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Next day Taehyung walked to the university with jimin, but the whole time Taehyung was silent. Jimin asked several times why he is acting like that but Jimin only got nothing jimin 'I'm okay'.

No matter what's going on Taehyung's life he always be that cheerful and funny boy around Jimin. Because Jimin always make him happy and make him forget about his pathetic life. For Taehyung Jimin is like a happy pill. He loves his bestfriend and sometimes Jimin is the only reason for him to smile and be happy for once.

Taehyung tries to be normal with him today too that what he was doing all along. But no, this time he can't, he can't hide his pain his mind is full of black clouds. The thoughts of Jungkook his father and the unstoppable cursing voice inside his head eating him alive.

Jimin notice the change of his bestfriend. He knows Taehyung is hiding something, he always did and Jimin never failed to notice, Jimin loves his bestfriend and he wanted to help him.

Jimin always share everything about him with Taehyung because Taehyung is the most trustworthy person in his life he has his own struggles in his life and taehyung is the one who always bring  him comfort. But it seems like it's not the case for Taehyung. It hurts him to think that his bestfriend doesn't trust him as much as he do.

They reached to the university no one breaking the science between them because both of them trapped inside their own thoughts.

" Hey kids " Both Jimin and Taehyung snapped out when they heard the familiar voice.

"Yoongi huyng,  Jungkook good morning"
Jimin greets the two males walking to them and they response.

Taehyung keeps his head down untill he hears the voice he wanted to avoid and at the same time he only want to hear.

" Good morning Tae" Jungkook says 
tilting his head to meet with Taehyung's face.

" Jimin I'm going to the class " Taehyung  walks away from them even without giving a single glance to Jungkook.

"Woah that's bit rude" Yoongi comments at Taehyung's action but Jungkook smiles thinking it may be because he is still shy about the kiss they shared. That's exactly what Jungkook thought when Taehyung left him at the park yesterday.

Jimin runs after his bestfriend waving good bye to yoongi, Jungkook also walk behind him.

" Hey why did you left like that Jungkook was talking to you " Jimin asks Taehyung who is busy scratching nothing on his note book. But Jimin got no response. So he grabs the pen from Taehyung's hand, " Taehyung tell me. what's wrong with you "  Jimin softly asks putting his hand on Taehyung's and Taehyung finally looks at Jimin and the look he gives him make Taehyung  speak. " He said he likes me" Taehyung mutters. " what? " Jimin asks not getting what Taehyung means. " Jungkook said he likes me." Taehyung repeats.

" woah! really ? " Jimin almost shouts in excitement. Taehyung looks around to see if anyone is staring and found no one..

" I knew this will happen, I'm happy for you Tae Jungkook is a good guy, you two makes an amazing couple. " Jimin says giggling he is really happy about his bestfriend, finally Taehyung is gonna have someone who loves him and cares for him. Jimin has seen the way Jungkook looks at Taehyung, and it's obvious Jungkook is in love with Taehyung.Jimin looks at Taehyung when he realise  Taehyung is dead silent.

" Taehyung what's wrong ? Why are you like this, don't tell me you are going to refuse him too."

Before Taehyung says anything, Jungkook enters the class and the lecturer is also behind him and starts the lecture not giving them a chance to continues their chat. Jungkook time to time gave glances to Taehyung but  Taehyung never gave a single glance to him and it makes Jungkook worried.

 ~WINTER FLOWER~  ( Completed )Where stories live. Discover now