A Reason

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Jimin followed Taehyung from the hospital but he lost him, itaewon is a huge area Jimin didn't knew where to go since he don't know where Taehyung exactly lives he felt like he is useless for not knowing where his bestfriend lives. Jimin walks different lanes asking about Taehyung from random man and women.

For his luck he notice minyu with a old lady and quickly ran to them.

" hey minyu baby why are you crying?where is Taehyung ? " Jimin asked wiping her tears. But minyu replies nothing so he turns to the old lady.

" Halmonie I'm Taehyung's friend where is he? "

" He went to his house, I think he was not in a good mood, poor thing I don't know when will god stop his suffering " She replies with a sigh.

" mmm can you tell me which one is his house " Jimin asked feeling dump again. And Halmonie shows him his house so Jimin waste no time and runs to the house.

" Taehyung ? , where are you ? " Jimin shouts running inside the house there is no clue about Taehyung.

Finally he stands infront of a half closed door.

" Taehyung ? " he called again and get nothing so he decided to go inside.

Once he step inside the sight infront of him makes him shives, there his best friend lying in a blood pool..

Jimin runs to Taehyung holding him in his arms. He checks his heart beat, thank god it still beating even though it's very weak to say.

Jimin calls an ambulance, he wraps Taehyung's bleeding hands using his shirt and Hold it up to the air to reduced the the amount of blood Taehyung is loosing.

" Taehyungie why did you do this," Jimin couldn't stop his tears anymore. He can't imagine how much His bestfriend was suffering to do this to himself.

Jimin carried Taehyung to downstairs hearing ambulance reaching them.

The old lady also came hearing a sound of the ambulance and seeing Taehyung carried inside it she runs to it,

" Oh my god what happened to him "

" Halmonie please take care of minyu, please don't tell her anything, Taehyung will be fine " with that Jimin also get into the ambulance.

The lady watchs the ambulance disappear from her sight in mere second.

" Please god save him." She prays.


Yoongi was on the lobby when they take Taehyung to the hospital following by jimin.

Many doctors gather around Taehyung's trolley and one of thes ask a nurse to prepare for a surgery. "The boy was loosing too much blood, hurry up "

Doctors ask Jimin to stay outside untill they finish the surgery. And jimin stops following them.

" Jimin ? " Yoongi calls, and jimin throws himself to his hands.

" Hyung Tae, he~ he tried to suicide hyung "

" what? " Yoongi shocked at that.

" yes hyung, how much pain washe hiding on that beautiful smile hyung, I was terrible friend, I was with him all the time but failed to notice his pains"

" shhh~ don't crying, don't blame yourself . He will be fine " Yoongi tries to calm the smaller, but he himself not sure about the situation.

Suddenly surgery room opens making Jimin's heart stop for a second it's not too long they start the operation. A male nurse appears infront of them,

" is anyone here his relative? " the male nurse ask.

" no we are his friends why? " yoongi questions.

" ahh~ we need to give him blood, but the thing is we are running out of O+ witch is his blood type. So we need to find a donater as soon as possible, otherwise his life is in danger " the nurse described.

" what kind of hospital is this you don't have enough supplies ?" Jimin shouts grabing the male by his color.

"Jimin calm down, " yoongi pulls Jimin back to himself and again another doctor walks out of the room.

" Doctor please do something save him " Jimin cries.

" we are trying our best mister but the problem is he lost too much blood, we don't have enough supplies in this moment. Even though we had we need his relative because the boy has anemia, it's look like he was addicted to selfharm this is a side effect of it. We need to do a bone marrow transfusion as soon as possible. Please call his relative, "

'Taehyung has anemia ? No wonder he fainted time to time' Jimin thinks he feels useless at the moment towards many things about Taehyung  that he didn't notice before.

" Jimin where is Taehyung's father he is the only one can save him, " Yoongi asks, they need to bring Taehyung father here as soon as possible.

" I don't know hyung he was not at the home " Jimin said,

" He is in the jail, yoongi hurry up we need to bring him " Namjoon appears from the behind, he was listening to the all conversations he felt bad for being harsh on Taehyung.

After 30 minutes they bring Taehyung's father to the hospital. The man was clue less about the situation.
The two males who drags him here told nothing, because they wanted him to see it from his own eyes.

" Jimin why are you here where is Taehyung? " the man Questions seeing his son's friend here at the hospital. Anger rise up jimin's whole body seeing the man who is the main reason for his friend suffering that much, without thinking too much jimin throw a punch to his face.

" look what you did to your son " Jimin pushes him to door where Taehyung is in he sees his son was lying in bed connecting his body to so many machine like a robot.

" Taehyung, my son what happen to you " He stats crying he felt like his whole world crashed infront of him seeing his son again like this he once nearly lost his son, he dedicated his everything to save his son, his son his life his Taehyung.

"Doctor this is his father take his all bones if you want and please save Taehyung " Jimin said and two nurse escort Taehyung's father to make him ready for the surgery.

The surgery went for an hours. Namjoon went to check on Jungkook time to time he was not wakeup yet doctors said he is just sleeping and nothing to worry about.

After like ages, the room of the operating room opens revealing the figure of the doctor. Jimin jumps up from the bench he was sitting and walks to the doctor.

" Doctor how is he? "

" The operation went well but we can't tell anything just yet, we did everything we could but it seem like the boy don't corporation much, it's like he don't want to live anymore, I hope he will find a reason to live on.

' A reason '


Jungkook opens his eyes and the first thing cross his mind was,

" Taehyung "


This chapter might be boring swolyy🙁

one more to go.😁

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