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Third person pov;

" Where is Jungkook ? Why he ignores my calls" Yoongi walks into Namjoon and Jungkook's shared appartement
complaining about how Jungkook ignored his everything calls and texts.

" Yah, You scared me, don't you know how to knock before entering someone house." Nomjoon shouts.

" Why I have to knock when the door is fully open? You have to lock the door if you don't want outsiders. It's basic knowladge." Yoongi says while sitting on the sofa.

" I know but door lock is broken." Namjoon replies.

" I'm not even surprised. Isn't this 7th time or 8? "

" No it's 5th " Namjoon corrected yoongi.

" Whatever, but where is Jungkook" yoongi asks looking around.

" He is in his room. I asked him out several time to fix the door lock but he didn't response" nomjoon complains throwing his hands to the air.

" Aish this kid. What is wrong with him" yoongi says leaning on the sofa getting himself comfortable.

" Did something happen in collage? He act different.This is not like Jungkook." Namjoon asks rubbing his temple.

" Something definitely happened but I don't know what Jungkook have to do with it" Yoongi says with a serious tone.

" What do you mean? "
Before yoongi answers to Namjoon Jungkook walks into the living room.Gaining two of their attention.

" yah, How many times I called you to fix the door lock,are you deaf or something ? Look now outsiders burst into our house and being so comfortable." Namjoon shouts pointing at yoongi. Yoongi shows his middle finger as a reply.

" You little rat I'm still your professor behave" Namjoon rolls his eyes at the younger.

"Yeah, yeah whatever."

Jungkook smiles at the two and sits next to namjoon.

" Back to the point" Yoongi looks at Jungkook now sitting properly." Tell me kook what's wrong with you huh? Why did you leave like that."

" Sorry hyung. I was not in my right mind"
Jungkook utters.

" Exactly, and I'm asking why was that? I know you are upset about what happened to that Taehyung kid but why it affect to you so much?" Yoongi gives a serious look to Jungkook.

" Taehyung ? Are you taking about Kim Taehyung ? " Namjoon interprets.

" Yeah" yoongi replies.

" Do you know him huyng ? " Jungkook ask curiously.

" How couldn't I know ? He is such a cute and humble kid " Namjoon smiles remembering how he specialy like Taehyung he is not only humble but also good at his classes too so namjoon very fund of him from the beginning.

" Yeah he is cute " Jungkook smiles and next moment his smile fades away reminding him the way Taehyung lying on the floor looking so lifeless his heart stoped for a second back there. Jougkook sighs palming his face.

Namjoon and yoongi looks at Jougkook and back at eachother not understanding what's going on inside their maknea's head.

" Jungkook what's going on? You know you can tell us anything" Namjoon asks rubbing his hand on Jungkook's back. Somehow it clams Jungkook.

" I don't know huyng, I don't know why I'm like this why I think about him so much" Jungkook wants to too. Why he care about Taehyung? He ended up hurting him because of his his stupid behavior.Jungkook feels so guilty.

" You mean Taehyung ? " Yoongi asks. It's not that he didn't notice how Jungkook looked so depressed after what happened to Taehyung. He notice the worried look Jungkook gave to Taehyung.

Jungkook hmmed.

" Do you have to do something with him fainting ?" Yoongi frowns.
Jungkook remain silent.

" Taehyung fainted ? Why? Oh poor boy. How is he now ? " Namjoon asks. " oh wait , what you have to do with it Jungkook you better tell me right now What did you do to poor boy? "

" It's not like that huyng" Jungkook sighs.Now there is no way Jungkook can hide anything from his huyngs he know that they never stop asking untill he tell them. So Jungkook decided to tell them.He also need to let it out otherwise he will go crazy.

So Jungkook told everything from the day he first saw the crying boy and how he punched the man who slapped Taehyung and how Taehyung shouted at him because of that and how he take his anger out from Taehyung today asking why he do that because Jungkook just wanted to help and how the boy fainted after that. He tells everything but without the part The man who slapped Taehyung Is his own father. Of course Jungkook don't tell them because he know that Taehyung don't want that. He somehow know that it something Taehyung fears the most. That's why Taehyung don't want to talk about it with Jungkook.

Both huyngs sighs after listening to Jungkook.

"You should apologize Jungkook, I know it may definitely upset you he taking that man's side after you are the one help him but it don't give you any rights to shout at him like tha.There are things that we can't explain so easily if Taehyung don't want to talk about it mean he have his own reason for that." Namjoon explains.

" I agree, Jimin said That happen to Taehyung when he overwork himself or when he get panic or shocked so it's mean you are the reason he fainted huh?" Yoongi asks.

" I didn't mean to" Jungkook uttars.

" It's okay Jungkook we all make mistakes time to time. Apologize to him he is such a good kid he will forgive you" Namjoon says looking at Jungkook. He felt sad for the boy he looks so depressed.

" Do you think huyng ? Will he forgive me? " Jungkook asks. He is not sure about it. Will Taehyung even listen to him He said stay away from him earlier.
But Jungkook can't giveup he will asks for forgiveness.

" Yes kid he will I'm sure" Namjoon smiles.

" I will talk to him tomorrow."

" Good now go and fix the door lock before someone else come to disturb us."

" You make it sound like you two are a newly wedded couple" Yoongi rolls his eyes at namjoon's words.


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