Believe me

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Taehyung pov;

The restaurant strats to get more crowned after 6 pm.Taehyung runs here and there taking orders and serving the customers.There are another two workers other than the owner Taehyung tried to talk with them since they are going to see eachother often but they didn't cooperate much so Taehyung gaveup.

After busy 2 hours finally the restaurant gets empty.It almost 8 pm and the owner puts the closed sign on the glass door now.Taehyung sees the other two workers going to the locker room and they came changing to their clothes.
Taehyung wonders why the owner said his shift is till 9 pm when the restaurant is closed at 8. So he decided to ask him who is busy checking today revenue.

" ah~ excuse me sir can I go home now?" Taehyung hesitants.

The owner stop counting money and looks at Taehyung. " I think I make it clear about your warking time here"

" Ah yes but the restaurant is closed and other workers left already so~"

" So what?, Go clean the kitchen it is your duty from today" The man shouts Taehyung.

" Ah okay, " Taehyung uttars and walk to the kitchen. The man checked out Taehyung's back figure shamelessly and a smirk appears in his lips.


Jungkook pov;

Jungkook reachs to the address Jimin gave him.He parks his bike near the restaurant and walks to find Taehyung.

He sees the brown haired boy inside the restaurant busy taking orders from customers. Jungkook hesitate for a moment he can't just go in and ask Taehyung to come with him.So he decided to wait for Taehyung outside the restaurant. He checked the time on his phone and it says 7.30 pm. 'His shift must be end soon' Jungkook thinks and lean into a tree infront of the restaurant so he can check the boy time to time.Jungkook notice the tiredness of Taehyung even from the distance.

After 30 minutes of waiting Jungkook sees someone finally put the closed sign on the door. Jungkook sighs and stand properly.

Jungkook sees other two workers walking out who worked at the restaurant. But Taehyung is not with them. ' Where is he?' Jungkook frowns.

So Jungkook decided to go inside the restaurant.When he is about to enter he stops at the scream he hears inside the restaurant.

" Taehyung? "


Third person pov :

Taehyung starts to clean the kitchen there is not much wark to do so he decided to mop the floor.

The old man walks to the kitchen and stop when he sees the boy who is busy moping. The man drolls at the sight. Taehyung back is showing he wondered how could it feel to touch his soft looking ass.
The man walks to Taehyung with lustful eyes.

Taehyung feels someone behind him so he turns to check and there he sees the restaurant owner looking at him with lustful eyes.

Taehyung forget to breath for a second.His whole body tensed up.
Before Taehyung admit anything The man wanks to Taehyung and grabs his face. " what a pretty boy you are " The man comments glaring at Taehyung's lips.

"Sir what are you d~" before Taehyung finish the sentence The man leans to kiss Taehyung. Taehyung shutters with disgust he used his full strength to push the man away before he kiss him.

" you little bitch" The man slapped Taehyung hard so the poor boy hit his back on the counter.The man walk towards him and grabs his collar.
" please let me go " Taehyung begs between his tears.
" don't act innocent pretty I'm gonna make you feel good" The man smirks. Taehyung have no more strength to fight back.

The man rips Taehyung's uniform and starts to lick his neck.Taehyung wants to throwup at the feeling. He looks around for a support and his eyes stoped at the knife on the counter Taehyung didn't think twice, he grabs the knife and stabs the man with it several time he screams in pain. The man step backward and falls down.

" Taehyung ? " Jungkook enters the kitchen calling Taehyung's name his eye widen at the sight. Taehyung is holding a knife covers with blood and a man is lying in the floor bleeding.

Taehyung comes back to reality when Jungkook calls his name.He drops the knife his legs gaveup so he sits in the floor. " Jungkook~ I didn't Jungkook I kill him I~ I didn't ~he~~ he tried to ~ touch me Jungkook I swear" Taehyung cries he can't even breath properly now he finally realise what he did to the man.

Jungkook walks to Taehyung he can guess what happen here looking at Taehyung. His shirt is ripped. And a freshly made hickey visible in his neck Jungkook'd blood boiled at the sight if he was here little earlier this will never happen to Taehyung.

" Please Jungkook~ believe me I didn't want~ to~ ki~ll him"

Jungkook sits infront of Taehyung and pulls him to a hug." Shhhh.. Taehyung listen it's okay. You are okay I'm here" Taehyung hugs back.He is scared to death he looks at the man lying in the pool of blood. He killed him he killed that man now what is gonna happen to him.

" Jungkook I didn't mean to ~ he~ he tried to~ "

" It's okay baby nothing gonna happen to you okay? Now clam down" Jungkook rubs his hands on Taehyung's back the poor boy can't stop crying.Taehyung hides his face in Jungkook's neck he don't want to look at the man.

They stay like that for five minutes Jungkook keep rubbing Taehyung's back. Finally Taehyung stop crying.

" Listen Taehyung I'm going to call the police okay we have to report this "

Taehyung step back with the mention of police.

Jungkook heart breaks into pieces when he looks at the boy he looks so broken and scared.He want to take all the pain away from Taehyung.

" Hey don't worry nothing gonna happen to you,If something goes wrong I'll take the blame okay" Jungkook says while covering Taehyung with his Jacket.
Jungkook ready to do anything for Taehyung he don't care if he have to go jail.He will do anything. Anything to protect Taehyung.


I struggled a lot while writing this chapter , sorry if it's messy.😪

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