Go away

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I’ve been hiding it
I tell you something
Just to leave it buried
Now I can’t endure it anymore
Why couldn’t I say it then
I have been hurting anyway Really, I won’t be able to endure it
Now cry
It’s only that
I’m very sorry towards you
Again, cry
( Stigma)


Taehyung pov;

Taehyung sees his father infront of minyu's school and minyu is also with him. 'What is he doing there' Taehyung wonders.He runs to his father leaving Jungkook behind.Actually He forgot Jungkook as soon as he sees his father with minyu.He is not supposed to be there.Taehyung is the one picking up her everytime not his father.

" Appa what are you doing here" Taehyung sees his father holding minyu's hand.She seems helpless.Taehyung knows that minyu is afraid of his father.
"Oppa~" she mumbles her voice is slow.

" I'm taking her home can't I do that I'm her father you know" Taehyung's father laughs.
It sound evils to Taehyung.
'Is he drunk?'

" You don't have to appa.I'll drop her."

"Where?  that bitch's House ?"
He asks angrily.

Taehyung uses to drop minyu at his neighbor's house so he can go to his alba.Taehyung don't like to isolate minyu with his father. So Halmonie living next to taehyung's house take care of minyu untill Taehyung returns.She somehow know their situation so she don't let Taehyung's father to take minyu with him no matter how much he tries. So his father hate her with his whole heart.

" Don't call her that appa.Just let me take minyu" Taehyung  tries.

" Do you know Taehyung your mother came today she told me Taehyung she told me she killed her" Taehyung's father points at minyu.He sounds crazy.

"What are you talking about appa?.please let me take her" Taehyung begs.It's clear now that his father is drunk.Taehyung is afraid he don't want to make a scene here.

Taehyung's father grips minyu's hand when Taehyung tries to take her.
"She needs to be punished.Your mom ask me to punished her Tae"

"Mom will never tell anything like that appa.Let's go home you are drunk"

" I'm not drunk. Get the fuck out from my way Taehyung, otherwise I'll hurt you too." He shouts.

" Not here appa please " Taehyung is now about to cry. Taehyung sees minyu is silently crying too.Taehyung can't take it anymore.

"Come here baby don't cry" Taehyung pulls minyu this time.And His father losts his control.

" I said fuking go away " He slapped  Taehyung and Taehyung falls down.


Jungkook pov;

"Where are you going?"

Jungkook asks when Taehyung suddenly left him and ran towards the school gate.He is not sure what's got into Taehyung so he stops there and watchs taehyung.He sees that taehyung stops infront of a middle aged man and a little girl.

"Isn't that the same girl with Taehyung  yesterday.?"

Jungkook walked to them but stoped when he saw that taehyung is arguing with the man he can't hear them but he can see that Taehyung is trying to get the girl from the man. But the man don't let him. Jungkook sees the girl is crying.Jougkook is confused.

" what is happening?, should I go and ask him?"
Jungkook is about to go but this happens.
The man slapped   Taehyung and he met the ground.Taehyung looks so helpless.Jungkook lost it anger arise his whole body.
How dare he to slap Taehyung.
He grips his fit and punchs the man.

Jungkook punches Taehyung's father several time.

" Why the fuck you slaped him" Jungkook continues.Jungkook is so strong so Taehyung's father fails to fight back.

Taehyung getsup when he sees his father is being beaten by Jungkook.

" Stop it Jungkook get off from him "

Jungkook didn't hear Taehyung's voice.He is angry how dare this man to slap Taehyung? That's the only thing warking on his mind.

"I said stop it" Taehyung pushes Jungkook away from his father.

" Huh now you hire gangsters to punch me??" Taehyung's father says trying to hold himself he is so weak.

" Noo" Taehyung cries.He hate to see his father so weak like this after all he is his father so he tries to help him.But he didn't let him.

" Go away " with that Taehyung's father levels  them.

" Why did you do that Jungkook?" Taehyung shouts through his tears.

" He just fuking slapped you Taehyung and you are asking this?"
Jungkook can't get why Taehyung is shouting at him he even tried to help that man??

" And what is it to you? " Taehyung is not in his right mind now.

" woah I can't believe this. I just wanted to help you and you are getting angry at me not that fuker"

" I didn't ask your help, Please leave me alone"

" Fuck it.Fine "
Jungkook gets angry  he just wanted to make sure that taehyung is okay He just wanted to help him and he is getting this for it?.
This is why he don't med with others business. Jungkook leaves Taehyung and minyu there and walks away.

Taehyung brakes down there.He regrets letting Jungkook to come with him.This is the last thing he wanted to happen. Taehyung always hide his true self from other.He is afraid,what if what if Jungkook finds out about his life. No Taehyung can't let that happen.He at least wants to live as a ordinary students.

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