Little Lotor & Lance: Tummy

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Lance could of found his boyfriend in a better state. But he was sort of happy that he took somewhat care of himself. Although he wasn't prepare to find out that he had slipped.

The first thing Lance noticed when he entered the room was that it was cold. He questioned himself on why Lotor didn't change the heater, which he got answered later. He noticed that most of the lights on the house were on. As well as fans. He saw that dishes weren't done. But the lunch that Lance made for him was aten. Lance looked around the house briskly before finding Lotor in bed. He was snuggling his dragon stuffie while wearing one of Lance's hoodies. The only part was that the hoodie wasn't warm, it was more made for semi cold weather. This was not semi cold weather.

"Hey Baby," he smiled, earning a whine in response as Lotor hide more under is blanket. "Are you okay?"

"My tummy hurts," he heard him whimper. Lance walked over and went onto one of his knees.

"Do you know why?"

"Too much water," Lotor said in a more quieter voice. Lance sighed and Lotor began to back up more into the blanket. "I'm sowwy."

"It's fine, Sweetheart. At least you had water. How about we get something to eat? Can you show me how much water you had?" Lotor popped his face out and looked at the table stand next to his bed. Lotor looked at that and didn't know whether to sigh or smile. There were two tall water bottles of water. Twice the size than a regular one. Not what you should be having. But Lotor seemed to already be in pain. "It's great that you had something, Baby. Let's get something to eat."

"Otay," Lotor smiled as he pulled off his blanket. He quickly snuggled back under once the coldness hit his skin.

"I'll get something snuggly for you. Do you think you'll need a pullup or something?" Lance asked. Lotor took a second to think. He did almost have a accident earlier. He nodded and Lance put on a soft smile. "Alright, give me a minute."

Lance grabbed two of his hoodies and a pair of warm pants. He also grabbed a pullup and a pacifier. He walked over to Lotor and tried to take off his blanket. It didn't work well but he did get it off. Lotor whimpered and whined as Lance tried to get him dressed, struggling against him. Lance didn't lecture him or anything. The house temperature was in the 60s. Lotor didn't like the cold. As much as he's usually a good boy and tries not to squirm so much right now was not a good time. When Lance did get him changed he sat on the bed with Lotor on his lap. Lotor was sucking on his paci as his blanket was drapped over his shoulders. His tummy felt sloushy. But he wanted to finish his drinks before Lance came over. Then he usually got praises. But right now he couldn't tell if Lance was irritated that he almost made himself sick.

"You feel warm now?" Lance asked as Lotor held his stomach and plushie.

"Tummy," Lotor frowned.

"Let's go get something to snack on. Do you want to watch something as well?" Lance asked, receiving a shrug from his baby. "How about we watch the Dragon Prince? I know you like Aaravos a lot."

Lotor gave a small nodded and got off Lance's lap. He wrapped himself in the blanket around him and kissed his stuffie's head. Lance got up and kissed Lotor's head before walking out of the room. He turned the temperature up and went to make Lotor some apple slices, with caramel on the side. He wanted Lotor to have something healthy but he could always give him something sweet with it. He made sure to be quick making Lotor's snack. He got back to the room fast and saw Lotor blabbing to his dragon.

"Are you telling him a story?" Lance asked, making Lotor stop and look at him. Lance's smile was kind and Lotor gave a stiff nod. He liked blabbing, it made him feel small. But he didn't like doing so in front of his caretaker. It made him feel vulnerable and embarrassed. He was lucky Lance understood that. "What was it about?" he asked as he grabbed his computer, pulling up Netflix.

"My day," Lotor said, petting his dragon's soft fur.

"Oh? How was your day? What did you do?"

"Uh, I gots out of bed at ten," Lotor smiled, earning a happy look from Lance. Waking up at ten was an achivment for Lotor. Usually he gets up at 1 PM. "An I played for a little, then I ate- Tank you for the food, 'Ance. I loved it!"

"You're welcome, Baby," Lance kissed his temple. He sat on the bed and put the computer on as well. "What else did you do?"

"Uh, I hung out with Dragon!" Lotor exclaimed, bringing his best friend to his chest.

"That sounds amazing!" Lance said, cupping Lotor's cheeks and cupping them. Lotor giggled and tried to nom on one of Lance's palms. Lance took his hands back and ran his fingers through Lotor's ponytail. "No biting, Sweetheart. Now come back onto my lap so that we can watch your favorite and have a yummy snack.

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