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" Falling in love with someone bubbly and happy is  easy you just have to shower them with love and affection and keep them happy but falling for a broken soul is never easy thing, there are broken pieces everywhere, you havr to collect them and recreate it carefully, it will never be the same but if you put your efforts you can create something more beautiful, but sadly there are not many volunteers ready to take that risk that's why lot of broken souls fades away without anyone noticing from this beautiful world "


Character Introduction:

Kim Taehyung 21 years olduniversity Student Loves his sisiter more than anything

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Kim Taehyung
21 years old
university Student
Loves his sisiter more than anything.

Kim Taehyung 21 years olduniversity Student Loves his sisiter more than anything

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Jeon Jungkook
20 years old
Have some anger issues.
Recently moved to seoul.

Park Jimin 21 years oldTaehyung's bestfriend

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Park Jimin
21 years old
Taehyung's bestfriend.
university Student
Kind and caring

Min Yoongi 24 years oldJungkook's bestfriend

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Min Yoongi
24 years old
Jungkook's bestfriend

Min Yoongi 24 years oldJungkook's bestfriend

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Kim Namjoon
26 years old
Work as a lecturer

Kim Namjoon 26 years oldWork as a lecturer

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kim minyu
8 years old but act like 5.
Her brother is her world.


What is Home? it is the most comfortable place to live, no matter where you go what you do or how hard life goes , it always gives comfort right ?

But home is not a place it's a feeling, a feeling that I have never experienced. We do have a place where we live but that place naver gave me the comfort of home, it's just a cold place where I hate the most.

By the way my name is Kim Taehyung. I'm someone who has already given up of desire to live but also someone who can't giveup of this unfair life as much as I want. But tiny part of me still hold a hope that one day everything will be alright , but I am afraid to expect anything they always end with disappointment.


"Appaa nooo stop it hurts" Taehyung snapped out of his thoughts when he hears the screaming coming from the living room.Taehyung hurried and ran towards the noises.

'It is starting again.I don't want to witness this it hurts but I have to I have to protect my sisiter I have to protect her from my own father.'

"Appa stop what are you doing leave her"
Taehyung shouted at his father who is busy pulling minyu's hair.

"Oppa save me pleees..."

She rans towards taehyung and hides behind him as soon as she saw him in the living room.

"Here comes the hero"
Taehyung's father said with a mocking voice.

" What's wrong with you appa? Why are you doing this she is just 10 years old can't you see that"

"That bi*ch is the reason your mother leave us and you still take her side? she ruined us tae she is a curse to our family"

Taehyung's father said while trying to get minyu back from taehyung..

Taehyung feels minyu's hold tighten around his leg and he hears her soft sobs becoming heavy. This whole situation is so terrible.Taehyung can't take it anymore he always tries to control himself around his father but no he is also a human, a human who have feelings.

Taehyung pushed his father harshly and his forhead met with the nearest wall and it starts bleeding.Taehyung sees his father's bleeding forhead but right now he care less.

"You know what appa you, you are the reason mom leave us. Do you even know how much she suffered just because of your fuking behavior ?
Not minyu but you, you are the curse to our family .she died because of you"

Taehyung knows how much his words hurts his father. Specialty the last part .But now he don't want to think about it.

"Come here boo let's go"

Taehyung picks up minyu and leaves the house. Leaving his father alone. He heard the way his father breaking down but Taehyung didn't even gave him a second look.

'Why god why? Why we have to sufferer this much? What I did in my past life to deserve this much pain everyday?'


This is just the beginning


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