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Taehyung opens his eyes feeling a hard pillow against his head. He raises his head and panics at the unfamiliar surrounding so he quickly gets up to have a better look.

His eye lands on the so called pillow and his eyes widen seeing Jungkook sleeping next to him. He checks his body under the comforter and release a sigh of relief after realising he has his clothes on.

Jungkook also wakes up due to the loose of warmth he felt all night. His first vision of the day is Taehyung with cute morning look. ' What a sight ' Jungkook smiles.

"Good morning" Jungkook greets but Taehyung is still in dark he can't understand what is happening and how he ened up in a bed with Jungkook. But slowly the blurry memories of yesterday pops up in his head one by one.

Jungkook notice the change of Taehyung expressions.

" Hey, Taehyung relax you are in my appartement don't worry you are safe here." Jungkook explains trying to take Taehyung's hand but he defense from the touch and get down on the bed.

' idiot, you scared him ' Jungkook mentally slaps himself.

" I want to go home,I have to find minyu " Taehyung speaks more like he mumbles it to himself But it was loud enough for Jungkook to hear.

Jungkook totally forgot about the little girl he only thought about Taehyung's father when he decide to keep Taehyung. she must be worried not having her brother home last night.

" I'll take you. " Jungkook says walking to Taehyung and Taehyung backs away not letting Jungkook to come close that make Jungkook to stop. Some how this little things Taehyung do to keep their distance make Jungkook heart ache. Taehyung was the one breaking down on his shoulder last night and he is the one who wanted to sleep on his embrace last night and now what this distance thing?

Taehyung finally looks at Jungkook and their eyes met Taehyung notice the sadness of Jungkook's eyes. Taehyung clearly remember how Jungkook helped him yesterday.Taehyung owns him a lot but the thing is his body acts against his will and he can't help it.

" Go and wash up I'll take you home " Jungkook breaks the silence, voice cold.

" No Jungkook you don't have to I~ " Taehyung doesn't want to bother him anymore he did more than enough already but Jungkook cuts him before he finish the sentence.

" I said I'll take you and that's final, now go and get ready " Jungkook demands. Taehyung gulps and nods immediately.If Taehyung is stubborn Jungkook can be more than that.

Taehyung stops at the half way of the bathroom. " Ah~ Jungkook ??" Taehyung calls him not sure how to ask this.

" What? " Jungkook ask still with his cold voice.

" I~ mmm I don't have anything change into " Taehyung says with a small voice looking everywhere other than Jungkook.

Jungkook gets what he means and his madness vanished at the cuteness of the boy infront of him.

" I have new boxers there and also you can wear anything you want " Jungkook points at the cupboard.

"Come downstairs when you done okay?" This time he sofly says while smiling at the brown haired boy.

" Okay, " Taehyung vanished at the bathroom with that.

Jungkook also walks to Namjoon's room
to get dressed himself giving all privacy Taehyung needs.


" How is Taehyung ? " Namjoon asks Jungkook who is now walking to the kitchen.

" I don't know hyung. He said he wants to go home."

" puff, what with that disappointment in your voice ? Did you expect him to stay here forever ? " Namjoon teases Him.

" I didn't mean that " Jungkook rolls his eyes. " And what are you doing in the kitchen I don't want a to spend my money to repair it again." Namjoon scoffs at the younger.

"Yah this is a shared appartement do you even know what shared means." Namjoon shouts but go to sit on the dining table anyway.

" You nearly lost your middle finger last time when you tried to cut onions huyng, If I didn't save you, your future lover will be so disappointed at the bed. "

" Yah!!, stop hanging out with that street cat, this is not how I raised you." Namjoon shouts.

" Yoongi huyng will be mad if he hears you"Jungkook laughs at his hyung and he stops right after noticing the figure approaching them. Namjoon also turns to look.Taehyung is now wearing a black oversized hoodie and black pants witch belongs to Jungkook. He looked for another colour but he found nothing.

" Taehyung, Good morning "

" Good morning Mr. Joon? " Taehyung is bit surprised to see Namjoon in Jungkook's house. 'Did Jungkook inform about him to the college ? is that why Mr. Joon is here? ' Taehyung looks at Jungkook for answers.

Jungkook reads the surprised expression on Taehyung's face after seen Namjoon.

" Me and Namjoon hyung shared this appartement and he is one of my old friend" Taehyung makes a o shape with his lips at the new information. Jungkook smiles finding it cute. ' how many times you gonna call him cute Jungkook ?' A voice inside his head questions.

" I'm sorry what happened to you yesterday Taehyung don't worry the man will get his punishment for doing such a disgusting thing." Namjoon speaks
and Taehyung again looks at Jungkook.

He thought he killed the man yesterday he only remembered the sight of a dead body on the floor bleeding, and next memory he has is the night with Jungkook, how he cried in his shoulder and how he asks Jungkook to stay with him yes Taehyung remembers everything how Jungkook takecare of him.

Taehyung was mentally preparing himself for the out come of a murder at the shower, he even planed to send minyu to a orphanage thinking it's better than leaving her with his father untill he out from the jail.

" You didn't kill him Taehyung don't worry the police send him to the hospital right after they arrived." Jungkook explains carefully not wanting to mention anything bad that can affects to Taehyung. Taehyung tears up hearing Jungkook.

" I thought I have to go jail" Taehyung says wiping his tears.

Isn't it wonderful that Jungkook understand everything just looking at Taehyung's face even without Taehyung tell a single word?

" As if I will let that happen." Jungkook says smiling and that remind Taehyung something..

",If something went wrong I'll take the blame okay"

Taehyung hears this again and again inside his head. 'Jungkook was ready to take the blame for me? Why Jungkook ? I'm not warth enough to sacrifice yourself'

This make Taehyung to run towards Jungkook and he throws himself to Jungkook's arms. Jungkook taken aback from the sudden act, Taehyung tights his hand around Jungkook's neck and Jungkook hugs back.

" Thank you Jungkook, Thank you so much" Taehyung manages to say through his cries.

" shh It's okay don't cry." Jungkook whispers. They bothe losts in eachothers embrace.

Namjoon clears his throat after waiting goddamn ten minutes.

" ahem guys, I'm still here"

How was it? 🤧💜️

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