Little Pidge and Coran

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While Pidge is in her littlespace she wants ice cream. And only Coran is in the castle. Do I need to explain what happens when a child gets sugar?

Pidge was right now in her littlespace. And you know what she was in the mood for? Icecream. She really wanted ice cream. She was also about five right now. Anyways, all the others already knew she was a little. But none of them were here, not even Allura. You know who was here? Coran. He was waiting for the princess to get back from the mall.

"Me hungry," Pidge said to herself, grabbing her owl plush and began to walk to the kitchen. Luckily, hers was 2nd closest. Hunk was first, since he was he chef. When she got inside she began to search for the ice cream. She looked through the fridge, not there. Cabinets, not there.

"Oh course they wouldn't be in the cabinets, silly," she laughed at herself. She made her way to the freezer. She opened it and gasped at the sight of mint chip ice cream. She grabbed it and got a spoon. Then she popped the lip open and began to eat.

Coran began to check to the cameras by now and saw Pidge on the floor, eating . . . ice cream? He then used the income thing.

"Number 5, what are you doing?" Coran asked.

"Eating!" Katie giggled.

"Ice cream?" Coran asked. Hunk and Lance talked about ice cream a lot while speaking about Earth.

"Mhm!" she nodded, taking another bit.

"Are you in the littlespace thing?" Coran asked. He didn't know how to address the question but he was also the oldest on the ship and was given some slack.

"Mhm! Five!" she smiled, taking another bit. She was so gonna get a brain freeze after this.

"Alright, Uncle Corans gonna come take care of you," Coran smiled, walking toward the kitchen. He thought it was a little funny that Number 5 was about five years old.

"Unkle Gorgeous!" Pidge squealed when Coran entered the kitchen.

"That's right Number 5! Your gorgeous uncle is here!" Coran said with pride as he picked up Pidge. "How about we go into the control room?"

"Mk but was we to bring Mr. Books!" Pidge said, pointing at the owl stuffie on the counter.

"Ah yes, your owl," Coran sighed as he handed the stuffie to the small girl. Pidge never went anywhere without her owl. She even took it with her to space!

They made their way back to the control room. Coran set Pidge on the ground as she ate more ice cream. Then he got a call from Shiro.

"Hey Coran, how's Katie?" Shiro asked.

"She's in her littlespace thing, around five. And she's eating ice cream-"

"You did not just tell me that you let her eat ice cream. She is five and she will have the biggest sugar rush!"

"Well whatcha want me to do? Take it from her?"

"Just don't die," Shiro sighed, ending the call.

Coran was confused. Why couldn't he give her ice cream? He looked his side. Pidge wasn't there, neither was Mr. Books. Coran began to panic. He looked all over the castle. She wasn't in her room, the kitchen, the training area, or the lions. No where. Shiro was going to murder him! He kept on trying to search. The others weren't gonna get back for a few hours but he didn't wanna risk that! 

Once someone gave Pidge a deep gash. They were messing around with a weapon and the dude basicaly stabbed Katie. Anyways, everyone went livid. Keith and Lance beat the dude. Coran had to drag Allura away with a struggle. And Shiro looked at the guy with an emotionless face before beating him too. Hunk was making sure Pidge was okay. Anyways, he needed to make sure he found Pidge. He didn't want the same treatment.

Then he heard snoring. He followed the sound to Allura's room. He never thought to check it cause it was usually locked. Pidge was passed out on her bed. He sighed and picked her up, bringing her to her room. Allura's room was a mess and needed cleaning. He tucked her in and went back to Allura's, cleaning it up.

A few hours later the others came back. It was unusually quiet in the castle. They saw Pidge asleep in her room. When they found Coran they laughed their butts off. He was asleep on the dresser! Trying to clean the ice cream steins Pidge put on there. How Pidge got in there? She's Pidge!

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