Little James & Lance/Keith: Fall Day pt3

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"Keith, does James seem . . . smaller to you?" Lance asked as James looked through what kind of Halloween candy to get for the party later. It's been around two weeks since they showed James his new nursery, he loved it. Although he hasn't slipped since. Which they didn't really mind. But today James was really giggly and he was acting like he was smaller. Although whenever it happened he almost stopped immanently.

"Defiantly. I vote you go ask," Keith said, adjusting the basket that had some other things inside of it.

"Why me?!" Lance asked, putting his hand on his chest.

"Because you brought it up!" Keith scoffed, elbowing his ribs.

"Well you agreed!"

"Well I'm not asking."

"Come on! What harm could happen?"

"Depending what we're talking about," James said, making Lance squeak and Keith flinch. James gave them a confused look at he handed Keith a bag of Kit Kats. "Something wrong?"

"Nah," Keith smiled, putting the bag of sweets into the basket. "Should we actually get candy bags this year or should we use pillowsacks?"

"Bags!" James exclaimed, smiling widely and jumping up and down. He noticed the other two stare at him and he calmed down. "You know, some Halloween spirit."

"I, for one," Keith smiled, putting his hand on his boyfriend's shoulder. "think that you two should totally get some buckets."

"I'm up for getting one of those pumpkin baskets," Lance smiled, doing thumbs up. "How about you, Keith."

"My Dad and I always did pillowsacks. So I'm going to do that," Keith explained, grabbing both of his boyfriend's hands. "To the bucket area!"

James seemed very happy with this and tried to skip there. Lance skipped as well, Keith almost fell when both of them jerked him forward. Lance was almost 100% positive that James was holding back on slipping. Keith was at around 85%. For all he knows James could just be really excited for the party.

"Alright let's see, how about we get a colorful one? Orange is too plain, I'ma get a pink one," Lance said, taking one of the pink pumpkin buckets. James scanned over them before grabbing a plain orange one. Keith smirked at Lance, who thought over about the sentence he said.

"That should be everything, right Baby?" Keith asked James.

"Baby?" James asked. Keith shot a glance over at Lance. Who faked looking at some skeleton heads. Keith glared at him before looking back at James.

"Jamie, Sweetheart, you don't need to try and stay big while we're out in public. You don't even need to be big while we're at the party. We know by now, Hun," Keith gave him a small smile.

James blushed and looked to the ground, "Didn't want to bother you."

"So you are small?" Lance asked, putting his arm around James shoulder. James shrugged and hugged himself. "How adorable," Lance cooed, nuzzling his cheek. James whined and pouted. Receiving a smile from both of his caregivers.

"How about before the party, we get some candy ourselves?" Keith offered. Normally if they were going to have a costume party where there was going to be candy at he wouldn't offer. But he felt generous/he just wanted to see James smile.

James nodded but didn't say anything. Lance glanced at Keith. Candy before the party? He doesn't want James to a tummy ache there. Keith gave him a reassuring look and Lance sighed. He didn't think this wasn't a good idea but what could he do?

"Come on, James. Let's go pick out some candy for the ride back home. Lance, have you gotten everything for your costume? Like everything everything?"

"Let me guess, you're going as a sheet ghost again?" Lance teased as Keith grabbed James's hand.

". . . I'll go as a dude who owns a motorcycle?" Keith shrugged, making James giggle and Lance gave him a face that said seriously.

"Whatever, but I do need to go get some fangs. James, would you mind picking out my candy?" Lance asked. James nodded and he ruffled Lance's hair before walking away.

"Candy time," Keith said, leading James over to the candy bar section. James tried to skip again and Keith let him. Badly skipping with him.

The two made it over to the candy isle and James giggled. There was a mom with her son there as well but Keith didn't much mind to this. He knelled beside James and looked over the candy.

"Which one do you think Lance would like?" Keith asked.

"Hmm, sour pach!" James exclaimed, handing it to him. Keith nodded and put it in the basket. "'M a get a Hersey."

"Nice choice, Buba," he praised, kissing his head as James put his Hersey in the basket. Keith put an Almond Joy in as well before helping James back up. He booped his nose, earning a smile from the boy. "Come on, we have a party to get to soon."

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