First impression

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Jungkook pov;

"What the hell yoongi hyung? Where are you I'm waiting here like forever."

" oh calm the fuck down kook I'm on the way give me just 20 min."
The voice other side of the phone shouted.

"You said exactly the same thing 40 minutes ago huyng"

" okay okay just 10 minutes, I'll be there."

" If you don't show up withing 10 minutes I'm gonna leave"

Jungkook said and hangup the call.
He was waiting for his best friend yoongi at the children's park.Yoongi is 3 years older than him who is now 23 years old and Jougkook is 20.

They went to the same elementary school and once yoongi helped Jungkook who was bullied by his classmates that's where the friendships started.Jougkook is not a social person nether yoongi may be that's what make them best friends.

Jungkook leans to the wall and started to play with his phone untill he heard the sound of opening gate.

In this time of the day it's rare to see people in the park so he looked at the person curiously.

It's a boy with a little girl in his hands.
'Isn't he too young to be a father?.' Jungkook thinks while scanning the person.He can't see the face clearly because it's getting dark but still he notices the handsome face.

For some reason he couldn't take off his eyes from that person who is now busy chatting with the little girl in the swinging area he can't hear what they are talking because it's little far from where Jungkook currently standing .
It seems like the person didn't notice Jungkook.

After a little chit chat the boy walks towards the bench which is about 5-6 feets away from the wall where jougkook is standing.Jougkook quickly hide behind the wall.Why? Who knows.He felt an urge to do so.

Jungkook continues watching the brown heard boy, now sitting in the bench while looking at the sky.Through the fading sunlight Jungkook  can see the side profile of the boy.

Through the fading sunlight Jungkook  can see the side profile of the boy

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'Why does he looks so sad?'
Jougkook thinks.

This is not like Jungkook, he normally don't care about others specialty about strangers but now it's like he is attracted to the stranger or may be because he is jobless right now.

What are you doing Jungkook just mind your own business.Jungkook shock his head and checked the time in his phone it's almost 10 minutes from the call before
and his huyng is still not there.

To : cool hyung

I'm done waiting here huyng . I'm gonna go keep the motorbike with you I'll come to take it tomorrow."

Jungkook was there to take his bike back from yoongi who borrowed his bike two days ago.

Jungkook send the messeng to yoongi and put his phone back in the pocket ready to get going,that's when he heard it a sound of a soft cry Jungkook and looked at the brown haired boy.

Jungkook send the messeng to yoongi and put his phone back in the pocket ready to get going,that's when he heard it a sound of a soft cry Jungkook and looked at the brown haired boy

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He is crying. And Jungkook clearly heard the words slipped his mouth.

"I'm sorry appa.Please stop acting like this I can't take this anymore I'm afraid what if I can't control myself around you like today I'm afraid that I will do something I don't want to, so please...

Now the boy is crying too hard than before.Jungkook  was lost for a moment he didn't know what to do, a part of him wanted to go to the boy and asks if he is okay but his ego is stopping him..

The scenery infront of him makes his heart ache.So finally he decided to go to him. Before he makes a move he saw that the boy wiped his tears and walked back to the little girl.

"Hey kook you still here I thought you left" Jungkook  comes back to reality when he heard yoongi.

"Ah..yeah I was about to leave"

" Good thing you didn't. Here"
Yoongi throw the keys to Jungkook  and he catched.

"Let's go" yoongi said walking back and notice that Jungkook  is still not moving.
Jungkook  was busy searching for the brown haired boy he is no where to see. Did he left already?

" what are you looking at?"

"Ahh nothing, nothing huyng let's go"


I know this chapter is boring, but please let me know what you think about this story so far.💜️💜️💜️

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