A beautiful chapter

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Hours past after the incident. Yoongi send Jimin home even though he refused to go home. Yoongi said he should come tomorrow with minyu since the little girl must have being worried about her brother. So Jimin agrees and went home with Namjoon. Yoongi decided to stay.

Jungkook never left Taehyung even doctors ask him to leave because he still need to rest but Jungkook is being so stubborn saying he wants to stay with Taehyung, So they decided to give up.

Jungkook stay the whole night up hoping Taehyung will wakeup, Now it's almost the morning.

Jungkook rest his on the bed hugging Taehyung's hands.He brushes his fingers on his hand feeling the softness. ' even his hands are so pretty' Jungkook thinks. Jungkook's eyes roams to Taehyung's other hand witch is bandaged.

' How much did you suffered to do this to yourself baby, I will never let anything anyone to hurt you again believe me ' that moment Jungkook made a promise to himself to protect this pure angel rest of his life. He leaves a soft kiss on Taehyung's hand to seal his promise.

" Jungkook "

Jungkook raises his head hearing the soft call of his name and meet with the beautiful male who is looking at him.

" Taehyung "

They stares at eachother for a while, the eye contact make their hearts beat in a same rhythm. Even without they knowing it a tear filles their eyes. The look on Taehyung's eyes tells Thank you for saving me, while Jungkook's thanks Taehyung for coming back for him, they don't need to use words to express those feeling because their hearts already understand everything.

" you wakesup ?" Jungkook finally brake the silent reaching to wipe the tears from Taehyung.

Taehyung nodes giving him a small smile.

" how you feeling should I call the doctor ?"
Taehyung shakes his head.

" Dose it hurt ?" Taehyung asks touching the bandage around Jungkook's head with the tip of his fingers.

" No I'm fine " Jungkook grabs his hand and kiss the palm giving a butterfly feeling to Taehyung.

" I thought I lost you "

" me too "

" you know I'm still mad with you "

" why? " Taehyung pouts.

" you broke the promise "

" promise ? "

" see you don't even remember "

" mmm "

" you promised me to be brave you promised me you will never do this " Jungkook point at Taehyung's hand.

" Sorry " Taehyung feels shamed, that moment he lost all his hope for live on he just wanted to end the his pain and others sufferings but now he felt shame about it, what will have happen to minyu, not only for Jungkook he also broke the promise he made to his mother.

Taehyung's eyes fills with tears. He cries not wanting to hide his tears again. For the first time on his life he wanted to realise them infront of someone because that someone is Jungkook.

Jungkook softly lift Taehyung up and hugs him giving all access to Taehyung breaks down in his arms. He rubs his hand on Taehyung's back.

" It's going to be okay, I'm here baby everything will be fine " Jungkook kissed Taehyung's head.

Finally Taehyung found it, home.
Taehyung believes that home is not a place but a feeling because he never felt like home in his actual home but now he feels he is home, in Jungkook's arms in his warmth he found home. Taehyung smiles through his taers. He is in his home.

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