Little Kuron & Kuro: Early Morning

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Kuro woke up and groaned. It was way too early to be up right now. He sat up and rolled out of bed. Like, literately rolled. He slowly stood up and heard a knock at the door.

"Go away Bitch!" he hissed, rubbing his eyes.

"Kuwo?" Kuron whimpered from behind the door. Kuro looked at the clock. 4 AM. He really needs to stop waking up so early. But that's besides the point. He just cursed at his most sensitive friend that he cares the most about in this entire house. So he just fucked up.

He quickly ran towards the door. He heard a yelp and feet running away. Which was most likely Kuron running back to his room. Alright, so he most likely scared the boy as well. He swung open the door and quickly walked over to Kuron's room. He knocked softly on the door before opening it.

"Kuron?" he asked, looking at the bed. Kuron wasn't there. "Hey Kurony, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to curse at you. Can we talk?"

He heard a quiet whimper from the closet. Kuro slowly approached it and opened the door. He saw Kuron looking up at him with tears in his eyes. He was hiding in the corner, knees against his chest. Kuro's heart, even being the bad bitch that he is, could not take this. He saw that he also was wearing an oversize black hoodie with what seemed to be a pull up. Ah shit. He didn't just yell at Kuron but he also yelled at a child.

"Hey Baby, can we talk?" he asked, crouching so that he could get to his level. He saw Kuron try to move more into the tight space, which didn't really work. "Listen Kuron, I promise I didn't mean to curse you out like that. I was just really tired, that doesn't mean it was right though. Come on Buddy, I promise I would never hurt you. Do you wanna remake the pinky promise?"

Kuro held out his pinky, waiting for any sort of reaction. Kuron hesitated but did the pinky promise with him. They had originally made a promise like this before. But that doesn't mean Kuron wasn't timid by him. Kuro opened his arms and Kuron slowly made his way to him. Kuro craddled him while running his fingers in his hair.

"Could you tell me why you were up so early?" he asked, picking him up and walking down stairs. There's no way that they're going back to bed now.

"Jus wokes up," Kuron shrugged, grabbing onto Kuro's chest and resting his head on it.

"Really? Do you know how long you've been up?" Kuro asked as they walked into the kitchen. He set Kuron in the highchair and put the table part on. He then tried to go get them something to eat but Kuron grabbed his arm. "Hey, I'll be right back. I'm just going to get us something to eat. Do you know what you want?"

"Hmm," he whined, trying to bring Kuro closer to him.

"Hey, I just need to know what you want to eat. Then I'll come right back. Do you want some cereal?" Kuro asked. Kuron frowned but nodded. He was hungry but he also just wanted cuddles right now. Kuro slipped out of his grip and quickly made them breakfast.

He also made Kuron a sippy cup of milk. He made them both fruit loops and set their food in front of them. Kuron's didn't have any milk in his so he just had ate it with his hands. And Kuro poured his milk before the cereal so he had a bit more milk. Which he didn't mind. The entire time while eating Kuron's eyes started watering on and off. Which made Kuro assume it was because of how dark it was. He didn't want to turn the lights on yet because the lights here were weird. Every light in the house connected to another. The kitchen connected to Sven's, Kuro's lights went to Kuron's room, Shiro had the bathrooms, Ryou had the basement and attic. They wanted to fix it but the electrification couldn't do anything without taking the walls out, so they just stuck with it.

"Give me a moment, Kur. I just need to put these things away first," Kuro explained as he took both of their bowls. Kuron made a move to try to grab his arm but Kuro avoided his grip. If Sven knew that he didn't clean up the kitchen he would get an ass beating.

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