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Third person pov:

Jungkook walks back to Taehyung, the boy is still the same spot where Jungkook left him.Jungkook's heart breaks at the sight. He slowly lean into the brown haired boy.

"Taehyung" Jungkook sofly calls him but he got no response.Jungkook sighs for the nineth time and carefully make Taehyung stand.

Jungkook stop and thinks for a while he don't know where Taehyung lives asking it from Taehyung is also useless because he doesn't seems like he is in his sense now.
Jungkook can ask Jimin and drop him in his house but it doesn't feel right to him. Jungkook shakes his head.
' No I can't leave him with his father, I don't trust that man'

Jungkook calls yoongi and ask them to come his appartement instead of the restaurant.

Jungkook is taking Taehyung to his appartement.

"Tae, let's go" Jungkook leads Taehyung out of the restaurant his one arm around Taehyung's waist.Taehyung doesn't say anything he just follows Jungkook.Lot of things happen in a single day and it is too much for Taehyung.His mind is completely blank.He only knows that he is safe, he is safe with Jungkook..

Jungkook called a taxi for them because he Can't take Taehyung in his bike.He can come to take it another time.
Jungkook help Taehyung to sit and gives the address to the driver, the driver gives weird look to Taehyung. Taehyung seems to notice it, he eventually hide himself in Jungkook's arms.

When they arrive the appartement building Taehyung felt asleep in Jungkook's arms so Jungkook picks him bridle style and carries him to his appartement.

Namjoon waits for them at the door Jungkook informed him on his way that he is taking Taehyung to the appartement.Since Namjoon notice the seriousness of jungkook's voice through the call he just agreed instead of asking questions.

" Oh god Jungkook what happened to him?" Namjoon got panicked when he sees Taehyung in Jungkook's arm.

" Don't worry hyung he is sleeping help me to take him to my bed room." Jungkook says in a law voice. He doesn't want to wakeup the boy in his arms.
Namjoon opens the door for them and Jungkook puts Taehyung under the comforter.He looks at the boy for a while, tears fills his eyes even without he realising.

Namjoon notices and he calls him. "Jungkook ?"
Jungkook looks at his huyng. "I couldn't save him huyng," Jungkook fucking regrets that he didn't go there earlier Jungkook can't stand the fact that he was practically outside the restaurant when that shit happen to Taehyung.

" hey come on let's go outside first " Namjoon take Jungkook outside his room leaving sleeping Taehyung there.

When they reachs to the living room Yoongi and Jimin rushed inside.

" Where is he? where is Taehyung ?" Jimin asks running towards Jungkook.

" He is sleeping in Jungkook's room " Namjoon replies.

" I want to see him" Jimin says walking to find Jungkook's room. Yoongi stops him." Let him sleep Jimin you can talk to him when he wakesup"

"But huyng~"

" I think yoongi is right he seems fine let him res~ "

"He is not fine hyung he is fucking not fine"
Namjoon's worlds cut off by Jungkook. " Taehyung nearly got raped by that fucker he is not fine I could have save him if I was there a bit earlier." A tear fall down from Jungkook's eyes.

Both Namjoon and Yoongi shocked at the behavior of the younger 'Is Jungkook crying ? He is crying for Taehyung ? ' both hyung has the same thought. They can't believe Jungkook is crying right now.This is not the Jungkook they used to know.That Jungkook never cried for anything for anyone. But what is this?

" What do you mean Jungkook what exactly happened there?" Yoongi breaks the silence.

Jungkook tells them everything wiping his tears namjoon side hugs him claiming that it was not his fault.Jimin also started to cry after hearing everything from Jungkook.

" Hey don't cry " yoongi tries to clam him.

" I failed to stop him hyung I'm such a bad friend " Jimin can't seems stop his tears.

" You both better stop blaming yourselves " Namjoon says in a cold tone. " What happened is happened regrets don't make things right, now let's see what can we do for Taehyung instead of this blaming thing" Jungkook remains silence Jimin quickly wipes his tears. Namjoon can be scary sometimes.

" What will happen to Taehyung if that man dies?" Yoongi asks Jungkook.

" There is cctv records so I think it will not affect to Taehyung "

" That's good, Taehyung only did it for self-defence so things are on his side" Namjoon adds.

" I can't believe that fucker dared to rape him infront of a fucking cctv what a dumpass." Yoongi scoffs.

" Will it be okay to keep him here ? His parents must be looking for him now" Namjoon asks looking both Jimin and Jungkook.

" Actually Taehyung's mother died when he was 11, he is now living with his father and sisiter" Jimin says.

" Oh I didn't knew that, we should inform his father then"
"No Don't tell him, he is staying here tonight" Jungkook cuts off Namjoon. Jungkook don't want Taehyung's father to take him away. Other three looks at him with widen eyes.

" What do you mean Jungkook we have to inform him, Jimin can you give me his number ?" Namjoon asks taking his phone out of his pocket.

"ah~ I don't have his number " Jimin replies awkwardly.Namjoon frowns at him " Do you know where he works or something useful ? "

Jimin looks down at that. " I even don't know where Taehyung lives I only know that he is living near Itaewon area."

" What ? Are you sure you are his bestfriend ?" Jimin again starts to cry at Namjoon's words.Yoongi glared at Namjoon putting his arm around jimin.

" I know I'm such a bad friend actually he has never take me to his house, never tells anything about his father. I thought it because their financial states at first but I know Taehyung has big reason than that he never share anything about his life with me Even though he seems like the happiest person in the world,
I may not show him but I know he is not that happy I know he is struggling a lot I want him to share everything with me but I don't want to force him, I will wait for him I will wait untill the day he trust me enough to tell everything"

Tears falls down rapidly in Jimin's eyes he always act like he don't care but it hurts him to think that his bestfriend don't trust him enough to share whatever going on his life. He just want to help Taehyung and stay by his side no matter what He just want Taehyung to be happy.

Jungkook carefully listen to Jimin he feels bad for the boy. ' What are you
hiding Taehyung? Why are you suffering alone when you have such a caring bestfriend like Jimin? Whatever it is I'll find it Taehyung I'll end your pains'


I'm not happy about this chapter 😐

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