good bye

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Jungkook gets on to his bike to go back to busan, he never knew he is going to leave seoul this soon. He just wanted to live his own life away from his fathers authority. But that certain boy who walked into his life even without him noticing, managed to changed the things.

He is not blaming Taehyung for anything, because it's him who fall in love with Taehyung. He is the one to be blamed.

At least Jungkook is glad to know someone so innocent like Taehyung, he is glad that his first love is him. Jungkook still wants to be with Taehyung. For the first time of his life he wanted to protect someone and love him with all of his heart. But for his bad Taehyung wanted non of this.

Jungkook rides the bike to itaewon, hoping he could see Taehyung for the one last time. He just can't leave without seeing him. So here he is. Jungkook parks his bike from a distance and walks to the park hoping Taehyung will show up anytime soon.

Taehyung walks back home heads hang law to hide his silent tears. ' Jungkook is leaving ' is the only thing repeats his mind after meeting with Jimin. ' Jungkook is leaving me, everyone I love always leave me,' Taehyung kept on crying. He hate the fact thay he is crying often, where is that strong boy who hides his tears from the world.

' why are you acting like this Taehyung it's you who ask him to stay away from you ' a voice inside of his head laughs at Taehyung.
' I ask him to stay away from me, not to leave me'
' you are crazy Taehyung ' ' I know' the little argument inside his head goes on making Taehyung tired. He doesn't want to go home, he wanted sometime to himself so he walks to the park and sits at the same bench all of this stared.

Same goes to Jungkook he hides him self behind the wall seeing Taehyung walks into the park just like he did at the first day. 'This is where it all began, didn't knew this is where it all going to be end' Jungkook thinks seeking his head to look at Taehyung..

Taehyung smiles a little remembering that Jungkook first saw him here, he wishes him to be here today too, but he knows that it is impossible, Jungkook may be left already. The Thought make him tears again.

" Jungkook " Taehyung cries hiding his face in his palms.

Jungkook was planning to look at the boy from a distance, but hearing Taehyung cries calling his name make him to walks to Taehyung unlike the first time.

" is this your usual crying place? " Jungkook questions making Taehyung to look up at the familiar voice.

" Jungkook ?" Taehyung is not sure if he is seeing things now. How is this possible , why he is here, Taehyung ignores all the questions in his head and throw himself to Jungkook hugging him tightly.

Jungkook taken aback from the sudden action but soon after he hugs back the small frame of Taehyung.

" You are confusing me Tae " Jungkook says while resting his chin on Taehyung's head.

" you didn't leave? " Taehyung asks resting his head on Jungkook's hard chest.

" Not yet " Jungkook said trying to break the hug but Taehyung didn't let him. ' just tell me to stay Taehyung, that's all you need to say' Jungkook hopes the word will come out from Taehyung.

" I'm sorry " Taehyung wanted to ask Jungkook to stay with him but the fear of he will ruin Jungkook's life stops him. He cares for Jungkook so he doesn't want to ruin Jungkook's precious life. But what Taehyung didn't know is that he is going back to a hell because of him.

" Don't be " Jungkook said. His last hope crushed when Taehyung said sorry instead of stay. He slightly push Taehyung away from him.

Taehyung looks down not wanting to meet Jungkook's eyes, but Jungkook cups Taehyung's face and make him look at him.

Jungkook wipes the tears from Taehyung's eyes. " Don't cry, I know you are strong be that Taehyung yeah ?" Taehyung nods.

" promise me? " Jungkook asks forcing a smile, Jungkook don't know what stops Taehyung to accept that be also have feelings for him. It's Just so obvious in those puppy like eyes.

" promise " Taehyung Mumbles.

" Good boy " They stares at eachother for a while and Jungkook leans in closing the gap between their lips. For the one last time he wanted to feel Taehyung's soft lips against his. Taehyung close his eyes drowing at the feeling letting Jungkook to lead the kiss and soon after he kissed back him. Taers falls down both of their eyes. They finally breaks the kiss telling eachother a good bye without words.


Don't worry this is not the end.

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