Little Ina & the MFE: Grandma's House

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"Sweets, can you please stop kicking my seat?" James asked as Ina kicked his sea again. Ryan smirked at Ina's actions but didn't say anything.

Ina frowned and kicked James's seat again, receiving a sigh from the male. They were meant to go see Nadia's new puppy at her grandma's house. Nadia had left a few days ago to go meet the pup and help her grandma out. One thing that was lucky was that Nadia's grandma knew that Ina was a little. It was a thing that she had learned by herself. And she loved spoiling all four of them.

"Ina stop," Ryan said after a few more minutes of James pouting while his seat was getting kicked. Ina stopped and James glared at her.

"Why does she listen to you!?" James asked, a bit annoyed.

"Because your childhood best friends and she's not scared of you. In fact your not threatening to her at all when she's in her headspace," Ryan explained as Ina put her headphones on.

"I'm authoritative!" James protested, earning a grunt from Ryan. "I swear she never listens to me unless it's dangerous." Ryan made another grunt for acknowledgement. "You think she only does it to annoy me?" Ryan nodded. " . . . You don't have to always agree with me, butt head."

The rest of the drive as in silence. Well, other than when Ina would hum along to her songs. They got to the house soon after that and Ina tried to get out of the car before Ryan parked. Fortunately James caught her jacket and pulled her into her seat. Nadia was running outside to them, the dog tugging beside her and her grandma walking behind her

"Hey guys!" Nadia laughed as Ina got out of James's grip and jumped into her arms. Nadia spun her around and kissed her cheek. "How are ya?"

"Just great," James grumbled as Ryan nodded, both of them getting out. The dog, a small pug, tried to jump onto Ina's leg. It didn't get great height but Ina giggled at the action.

"Pet!" she exclaimed, getting out of Nadia's arms and rubbing the dog's back.

"What's their name?" James asked as Ryan told Ina to be more gentle with the doggo.

"She's Jewels," Nadia's grandma butted in.

"Ma'am," James said, shaking her hand.

"Ooh, a gentleman," Naida's grandma teased Nadia, who rolled her eyes.

"Alright, Grandma. Should we go inside?" Nadia asked as Ina layed on her back. She had her hood up so that the grass wouldn't get to her neck and she was also holding the dog in the air. Who was yipping ad trying to lick her fingers.

"I think that would be good," James said, making Ryan agree.

It was hard to make Ina separate from Jewels. But they got it done. By that it meant that she got to hold her while they got inside. Jewels kept on trying to lick Ina, who didn't like the feeling. Ryan, Ina, and Nadia took a seat on the couch. James leaned against the wall. And Nadia's grandma stood near the door.

"Would you kids like something?" she asked earning a no from James but yes from everyone else. Nadia's grandma raised her eyebrow and James gave in. He just didn't want her to be forced to make something. "I'll make some sandwiches."

"I'll help," James said. But Nadia's grandma ushered him towards a chair and sat him in it.

"No, you stay here. I'll go make it," she said firmly, walking towards the kitchen.

"Is she always like that?"

"Yeah, she'll try to make me food when I'm working on homework," Nadia said as Ina pouted. "Something wrong Darling?"

"Lick," Ina said as the puppy tried to lick her again.

"I'm sorry, Hun. She does that. But when she gets older maybe we can try to teach her not to lick you. I know the feelings weird," Nadia apologized. "You wanna feed her a treat?"

Ina nodded and Nadia got up. James looked over at Ryan and smiled. Ryan knew that smiled and shrugged. Which made James look at Ina.

"Hey Tavern Owner," James said, Ina looking up. They got the name from James joking about her name being like a Inn, and it just stuck to her. "you wanna dance?"

"Pet?" Ina asked, holding Jewels out.

"You want me to dance with him?" James joked but Ina nodded.

"Come on James, dance with the pug," Ryan teased, putting on some Disney music. They all stood up and Ina placed the puppy in James arms.

James immanently freaked out and cradled Jewels like a baby. Ina liked the music and began to dance to it. Ryan danced along. James was still freaking out about dropping the dog and just swayed side to side. They usually have little dance parties at Nadia's grandma's house. Speaking about the devil she walked in right there and set the plate of sandwiches on the table. Dancing along with them. Nadia jumped back in a little after and got offended that they were dancing without her. Although she did let Ina feed the puppy, who almost took her finger off. And because of that, James did freakout, scream, and almost dropped the dog.

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