Little Shiro and Allura

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Shiro doesn't wanna go to bed while in littlespace. He wants to have fun and thinks that Allura is playing a game with him. But when Allura gets mad he gets tired from saddness. He has a nightmare about Allura and wakes up screaming and crying. Allura just thinks he's crying for attention, but boy is she wrong.

"Shiro, I need you to go to bed," Allura said frustrated as she looked at the little boy. She had tried everything in the book. Sing to him, cuddle him, and a lot of other things! Plus, she was tired and needed sleep. But she knew she couldn't.

"Nuuuuuuu!!" Shiro pouted. He didn't wanna go to bed! He wanted to stay up with Mama! He wasn't tired at all.

"Shiro, you have to go to sleep. Please go to bed," Allura begged.

Shiro just huffed and flopped on his pillow. Allura sweetly smiled, kissed his head, and left the room. Leaving the light night on of course. Shiro waited a little before crawling out of bed. He opened the door and waddled back to Allura's room, knocking on the door. Allura answered it, pissed off and tired.

"Shiro, you need to go to bed. I need to go to bed. I am getting very angry that you aren't going to bed," Allura stated simply. Shiro looked down and frowned. Was Mama angry with him? He just wanted to play. Did he do something wrong?

"Me sowwy," Shiro whispered. Allura sighed and picked Shiro up. When the entered the room again Allura tucked Shiro in. Then she sat next to him.

"I'm gonna stay here till you actually fall asleep," said Allura. Shiro was about to say something but he was tired from the sadness wave he got. Plus, he didn't want Allura to think he was lying is he said that he could fall asleep on his own. He closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep.

Allura sighed thankfully. She felt like she could of passed out by now. This wasn't in the roommate package but she was happy she could look after Shiro. She got up and slumped to her room. She fell onto her bed and just passed out in the blink of an eye.

After a good while Shiro woke up screaming. He had a nightmare that was about Allura not loving him and actually hating and hurting him. He was just scared and convinced that his Mama hated him. He bursted into loud sobs. Allura woke up a few minutes later. She. Was. Livid. In her mind, Shiro was probably crying for attention. And he'll stop in about 2 minutes. She layed back down and covered her head with her pillow.

After two minuets Allura began to worry. Shiro had still now stop crying or screaming and she now didn't know why at all. She quickly got up and ran to Shiro's room. His knees were against his chest and his hands were held up against his ears. Allura rushed over to him, wrapping her hands around the frighten boy.

"I'm here now, Shiro. Don't worry," she whisper in his tears. He calmed down but still had tears running down his face. She used the blanket to dry them, whispering sweet nothings to him.

"M-Mad?" Shiro asked his Mama.

"No Shiro, Mama isn't mad," Allura said, kissing his head. "Mama's just tired. Do you wanna sleep together tonight?"

Shiro nodded quickly and basically latched onto her. She smiled and put the blanket on top of them. Shiro basically dug his face into her chest but she didn't mind. She was the reason on why Shiro was crying. She sung a little lullaby to him as he fell asleep. She passed out right after.

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