unspoken love

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"Tae, I like you"

Taehyung's eyes widen at that, of course he knew something is going on between him and Jungkook even though no one talk about it.  But this sudden confession ? He didn't expect that. He doesn't  know what to say. Deep inside he  knows that he likes Jungkook but he never admit it to himself or more like he ignored it.

" Tae? ." Taehyung snapped out of his thoughts when Jungkook calls him.

" Jungkook I~ " Taehyung tries to say something but Jungkook silence him puting his finger on others' lips.

"Shhh, don't say anything now. Take your time Tae, think about it, I can wait "
Jungkook says giving a sweet smile.

Jungkook said he likes Taehyung but 'like' is a small word, it can't hold the feelings he has for the other male. He already in love with him but Jungkook doesn't want to make Taehyung uncomfortable.He can wait because Taehyung  worths all  waiting.

Taehyung looks at Jungkook with his puppy eyes and the sight is too much for Jungkook. His eyes landed to the elders rosy lips, his figure tips feels the softness of his lips and then Jungkook lost it.

He cups Taehyung's  face and leans in utill he feels others' breath on his lips. Taehyung shuts his eyes and Jungkook smiles on that. He waste no time and touchs Taehyung's lips with his own. Jungkook moves his lips drowing at the soft and sweet feeling of the others' lips. At first  Taehyung didn't response at first he just let Jungkook to kiss him. But eventually he moves his lips with Jungkook's.Jungkook smiles to the kiss when he realise Taehyung is kissing back.They keeps kissing but the kiss hold no rush no lust only the unspoken love between them.They stops only because they runs out of oxygen.

Their forhead touchs and both stay like that for a while feeling eachothers presence. Taehyung slowly opens his eyes and meets with Jungkook's, who is sweetly smiles at him. Taehyung losts at his eyes. He never met, a caring and loving person like Jungkook in his life. Jungkook is a blessing Taehyung thinks what he did to deserve him, and then something hits Taehyung. He slightly pushes other and gets up.

Jungkook panics because of Taehyung's sudden change of behavior.

" Jungkook I should go now, bye " With that Taehyung runs away from Jungkook not giving a chance Jungkook to speak. He gets up looking at the direction Taehyung went. 'Why he left like that? did I do something wrong? ' Jungkook questions himself.

Taehyung keeps run untill he can't anymore. He looks back he is far away from Jungkook.
'This is it, this way is better I don't want to ruin him, he deserves better. I am a curse I ruined everyones life around me. I don't deserve him.'

Tears falls down from his eyes. Taehyung  touchs his lips he still feels the other lips on his.How much he loves this feeling of Jungkook's lips on his, how much he loves the presence of Jungkook how much he loves the way Jungkook cares for him, how much he loves the bunny smile of him. ' stop it thinking about him Taehyung don't you dare to grab him to the hell of yours' a voice spoke inside his head. More tears falls eventually.

Taehyung wipes his tears before he enter the house. He was about to go to his room. He wants to be alone. But his father stops him.

" you are back?" Taehyung's father asks walking towards Taehyung.

" yes appa I'll make dinner after taking a bath " Taehyung says not wanting his father to see his face.

" Taehyung, I don't like your friend. Break the thigs with him " His father said out of nowhere, Taehyung notice the warning tone of his father. ' Did he recognized Jungkook ? Is that why?'

" Appa if it's because ~ " Taehyung tries to explain that Jungkook only tries to help him not knowing he is Taehyung's father. But he shows his hand telling Taehyung to stop. He looks angry it fears Taehyung.

" I don't want to listen anything, just stay away from him. " and with that his father left the house.

Taehyung breaks down, this is what he was planning to do a while ago, stay away from Jungkook. But hearing it his father make it worse. He just realised he can't stay away from Jungkook that easily.

Taehyung's  father stand outside the house. He is burning inside. The earlier incident keep plays on his mind. ' No Taehyung I don't let you be a sinner '

____ Flashback ____

Taehyung's father helped minyu to take a bath and guided her to the room letting little girl to sleep. And when he comes to downstairs he sees Taehyung is still not at home so he thought to look for him because it's already late. If this happen in other days Taehyung's father don't give fuck about where his son is or what he doing because he was busy with shits.

But now this self of his cares, cares for his children. So he went to look for Taehyung and he reached the park thinking Taehyung must be still there with his friend. But the sight infront of him made him angry. His sun is kissing a boy? His homophobic mind couldn't take it any more his fits rolls in anger.
He left the place not wanting to witness more.

' I will get rid of him '.


Hi I'm back😁

Sorry the  chapter is short.😓

Btw did you expect their kiss?🤭

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