Little Lance and Hunk

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Lance is having an 'I'm big and everything I do has a perfectly good reason behind it!' day. Well, Hunk is watching over him while the others go off to a meeting.

"Lance, you need to calm down," Hunk sighed as Lance tried to angrily changed into a mermaid shirt.

"No! I can do it! I'm big!" Lance pouted as he got stuck again. "Um, a wittle help?"

"Let me do it bud," Hunk sighed as he helped Lance's head out of the sleeve hole.

Once they got Lance's shirt on his stomach growled. Lance took off crawling to the kitchen. Hunk sighed and tried to pick him up but Lance kicked.

"Lance, no kicking. You know the rules," Hunk sighed as Lance stuck his tongue at him. It was number five on the list of main rules. No hitting or kicking. Hunk made sure to remember it as warning one. Lance had two warnings left before he had to punish him. But Lance didn't quite get it. He just wanted to crawl! And he hates getting lectured at for not always using his inside voice so he didn't dare speak. He raises his voice by accident when he's angry at people.

You see, Lance was having a 'I can do it' day. And when he has those days, he doesn't quite see the things he does wrong. Like kicking. Where they were right now? The castle. It was known that Lance was a little among the paladins and everyone fully accepted him. But no one was in the castle right now except these two. The others were in some boring meeting with the BOM.

Anyways, when they got to the kitchen Lance immanently tried to fill a plate of space goo. But he spilled a lot on the floor. Hunk sighed and cleaned it up as Lance ate his food. Or tried. Most of it fell off the spoon and back into the plate. Hunk gently took the spoon from him, scooped some goo up, and tried to feed him. But Lance just took it from his hand and throw it at the wall. Now normally Hunk isn't one to get angry. But his patience was growing a bit thin. Yet Lance was also a bit angry. He just wanted to be big and eat by himself! Why was that so bad?

"Lance, we don't throw things. This is warning two now. You don't want to get to three, right?" Hunk asked in a stern tone. But Lance just huffed and ate his goo with his hands.

By the time Lance had eaten all the food goo he wanted to draw. So, Hunk took him to the living room area. Lance's drawing things were against the wall. Lance made an excitable giggle as he quickly crawled to the wall. He got out his crayons and coloring in his mermaid book. Hunk let out a reliable sigh as he rested on the couch. What could go wrong while drawing? After this Hunk will set Lance down for a nap and the team will get back!

Well many things can go wrong with drawing. Especially the idea that was going through Lance's mind. Now normally the paladins would put Lance's drawings in the lions, their rooms, or the fridge. But why not just show it out in plan sight? Like the wall! What's so bad about drawing on the wall? Yeah, it does take a while to clean but they're just going to put it up in the end anyways!

"Lance no!" Hunk gasped as he saw Lance drawing on the wall. "Lance, go into the timeout corner while I clean this up."

"No!" Lance whined, tears forming in his eyes. He hated the timeout corner. He hated being alone.

"Baby please, I'll set a 15 minute timer for you to think of your actions," Hunk said in a soft voice as he picked Lance up and placed him in the corner. He tried not to yell at Lance. He knew that he was having a off day. But he needs to know that he did some stuff wrong.

Lance curled up in a ball. What had he done wrong? He began to think. He probably hurt Hunk when he kicked him. It wasn't hard but it could of been. He does tend to lose his strength when he's upset. And throwing the spoon wasn't nice either. And it does take a while to wash the drawings off the wall. But Hunk had been nice enough to help him with his shirt. To offer to carry him when he crawled. To feed him to he wouldn't starve. And let him draw when he acted out. Hunk had been nice to him but Lance treated him bad.

He began to cry. He didn't want to be mean to Hunk! He never meant to either! Will sorry be able to fix this? Will Hunk still love him for this? Why did he acted out? You can't always do everything by yourself . . .

"Lance?" Hunk asked as he walked over to the crying boy. He knelled in front of him and scratched his head. "What's wrong buddy?"

"I sowwy!" Lance exclaimed, hugging Hunk with a tight grip.

"Wow buddy. It's okay, how about we set you down for a nap though? I'm sure you're tired after all this," Hunk offered, picking up Lance. He didn't struggle this time. Just nodded his head.

Hunk set him down in his bed and grabbed Lance's favorite book, The Little Mermaid. He began to read to him. Lance fell asleep soon, still feeling a bit bad but happy that Hunk was there. Hunk sighed. He'd need to clean up any evidence before the team saw or they'd get mad at Lance for lashing out like this. The wall still needed to be clean and he never retreated the spoon. But of well, just some simple things that needed to be done. Nothing some cleaning can't fix.

Wow, this is shitty. But I did have fun making it. I'm in a better mood. And even though it's still garbage, it's my garbage.

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