Little Shiro & Adam/Matt: Froggie! pt2

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Prompt: Srry if I bother you and always give ideas but, could you do a continuation on Little Shiro and Matty Froggie, but it's when Shiro got back to Adam???

Requested by @KaylynnSolace

I don't think you guys realize how much I love request. Even though some are difficult I do love doing them.😂 Love y'all!💙💙

Matt's POV

"Papa! Papa!" Shiro exclaimed as we entered the house.

"Hmm?" Adam asked, not looking up from his book.


"Matt I thought you said you'd watch over him till later."

"I did. It's already one," I frowned at him. Adam checked his phone and sighed.

"I'm never going to finish this thing, am I?" Adam asked himself, setting his book down and looking up at Shiro. Who happened to be standing in front of him with a big smile. He didn't mind Adam's rudeness. He knew Adam could be Mr. Grumpy at times. "What's up?"

"We have a new friend!" Shiro said, pointing at Pudge who was on his head. He liked it up there. I guess it gave him view? He kept on hoping out of the cage thing and onto Shiro's head during the car ride. I had a few bags in my hands, one of them holding Pudge's cage. I'm meant to stay the night.

Adam frowned and looked at me, "Really? You took a frog from the lake?"

"Ah! We didn't take Pudge! He came with us," I put my hands on my hips, making some of the bags slipped as I defend myself. I ain't taking the blame! Shiro wanted him!

"You were watching him. We can't take care of of baby frog!" Adam pushed his glasses up. "How could you allow this?"

"I tried to put him back!"

"Water, water, water, water, water, water," Shiro rambled, spinning in a circle with Pudge on top of his head, his arms in a t-pose. From some time Adam and I were arguing he moved from the couch, where Adam was sitting, to an open space. Weird kid. Although I'll totally join them if he asks.

"Are you sure you even tried?" Adam looked at me as if he was disappointed. Which, I'm pretty sure he was.

"Yes! I told him he couldn't keep him and to put him back. Then while we were leaving Pudge followed us so I put him back. And then when I tried to leave the lake again he went onto my foot. And then when I left him again and ran away from him I thought he was safe. But then my Mom saw Pudge behind us at the car and so I let Shiro keep him. Since both of us said he could keep a frog if he got it."

"I'm sorry but Pudge?"

"Shiro named him. You remember Pudge the Fish from Lilo and Stitch? Well his full name is Pudge the Frog."

"My god," Adam chuckled in disbelief shaking his head, looking over at Shiro. Instead of calling him over or informing him that they had to put Pudge back, like I expected him too, he smiled. "Baby, come here please."

Shiro stopped spinning, stumbling a little, before running over to Adam. Adam set him on his lap and put Pudge in his hand, examining him. He was a stereotypical green frog. Small too, fitting in the palm of your hand. I couldn't say exactly what Adam was thinking. His thinking face is hard to process. A resting bitch face I guess. Shiro looked a bit nervous but hide it with his smile. I personally think he was happy to be back with Adam. Big and little Shiro love Adam, only in different ways. He's a cuddler and loves to stay near him. Only him. Although he does like hanging out with me, like earlier today.Play dates apparently. But I think he was nervous that Adam would say that he had to put him back. Or would get mad that he took Pudge home. Soon Adam's face softened and he looked back at Shiro.

"If we keep him do you promise to help take care of him?"

"Uh-huh!" Shiro nodded, putting out his hand for Pudge to hop onto it. Once he did he put him hand near his head. When he did that, Pudge jumped onto his head, making Shiro giggle a little.

"Such a giggly baby, huh?" Adam asked, lightly tickling his sides. Making Shiro squeal loudly.

"Nu Papa! Mercwy!" he tried weakly tried to push Adam off. Adam laughed a little and hugged his baby.

"Alright Sweatheart," he kissed his cheek.

"Ew, feelings," I fakly gagged from the door. Man I feel like a third wheel right now. Shiro giggled at my acting and Adam glared at me.

"You're not out of the bag yet, Matthew."

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