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"Will you forgive me Taehyung? "

Jungkook finally finished with hopeful eyes.

" Jungkook why are you asking forgiveness for those things that happened to me. Non of them are your fault." Taehyung carefully listen to everything Jungkook said and he doesn't get why Jungkook is even sorry.

" But~" Jungkook tries to speak again,

" No buts I listen to you untill now so now you listen to me " Taehyung said with his deep firm voice and that make Jungkook zips his mouth.

" If you want  forgiveness for beating my father, fine but you did that because he slapped me right ? did you knew he was my father back then? " Jungkook immediately shakes his head.

"see you did that because of me and your are asking forgiveness because you feel guilty for helping me? "

" No Taehyung it's not like that~ "

" Just listen "

" okay " Jungkook obeys like a little lost puppy. It's the first time Jungkook seen this side of Taehyung.

" And why are you blaming yourself for my poor health conditions?. It's this weak body need to be blamed not you. Jimin told me how you worried about me on that day even after I talk to you with zero respect you still cared for me.

About what happened in that restaurant did you knew it's gonna happen to me did you plan it? Did you aware of what he was going to do? " Jungkook shivers at the questions.

" No.. I didn't knew anything Taehyung I swear if I did I will never let that happen, believe me I~"

" See Jungkook non of these are your fault. why are you saying sorry, please don't do that. You saying sorry for everything that I should thank you it make me feels like you are regretting helping me. If you really feel guilty for helping me I'll forgive you " Taehyung forces a smile and looks down not wanting to meet with Jungkook's eyes.
Jungkook went speechless for a second.

" Taehyung look at me " and Taehyung did,
"I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way I'm not guilty for helping you, it's just I thought that, ah fine I don't know what to tell anymore You just made me speechless. The way you make understanding things are really scary " Jungkook says shaking his whole body.Taehyung chuckles at that.

" Thank you Jungkook Thank you for everything you did for me." Taehyung knows this simple 'thank you' can't repay what Jungkook did for him but still he don't know other way to do so.

" Don't thank me Tae, I'm sorry If I said something to make you uncomfortable "
Jungkook says staring at Taehyung he is blushing and Jungkook mentally smirks knowing that how that nick name affect Taehyung.

" You are saying sorry again " Taehyung frowns.

" opz sorry " Jungkook coves his mouth and Taehyung slightly hits him " stop already "

" okay okay I'll stop. You know what it's the first time I talk with someone that much, what have you done to me"
Taehyung laughs at that showing his beautiful boxy smile.

" Smile alot Tae, it suit you more than tears"
Taehyung remember this line, Jungkook told the same line on the very first day they met. Taehyung didn't know what he means back then but now he knows.

Jungkook has seen his tears before his smile. Actually Jungkook has seen the worst side of him, and Taehyung wonders why he is still here with him knowing how pathetic he is Jungkook is still here. Taehyung snap out of his thoughts when he feels Jungkook's hand on his.

Jungkook slowly bring Taehyung hands to his lap and careful roll up the sleeves of the sweatshirt Taehyung is wearing. Taehyung first lost at the warmth he feels. Warmth is something Taehyung never felt after his mother dies.

Taehyung never knew this warmth is what he wanted untill Jungkook touch him like this. Of course it's not the first time Jungkook is touching him but most of the time he was not aware of that touches. But now he is full aware of everything but soon after he realise what Jungkook trying to do he pulls his hand back but Jungkook doesn't let it go.

" Don't do this again " Jungkook brushes his thumb on the fresh scar on Taehyung's hand. Jungkook rolls up the sleeves more there are 3 visible scars on his hand he was about to touch them but " Please stop" Taehyung stops him using his other hand and Then realty hits Jungkook he quickly take his hand away. The action make Taehyung's hand drop to Jungkook's lap.

Taehyung miss the warmth, it's not that he is uncomfortable with Jungkook's touch but the thing is he don't want him to see those ugly scars. He felt ashamed of himself tears fills his eyes again.

Jungkook regrets what he did seen Taehyung's tears. " hey I'm sorry please don't cry I'll never do that " Jungkook says trying to calm the other but it made Taehyung cries more. ' he don't want to touch me again because I'm ugly '

Jungkook is confused. " Tae, why are you crying, I'm sorry okay I just wanted to check your wound."

" ugly " Taehyung mumbles.

And Jungkook realise what make Taehyung cries. He again cups Taehyung's hand using his both hands. " you are not ugly Taehyung, with those scars you are still beautiful like a winter flower " Jungkook says not leaving Taehyung's beautiful brown eye.

"Winter flower?" Taehyung questions he doesn't get what Jungkook means.

" yeah, you are a winter flower, you know winter is not for flower it's hard to survive in winter so all plants giveup on winter and wait for spring. But winter flowers, they survive in the coldest winter and still blooms so beautifully just like you, I know Taehyung you are going through many things alone but look at you still blooms still shines like a winter flowers." Taehyung tears up listening to Jungkook.

May be this is what he wanted a little praise for surviving in his pathetic life, he had to face endless difficulties after his mother's death. He tried so hard to live there was countless times he wanted to giveup but still he found courage to live on but never get a praise from anyone No one told him that he did well. And here Jungkook talking about him like he knows him better than anyone.

More tears rolls down, he just can't stop them but there he has Jungkook to do that.

" My grandma told me to be a winter flowers, I couldn't be one but I think I found one." Jungkook wipes Taehyung's tears and careful turns his face towards him.

" Tae, I like you "


Past is repeating in these chaps I don't know if it boring to read the same thing again.

I tried my best to make it interesting to read I don't know it work or not :(.

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