Little Shiro & Adam: Minecraft

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I know the title only says those two but I added Matt and Keith in, because they would be Minecraft gods.

I sadly have not played Minecraft since the beginning of this year when I lost my mouse and I'm very sad that I don't know about any updates or how people play with multiple players. Because my sister and I really just screamed at each other while building Minecraft houses and having build battles.

Adam watched as Shiro played Minecraft with Matt. Shiro kept on trying to bring baby animals to their Minecraft bromance house and Matt was killing mobs. Adam watched from the kitchen with coffee in his hand. Matt was trying to also kill, or at least it seemed like it, the animals Shiro was bringing in.

"Stopppp it!" Shiro whined as Matt ran around his barn that Adam made him with a diamond sword.

"I'm not doing anything~" Matt said in a teasing voice.

"Papa get him to stop!" Shiro pouted, putting his controller down and crossing his arms into a pout.

"I'm not even doing anything!" Matt exclaimed, laughing a little. Adam walked over and loomed behind the boys.

"Your making him upset," Adam said in a firm voice.

"But I'm not doing anything!" Matt grumbled.

"I can and will either hit you or call your mother," Adam said, a smirk in his voice as Matt turned around quickly.

"You wouldn't dare!" Matt gasped, making Shiro giggle slightly as he picked up his controller.

"Oh I would," Adam said, kissing the top of Shiro's head. "Are you alright Baby?"

"Mh-hmm! Can you play with us?" Shiro asked, looking up at him. Adam nodded and set up another controller.

They played for a while until Matt recommended that they went cave diving. Really for anything. Adam was a bit iffy about it. He was more for building than fighting monsters and going through caves. Little Shiro liked trying to lead baby animals to his house. But he did want to do what Matt was doing so he went with. Which meant Adam went with. Even though it was a video game he had to watch his baby both in and out of game.

"And now we jump into the water- Shiro I said into the water!" Matt screeched as Shiro randomly jumped in. Adam quickly grabbed Shiro's controller so that he landed in the water, since he was now on his lap. This made Shiro start giggling.

"You just want to get yourself killed, don't you?" Adam sighed, making Shiro shrugged and smile.

"Nuuuuuu," Shiro said, laying his head on Adam's shoulder.

"Ew, affection," Matt said, earning a huff from his friend.

They continued exploring the cave. Finding coal, iron, and red stone. Adam didn't want to go too deep far down because Shiro kept on throwing him the important stuff. And Adam didn't really want to for Shiro to fall into lava or something. Matt seemed to be mining more minerals then he could pick up, so Shiro picked them up and threw them to Adam. It wasn't until the door burst open that Adam and Shiro's heads snapped over. Keith looked betrayed as he ran over and grabbed their fourth, and last, controller.

"You guys were playing without me?!" he said dramatically. He logged in and began going down the the caves. "I thought I was your family!"

"Shiro wanted to play it," Matt shrugged, ruffling Keith's hair.

"Yeah!" Shiro exclaimed. Keith grumbled something but started to mine as well.

Adam chuckled at how focus Keith was on the game. Shiro was really jumping around the lava and handing Adam everything than really playing the game. Matt and Keith were beginning to have some sort of contest of who could get the most minerals. Adam recommended to Shiro that they should go back up to the surface and play with the animals. Soon Adam was leading his chickens with seeds and Shiro was leading the cows with wheat.

This one was bad and I'm disappointed because it's just a good game.🤣😭

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