy," Shiro smiled, receiving a huff from the boy. Shiro layed back and grabbed a plush toy from the box. It was a Penguin stuffie to be exact. It reminded Keith of Shiro. 

Shiro flipped Keith over so that he was laying on his back and put the stuffie in front of him, "Hiya Keef!" he exclaimed in a high pitch voice. Keith giggled at the actions as his stuffie continued to 'talk'. "Okay so, how about we play wif- Keef!"

Keith snatched the penguin from Shiro and began to nom the side of his head, his paci falling onto the bed. Shiro stared for a second before getting back into character.

"Keef stap! You're eating me!" Shiro exclaimed, making Keith smile. "Nooooooo!"

Keith squealed at his friend's words and brought the stuffie out of his mouth. Shiro would definitely have to wash it later. He sat up and moved Keith so that he was cradling him.

"Alright you little monster," Shiro chuckled, putting the stuffie on his bed and Keith's pacifier back on his mouth. "Are you hungry? Is that why you're trying to eat your friend?"

Keith just stared up at Shiro with big eyes and patted his tummy. Yep, he was hungry. Shiro layed Keith on the bed and Keith grabbed onto his elbow.

"Honey Boo, I have to go and make you a bottle. I'll warm up some almond milk for you and put it in a bottle here. But I need you to let go of my arm so I can," Shiro said sweetly, tapping Keith's nose. "I promise I'll be right back."

Keith whined but let go of his arm, sucking on his pacifier angrily. He was hungry, yes. But he wanted more time with Brudda! He hadn't felt this small in a while. He was very dependent, he needed his Brudda. It felt unfair that he had to leave. Shiro ruffled his hair and walked out of the room, the door locking behind him. Keith huffed and rolled to his side. He ended up falling onto his stomach and shoved his head into Shiro's pillow. He was very attention seeking when he was in his headspaces. Sometimes Shiro couldn't even go pee because Keith would end up crying.

Keith layed there until Shiro came back. When Shiro saw him, he reminded him of a dead fish. He poured the milk into a bottle, which caught Keith's attention that he was back.

"Brudda?" he mumbled, looking over at him. Shiro gave him a small smile back as he screwed the lid. He gasped when he saw him, rolling towards him. "Brudda!"

"Heya Baby," Shiro said as he picked Keith back up. He sat him on his lap and Keith immanently took to the bottle. "Wow, you're were hungry, aren't you?"

Keith made annoyed sound in response but continued to drink his milk. Shiro waited patiently before burping the boy and resting Keith on his lap. Keith seemed a bit drowsy as now his tummy was full and he might of only had twenty minutes of sleep last night. He clutched Shiro's shirt with a fist as he snuggled against his carekater's warmth.

"I think it's someone's nap time," Shiro said, earning a small whine from his baby brother. "Ah, no no. A nappy is in order. How about I sleep with you until you fall asleep?"

"Stay," Keith frowned, shoving his face into Shiro's chest. "Brudda stay."

"Brudda will stay until his baby brother goes to sleep. And when he wakes up, he'll be right beside him," Shiro promised, laying down with Keith laying on top of him. Keith hesitated but layed his head on Shiro's chest as Shiro draped the blanket over them. Brudda always goes by his word, he would never leave Keith. No matter how much Keith fears he will.

Ha! Wrote this yesterday and didn't get to post it! Happy birthday, my boy. What are you now, 20 now?
No but seriously. If Voltron ended two years ago and Keith was 18 he would now be twenty right?

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