Little Keith and James: Daddies Can be Sensitive Too

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"Hey Keith, you wanna watch Harry Potter today?" James asked, walking in with the first book in hands. He was still reading it, most likely the reviews in the front. It was only like his 9th time rereading it. He's still trying to decide if this or Percy Jackson is better.

"Um, suwre," Keith shrugged.

"Great, let's get changed. No scarfs and wear robes. If you need help with your tie then come to me," he smiled, walking out of the room.

Keith frowned as his Daddy left the room. He hadn't even noticed that he only had a pull up and shirt on. Or that he was chewing on his teething ring. Or that he had his favorite Elephant stuffie, Ralph. And that he was left alone to change himself while Daddy went into the bathroom. Keith respected James's decision. James was uncomfortable with his skin without a shirt on. Why? He wasn't born physically a boy, he was still very confident without a binder on though. Yet usually James changes him and then goes to the bathroom. Now, Keith still could change himself. Even if took a bit longer than usual. But James wouldn't really notice. He was most likely already rereading the 2nd book. And time doesn't exist when you're reading a book. Keith got out of bed and crawled over to the dress up bin. It was a full of fandom clothes. Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, etc.

He picked out his Gryffindor outfit and tried to dress up. The buttons he had a little problem with. He either couldn't button them or he would mixmached them. Eventually he go them all correct. Not after a lot of fussing and whining. He then slipped on his grey shirt, getting his head stuck for a second but putting it on correctly right after. Then he grabbed his robes. They were the easiest to put on. It was like a big jacket. He then grabbed his tie. Wait . . . was he suppose to do this after the button shirt? Oh well, Daddy can just do it for him. He grabbed his pants and slipped them on, not bothering to change his pull up.

He grabbed Ralph, put his teething ring in the little fridge he owned just for it, and crawled out of the room, tie in hand. He babbled nonsense to Ralph as he crawled. Which made him giggle and scrunch his nose. Before dating James, Keith was pretty independent. But as James found out and he tried his best to become his caregiver, and he was pretty good. It was pretty rare to have any slip ups. So, Keith became more dependable. He could be smaller when he needed it. He could be cradled and bottle fed. He loved it. Sure he couldn't be carried but he was fine with crawling, he did before James.

He knocked on the door and waited for the answer, wobbly standing up. He heard some shuffling and the door opened. James stood in a Hufflepuff outfit. His robes were buttoned at the top in order to stay. Keith's robes were never like that, in his option it was uncomfortable. Even though James did this every time this time was most likely to hide his chest because he was a sport bra on.

"You're meant to put your tie on before the grey shirt," James sighed as Keith shoved the tie in his face. He took the tie and did it on him, making sure it went down the grey shirt and looked nice. Keith smiled and placed his head on Jamie's shoulder. "Right now let's go watch the movie."

James ruffled Keith's hair and took Keith's hand, leading him to the couch. Keith sat own crisis cross and sat Ralph on his lap. James sat beside him and Keith's head fell onto his shoulder, their hands intertwined. James grabbed the remote and turned on Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

After 5 minutes into the movie James started fidgeting. At first it was just with Keith's hands. Then his feet started shuffling. And then he just needed to do some chores. The dorm was filthy and needed to desperately be cleaned. There was still dishes to be done, laundry to be washed, a floor to be swept, and a lot of other things that had to do with moving. It bugged the crap out of James to where he cringed looking at it. Surely Keith wouldn't mind if he got up to do some stuff, right? He quickly stood up and walked over to the kitchen to start on dishes. Keith caught himself as he almost fell and frowned. Why was Daddy leaving? He didn't do anything wrong. He did notice Daddy fidgeting earlier. Maybe Daddy just needed a quick stretched.

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