I ship them

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" opz, you guys are late, they went 10 minutes ago" Namjoon says to yoongi who is walking into the appartement follows by Jimin.

" What do you mean? I sacrificed two hours of my my sleep to take his bike" Yoongi says while puting his hand in the air.

" Taehyung was in hurry he wanted to go home for his sister " Namjoon explains.

" How was he Mr. Joon? " Jimin was so worried he didn't even get any sleep last night.

" I'm not sure but he looked fine to me"
Jimin sighs at that he really want to see Taehyung.

Taehyung wanted to go to minyu as soon as possible Jungkook ask him to wait for yoongi so he can ride him to his house but Taehyung being is a stubborn kid so they decided to take the bus.

" But seriously Namjoon, didn't you notice Jungkook's behavior towards Taehyung ? " Yoongi ask both hyung notice the difference. It's barely a week that they met eachother but Taehyung is definitely doing something to Jungkook and it's so obvious.

Jungkook is never a person who cared about strangers and med with their business. He prefer stay in his boundaries. It's not he is a heartless person he really care about his loved ones.And the real problem is when Taehyung got into that list of people.

" I know right, they kinda act like lovers earlier." Namjoon casually answers.Both yoongi and jimin frowns at that.

" What that supposed to mean "

" See aren't they cute? " namjoon shows the photo he captured earlier when Taekook was hugging.

" Are you stalker or something ?" Yoongi scoffs.

" No I took this because they look cute together I'm going to use this as my wallpaper." Namjoon proudly says showing his dimple smile.

" But I don't know how they ened up this close, they never talked more than two wards at the campus."

Jimin is amused by the fact that Taehyung hugs Jungkook. Taehyung never let anyone to get closer to him Jimin is the only friend he have yes Taehyung is a friendly guy and nice to everyone but never get close to anyone other than Jimin.

Namjoon and Yoongi looks at eachother since they know something more than Jimin does.

" Jimin do Taehyung have a boyfriend or girlfriend ? " Yoongi asks because he feels like Jungkook starts to having feeling for Taehyung.He don't want his bestfriend to get hurt in the end.

" No, he takes everyone down when ever someone ask him out"

"If that's the case I'm okay with this " yoongi says looking at Namjoon for his opinion.

" I ship them too" Namjoon agrees.Jimin gives them a confused look but smiles thinking it's nice if Taehyung get someone other than him in his life.


The bus ride was completely silent non of them dared to broke the comfortable silent between them they sits side by side it was raining a little outside and Taehyung was lost at the rain while Jungkook is lost at Taehyung. The rain stops when they arrived to Itaewon.

" You live near the children park right " Finally Jungkook broke the silent between them.

" Yeah, How do you know ?"

" I know " Jungkook smiles,Taehyung frowns at that.

"Are you working for a mafia? " Taehyung asks out of the blue still frowns at Jungkook.

" what? " Jungkook laughs at the question.

"I'm serious, I heard mafias have everyones details on their territory. And your body is also looked like a gang leader and you fights well too" Taehyung tries to put everything together. If he is not in a mafia how could he know about where he lives.

" So you checked my body? " Jungkook smirks.

" What! no I mean, " Taehyung struggles to finish his sentence.Jungkook laughs even harder.

" Stop laughing you pervert." Taehyung hits Jungkook's shoulder. And blushes badly.

Jungkook is amused by Taehyung and he is loving the way Taehyung casually talk with him. Jungkook loves this free soul of Taehyung. He has seen him in many bad situations and Jungkook simply wants to keep all bad things away from Taehyung to see more of this Taehyung.

They somehow arrived to the children park Taehyung said he can go alone from there but Jungkook didn't want to send him alone so Taehyung let him come along.

They currently standing infront of a little house. Taehyung knocks the door and a old lady opens the door.

" Oh god Tae, where were you minyu cried a lot looking for you " The lady says while giving glances to Jungkook.

" Sorry halmonie, something happened yesterday and mmm~ I couldn't make it to the last bus so I stayed at my friend." Taehyung explains.

" Okay stay here l'll take minyu" The lady disappears in the house and Taehyung turns to Jungkook.

" My house is two blocks away from here.Thank you for taking me here and for everything you did Jungkook I really mean it I don't know how to repay you"

Taehyung says looking at Jungkook's eyes.He means every word he said. Thinking that Jungkook was ready to take blame for him makes Taehyung tears up.

Jungkook wipes Taehyung's tears using his thumb.He don't want Taehyung to thank him actually he want to apologize for many things but not now not like this.

" If you really want to repay me let me take you to a date? " Jungkook don't want anything from Taehyung for helping him but since Taehyung bring that why not use the chance for good.

Taehyung didn't expect something like that will come. Before he answers minyu come running to him.

" oppaa " minyu jumps into Taehyung.
Taehyung picks her.

" I missed you oppa Where were you last night "

"I missed you too ban, I'm sorry okay, I will never do that again "

" promise "

" pinky promise " They locks their pinkies and kissed mumbling I love you to eachother.

Jungkook look at them with adoration there little actions made Jungkook smile.

" Who is this big bunny ?" Minyu asks pointing at Jungkook.And Taehyung attention gets back to Jungkook.

" Ah he is my f~ "

" Hi, I'm Jungkook what's your name" Jungkook didn't let Taehyung to finish his sentence. He don't want Taehyung to put him to the friends zone.

" I'm Minyu, can you show me your teeth ? " Minyu is curious how a person have bunny teeth.

" Minyu no, what are you asking,? " Taehyung warns realizing Minyu is reaching for Jungkook's mouth.

" it's okay Taehyung let her." Jungkook says and shows his bunny smile to minyu.

" wow you really have bunny teeth." Minyu says clapping her hands Taehyung also smiles at that.

" So cutie you want to go out with big bunny we can have lot of fun " Jungkook asks pinching minyu's nose but looking directly at Taehyung. Jungkook wants to take Taehyung alone but having this cute one will be fun and he think this will help to make Taehyung agrees.

" I want to play with bunny" minyu says with excitement now looking at Taehyung for permission.

When Jungkook asks for a date Taehyung was going to say no because he can't abandon minyu for a date. Since he always spend his free time with her. But Jungkook have his ways to make him not to refuse this is not even the first time.

" okay, " Taehyung finally say the ward to Jungkook. Minyu claps happily and Jungkook mouths a Thank you.


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