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" Taehyung "

Jungkook mumbles his name, he slowly open his eyes adjusting to the light fill in the white room. He looks around, the white walls, Iv poll and stuffs around him screamed a hospital.

'If I'm in the hospital where is Taehyung may be he brought me here' last thing Jungkook remember was the teary eyes of Taehyung who was shouting his name. Jungkook feel mad with himself for being so weak, what if Taehyung's father did something to him. Jungkook didn't feel right about anything so he getsup from the bed ignoring the pain back of his head.

When he was about to remove his iv, the door opens revealing namjoon.

" Jungkook ? What are you doing stay still " Namjoon hurried and stops Jungkook from getting up the bed.

" Hyung ? Where is Taehyung ? I want to see him " Namjoon notice how panic Jungkook sounded. But Namjoon don't want Jungkook to tell about Taehyung because the boy just wakesup he need rest so he decided not to tell anything just yet.

" Jungkook are you in a state to worry about others ? Look at yourself first. Lay down I'll call a doctor to check you " Namjoon scolds and try to push Jungkook back to his bed but Jungkook  stops him.

" Where is Taehyung, tell me I want to see him, Did he bring me here? " Jungkook wants so bad to see Taehyung, check whether he is fine or not he feel uneasy utill he ensure the boy is safe.

" Yes he brought you here and mmm went back home because his sisiter called him " Namjoon lies. He just don't want Jungkook to worry may be after he take a rest he will tell him.

Jungkook didn't satisfied from the answer but decided to give in because he knows how much Taehyung cares for minyu, " He was fine right hyung?"  If Taehyung is Just fine that's all matter for Jungkook.

" yes Jungkook he is totally fine don't worry, just rest a little bit okay ? "
Jungkook hmmed and lay back in the bed and Namjoon went for a doctor.

Jungkook tries to sleep but the thoughts about the certain boy didn't leave his mind. ' what is this weird feeling ? ' Jungkook feels like he is loosing something. Even he tries to ignore it, it grew bigger, no he couldn't stay in the bed anymore he needs to see Taehyung, at least he wanted to hear his voice.

Jungkook stands removing the iv his head started to spine and he lost the balance, but he manage to take support from the wall and gather strength to walk. When he about to step out from the room he stops seeing his hyungs standing in the corido near his room,

" did you tell him? " Yoongi asked Namjoon.

" No yoongi, he don't need to know he need to rest may be after we can tell him "

" But Namjoon Taehyung is in risk we don't know what will happen, let's tell him before it's too late yeah? He will hate us if something happen to Taehyung " Yoongi tries to convince Namjoon.

Jungkook feel a pang on his heart hearing those words, he runs to yoongi and grabs his color.

" Hyung what are you talking about ? Where is Taehyung ? What happened to him hyung tell me"

" Jungkook hold yourself first, or I'm not gonna tell you anything " Yoongi said slightly pushing Jungkook away.

" Sorry hyung sorry please tell me what happened to Taehyung where is he? " Jungkook sounds broken. He is afraid, His Taehyung his love he need to see him,

" Taehyung, he tried to comite suicide" Yoongi said not looking at Jungkook he just can't look at him.

" He did what? No hyung you are lying  this is not time for jokes " Jungkook chuckles, he wish, he wish that yoongi was lying.

His Taehyung, he is strong, he promised him to be strong this can't be true.

" I wish it's a lie too Jungkook but it is not, you can see yourself, " Yoongi sighs.

" NO hyung NO this can't be true, he can't do that" Jungkook screams punching to the wall. He just can't believe it.

" Get yourself together Jungkook you are wasting time here" yoongi said grabbing Jungkook from his shoulder.
Yoongi lead him to the room where Taehyung is in.

Jungkook stops at the glass door. He sees his love is lying in there connecting to so many machines. The beautiful boy he loves seems so lifeless. No he don't want to see him like this. He tries to get into the room. He just can't stand there he needs to go to Taehyung he wants to hold him close, He needs Taehyung in his arms.

Before Jungkook gets in a nurse came running out of the room, when the door opens Jungkook hears the emergency bell is ringing. Others also rushed in there.

" Doctor his BP is getting low " The nurse informed the doctor who enters the room.

No no this can't be happening, Jungkook runs after them a nurse tries to stop him but he pushs him away. Doctor signals him to let Jungkook  in because they already lost the faith of Taehyung's life.

Beep beep beep beep

' I'm so tired fighting with this body Just let me go I want to be free ' a tear left Taehyung's eyes. He is finally going to be free.

The green line of the cardiac monitor turns into red straight line generating a painful non stop beeeep from the monitor Sinning that Taehyung's heart Just stops.

Doctors holds the pad of electrical cardiovertion, this is the last thing they can do for the boy.

" No Taehyung  no you can't do this to me. Open your eyes baby I'm here please look at me please , why did you lie huh?  you promised me to be strong, you are such a lier, please don't leave me baby I can't live without you anymore" Jungkook cries holding his lover, his tears reachs Taehyung's hands that Jungkook is holding close to his face.

                         ' Jungkook ' 

           He feels him. His Jungkook.

Before the doctor give the electric shock to Taehyung the straight beep sound again turn to a broken beep sounds.

" Doctor his heart is warking again. " The nurse informed. Jungkook looks at his lover. " Taehyung you hear me right, I'm here baby wakeup for me, I love you Taehyung I love you please love don't leave me "

" It's getting high,his heart beat it's getting back to normal " The nurse keep look at the monitor and back at doctors they can't believe what Just happened. The boy's heart literally Stoped a while ago and it starts again because of his lover? How can they believe that. But miracles happen.

Doctor checks the boy's condition and informed he is stable now. And he walks out from the room leaving Jungkook with Taehyung.

Jimin was crying in Yoongi's shoulder thinking he lost his soulmate while  Taehyung's father breaks down on the floor. He regrets everything he did to hurt the poor boy.

The doctor stops infront of them,

"I have heard  love can do miracles but never seen before, Seems like he found the reason to live on, The boy is nearly died but I think their love is strong than death " The doctor said smiling at Jungkook and Taehyung.


The chapter turns out too long so I decided to divide it into two chapters. Will update other one soon.

Tell me what you think about this chap.🙂

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