A friend

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Third person pov:

Jungkook tries his best to clam Taehyung, the boy stoped crying but he didn't speak a word he looks so pale and shutters violently.

Jungkook called the police and also informed yoongi, he said he will come with Jimin, Jungkook needs someone to takecare of Taehyung and he know that Jimin is the only one he can trust.

Before police arrived Jungkook grabs the knife that Taehyung attack the man. He wipe the handle with his shirt in order to remove Taehyung's finger prints and touchs with his bare hands. If the police not gonna believe them he will take the responsibility.There is no way he is gonna let them to arrest Taehyung.

Jungkook looks at Taehyung, he is now hugging himself hiding under Jungkook's Jacket.Jungkook sighs and walks back to him.He just sit next to Taehyung and wait for the police.

After 5 or 10 minutes police arrived the restaurant.A officer checked the man in the floor bleeding he feels the poor heart beat of the man.
" He is still alive hurry and Take him to the hospital." The officer orders.
They already bring a ambulance with them so they take the man to the hospital under police guard.

After that one officer walks towards Taehyung and Jungkook.
" You must be Jungkook. Can you explain what happened here."
He asked examine Taehyung and looking back at Jungkook.Taehyung hide behind Jungkook when the police officer approachs to them.

Jungkook looks at Taehyung before he answer.
"That man tried to rape him so I~ "

" Sir we found the cctv footage"
Before Jungkook finished his sentence another officer appears.

" Good, let's check it. You come with me"
The offer says giving a suspicious glare to Jungkook.

" Stay here I'll come back okay" Jungkook whispers to Taehyung but Taehyung didn't response rather he hugs himself tightly.Jungkook sighs and follows the officer.

They check the footage that the man trying to rape Taehyung. Jungkook clenchs his fits.His blood boiled at the sight eyes filled with tears of anger.He sees how Taehyung is straggling to get away from the man, Jungkook wish he came little earlier so this will not happen to Taehyung.

Good thing that the man is taken away or else he don't regret to kill him with his bare hands.
No one, no one can harm his Taehyung and get away with it.

After Checking the cctv footage the officer turns to jungkook. " I'm sorry about what happened to your ~ ah? "

" Ah he is my" Jungkook struggles to finish the sentence. 'Who is he? Who are you Taehyung? What are you to me? Why I care about you so much'

Isn't it strange Jungkook and Taehyung were completely strangers a week ago. But now what is this? Jungkook was even ready to sacrifice himself for Taehyung.
He didn't care to even if he had to go jail for him Jungkook just wants to protect him protect Taehyung by all means.

" he is a friend " Jungkook finished his sentence.

" Sorry what happened to your friend
Mr. Jungkook, We will handle this from now on you can go. I'll call you latter please bring your friend to the police station to take a statement."

" Sure " Jungkook replies shaking the officer's hand and walk back to Taehyung.


Short one😋

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