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"Hey chim" Taehyung waves at his bestfriend who is waiting at the usual place. As soon as Jimin sees Taehyung he starts to walk not responding to the other.

" huh? " Taehyung questions about Jimin's behavior and runs towards him wrapping his hand around short male's shoulder.

" Hey why did you ignore me?" Taehyung asks peeing to Jimin .

" It's me who should ask that dummy " Jimin replies pouting angrily.

" huh? What do you mean I never ignored you even though you are too short to notice " Jimin hits Taehyung's head as a reply.

" awch that hurts "

" You deserve it, why didn't you response my calls and texts yesterday, how many times I called you huh?, what the point of using a phone if you don't even check it. Throw is away" Jimin raps.

" aww chimy is angry chimy scold TaeTae, TaeTae is swwoly.mmmm.." Taehyung used his last weapon to deal with his angry bestfriend.

" puff stop it you are not cute at all " Jimin scoffs, but Taehyung knows that it warked.

" But seriously Taehyung where were you yesterday I was worried "

" I left my phone home chim Sorry why did you call me "

" It's not important, by the way where did you went? You don't have any alba on sundays right? "

" Ah~ Jimin actually mmm " Taehyung struggle to find words to explain, if he says He went on a date with Jungkook Jimin is gonna tease him to the hell.

" Ah mmm what? " Jimin frowns.

" IwentoutwithJungkook " Taehyung mumbles. Why he feels so shy to talk about that? Or is he shy about that certain person ? "

" You did what " Jimin asks not able to understand what just Taehyung mumbled..

" Okay fine I went out with Jungkook and minyu " Jimin's mouth open at that and the next second he is laughing so hard.

" yah! Why are you laughing what's so funny ? " Taehyung shouts at his bestfriend.

" Let me check you,  are you the same Taehyung I know ? You went on a date with Jungkook ? "

" I didn't say a date you idiot, I just went to lottel world  with Jungkook and minyu"

" I see no different. And you mean Lottel world ? Wow!  tell me in details"

" I'm not gonna tell you anything " Taehyung walks past his bestfriend.

" Hey stop, okay okay I'm sorry for laughing, now tell me how you ended up going on a date No I mean whatever it is with Jungkook ?" Jimin asks curiously.

Taehyung tells him everything but that everything didn't include what happened with his father and how Jungkook find him at his house. He said how Jungkook asks him out and how he wanted to refuse but minyu forced him to go and ended up going out with Jungkook. He tells everything what they did on their date and how caring person Jungkook is. He wears a beautiful smile all the time when he talk about Jungkook and the time they spend together. And that smile never goes unnoticeable from Jimin. He carefully listen to Taehyung. It's the first time he sees Taehyung talk about someone with so much emotions.

When the little speech about his date end, they were already in the classroom.
Jin who is already in the class waves at the to males  they response and settle on their usual seats.

" Taehyung " Jimin turns to Taehyung with a serious face.

" Mmm?" Taehyung notice the seriousness of jimin's face he normally don't call him with his full name if it's not for something serious.

" Do you like Jungkook ? " Taehyung's jaw drops at the questions.

" What do you mean ? "

" I mean as a man do you like him? " Jimin scoffs.

" No I mmmm no, why are you even  asking this." before Jimin answer him someone walking to the class stole their attention.

" Hi Jungkook " Jimin waves at thim asking him to sit with them.

Jungkook walks towards them.
"Hi Jimin Hi Tae~ " sits next to Taehyung   " hyung" and finished his sentence.

Taehyung eyes widen ' did he just call me Tae?, or hyung ? but he never called me hyung even though I'm the hyung. Ahh~ Why there is a hyung in Taehyung '

" why are you blushing ? because he called you Tae?" Taehyung snaps out of his thoughts when Jimin whispers.

" I'm not blushing you delulu." Taehyung hits Jimin with his book.

Jungkook giggles at the two.The sound caught Taehyung's attention and blushes more when their eyes meet.
Jungkook loves to see Taehyung like this how cute a person can be.

Class went on untill the lunch break and Jimin Taehyung and Jungkook went to The cafeteria together yoongi also Joined them at the hallway. They all are now familiar enough to have meal together.

When Jungkook is about to sit next to Taehyung someone interpret them.

" Can I join you ? " Jin asks politely. Jin is really fond of Taehyung and try to follow him everywhere he goes. And others found it annoying but not Taehyung. He finds Jin innocent than annoying.

" Yes, Jinnie come" Taehyung pats next to him and other quickly responsed.

Jungkook rolls his eyes, he wanted to sit next to Taehyung he have lots of things to talk with him. He was planning to apologize for many things on their date but he thought it's not the good time for that since Taehyung had to face a lot earlier of that day. He wanted to ask what happened what make him to harm himself like that. There are many things to sort out.

Jungkook sits next to Yoongi and Jimin who sits other side of the table where Taehyung and Jin siting.

Taehyung doesn't give a single glance at Jungkook he was avoiding his eyes all the time and Jungkook noticed.

" Taehyung are you free this sunday ?" Jin asks gaining others attention too.

" mmm I don't have any plans for now why?" Taehyung replies honestly.

" Do you want go to a film with me?" Jin hopefully asks never noticing that Jungkook is giving him a death glare.

Taehyung looks at Jungkook and finds him glaring, ' is he mad? What that glare means ? But he looks hot when he is mad ' Taehyung blushes at his own thoughts , Jungkook raises an eyebrow not knowing what's going inside Taehyung's head. And he mouths ' answer him ' to Taehyung. Just then Taehyung realise he is staring at Jungkook.

" Taehyung what do you say? " Jin asks again because he didn't get any answer from the other.

" Ah Sorry Jinnie I just remembered that I have to go some where."  Taehyung lied. But why ? Because he felt like Jungkook don't want him to agree. He sees Jungkook smirks at the answer and goes back to eating 'Why I think about what he wants me to do '

" oh really ? It's okay may be next time."

Taehyung forces a smile he felt bad for lying but decided to let it go and starts eating.

" Tae there is something in the coner of your lips." Jin said pointing at Taehyung's lip. When Taehyung is about to touch the wrong side,

" let me " jin wipes the coner of Taehyung's lips using his thumb unnecessarily touching half of his lips and after  put the finger on his mouth licking it.

" yak that disgusting " Jimin comments.
Taehyung also surprised at the action. 'May be jin is not that innocent '

" seems like you have a competitor" yoongi whispers to Jungkook. He was watching the two all the time and his blood boiled when Jin touchs Taehyung's lips like that. Jungkook hates it when others touch what is his. With that he stands up and the sudden action makes the chair he was siting fall, Taehyung flinchs at that and the next thing he saw was Jungkook leaving the cafeteria, leaving others confused.


I'm not gonna update anytime soon after this sowwly 😭

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