Little James & Lance/Keith: Fall Day pt2

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Prompt: A Klames part two would be nice if you're able to do another one cuz this was really really cute and I seriously loved the flip out of it!

Requested by @Moondragon4 

Thank you for the love, it means a ton. I don't think y'all realize how much I love getting comments about how you guys love my work. I was originally going to stop these maybe in the thirties or twenties but now we're in the eighties. Seriously, thank you all who have stuck around.

"You did amazing James!" Keith praised, kissing his temple quickly before going back to looking at the road. "98%, pretty good, right?"

"I was a question off from one hundred," James frowned, still staring at his test.

"Don't beat yourself over it. Listen, Lance and I have a surprise for you when we get home," Keith said, catching James's attention. A surprise? Well crap, now he needs to know.

"What is it?" he asked. Keith rolled his eyes and smiled.

"You'll have to wait, Baby Boy," he smiled, patting James's leg. James blushed and whined. It was Keith's little name for him. It wasn't used oftened but when he did, James loved it. But right now wasn't a good time!


"Something wrong?" Keith smirked as James pouted.

"I'm big! I don't need to be small."

"That's not what that pout tells me," Keith teased, earning a frown from James. He pushed up his glasses and crossed his arms, putting his paper on his lap. He hated wearing them, but he couldn't find his contacts and was going to be late for class. "You look cute with those. You should wear them more often."

"I look like a nerd."

"One, you are a nerd, Baby Boy. Two, you look adorable. Isn't that right? Such a cute tiny baby, so adorable, so small," Keith cooed, making James hide his face in his hands.

Was he feeling small because of Keith? Yes. But he didn't want to be small! He wanted to be big. Unfortunately, that wasn't happening. Keith chuckled at James and pulled into the drive way. Lance was waiting outside and waved at them. He walked over and opened James's door.

"Ooh! An A? That's great Baby Wolf!" Lance exclaimed, kissing James's head and pulling him into a hug. James's cheeks, which were already red, reddened more at the nickname. Alright, what were these two trying to pull?

"I know, he did amazing," Keith smiled, getting out of the car.

James got out as well but Lance picked him up, spinning him around. James squeaked and wrapped his arms around Lance's neck, his glasses falling loose but not off. Lance kissed his cheek and walked inside. James gasped when he saw a box on the table. Keith smiled at his eagerness and Lance put him on his hip.

"Yep, it's for you," Keith smiled, handing it to him. James took the box and looked between the two.

"In it?" James asked, shaking the box a little.

"It's still a surprise, Baby Wolf. Can I put you on the couch and you can sit on my lap as you open it?" Lance asked, receiving a nod from the boy.

"I'm going to go into the kitchen while you do that. I'll be right back, Baby Boy," Keith said, going into the kitchen.

Lance moved over to the couch and sat on his, placing James on the middle of his lap. James tried to open it but it was Keith who tapped it shut, so Lance had to help him. James pushed his glasses up as he opened the box. His face going to the color of a tomato at the the stuff inside. There was a black onesie that buttoned at the crouch. It had small white bats, cats, and candy on it. Lance smiled as he saw how red his baby's face went. Pointing out that there were other things in the box as well as he took the onesie out. James looked inside it again and let out a soft gasp. There was a decorated paci and a bat stuffie. The pacifier was black and had a ghost on it, small white gems decorated around it. Lance smile proudly at his work. He spent days working on it. He knew James would adore it. The bat stuffie was a squishmallow. The stomach was grey and soft.

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