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In hindsight, Merlin was not surprised.
Actually, he should have expected this to happen at some point. He had never claimed to be Emrys. It was only natural that someday someone would come and claim it for themselves.
Or their foolish parent had wanted their child to be special and just gave them Merlin's name.

And yet, Merlin couldn't say he wasn't at least a little bit shocked, when the sorcerer had entered the great hall. A man, two heads taller than Merlin but also twice his weight, dressed in silver and blue armor and an aura that send Merlin a little bit dizzy from the magical energy, knelt down before king Arthur.
He took his sword and put it to the ground as if to show that he meant no harm.
Merlin, sensing his magic however, glanced warily between him and the king. He knew better. This man was dangerous. Though it was a bit confusing that the man didn't conceal his magic, like Merlin had long unconsciously learned to do.

Arthur may have Excalibur at his side and with that a chance of winning, but his chances were slim. Should they end up fighting that is.
Other than that Arthur's guard was down. Merlin was so focused on watching them, he almost spilled the wine he still held in his hand from the just interrupted feast.

"Who are you?", Arthur asked, slightly disturbed by the sudden seriousness of the situation.

"My name, young king, is Emrys Prodius. I am a sorcerer."
Merlin let the wine goblet fall, ignoring the screeches of the woman next to him whose dress was now stained red.
Hurriedly, he apologized, while all the guards and knights immediately pulled out their swords. It took Arthur's hand to stop them from attacking the young man. He was probably ten years older than Arthur, his face withered from age and scars.
He looked honest enough, proud even. His disheveled hair as long as Gwaine's but as bright as Arthur's.

"Speak. You know magic is outlawed in Camelot. Yet you bear Cendred's crest. Why are you here!?", Arthur's brows furrowed, his own grip on his sword tightening.
The sorcerer just smiled.

"Please. You couldn't hurt me if you tried. I am not just a sorcerer, my lord. I am the most powerful warlock to ever walk the earth, so it is destined.
I am here to pledge my loyalty to you. As you are the once and future king and it is my destiny to protect you."

Arthur's eyebrow raised at that. "Let's just say I believe that." Because there was so much wrong in that introduction, both Arthur and Merlin would love to strangle the man.
"We meet powerful sorcerers all the time and we have defeated every threat so far. What makes you think you's be any different?"

The man sighed. "Sire, I have been trained to serve you, since the day I was born. I learned to use magic without casting spells, since I was thirteen and old enough to be trained by Lord Cendred's own court sorcerer. But I have not come to fight you. I am here to help you unite the lands of Albion and bring peace to the five kingdoms like it is destined. For the both of us.
I could be of great help to you. I could serve you, if you'd let me.
I mean no harm. I mean to help."

Merlin's tense shoulders relaxed at that. He had seen enough traitors and what expressions they made. Merlin had long learned to look through every facade, and this man seemed genuine, if also very arrogant.

Arthur stared at him open mouthed. "What kind of idiot would offer the king of Camelot their magic?! Using magic sentences you to death. It corrupts and terrorizes your heart.", Arthur shot back, causing the man's eyes widen in surprise.

"Sire, you cannot believe that. Surely you have seen warlocks in your lifetime. Your sister was one!she -"

"Do not speak of Morgana.", Arthur waved him off.

"But Sire, you must know that people don't just choose to use magic!", the man said, causing Merlin to inhale a deep breath. Was this really happening right now?
Arthur was considering, he was listening! And Merlin wasn't even in danger. Maybe this guy WAS the real Emrys everyone talked about.... then again Emrys was supposed to be the most powerful sorcerer to have ever walked the earth. Merlin could freely control magic before he learned any spells, so that gave the point to Merlin.
But this man could be good for him. Their cause, as long as the man was being nice and able to convince the king.

Merlin's magic (Oneshots) 1Where stories live. Discover now