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Third person pov:

After having few discussions about Taehyung Yoongi and Jimin left and Yoongi also promised Jungkook to bring his bike tomorrow morning from the shitty restaurant. Jimin also said he will come tomorrow with yoongi to check Taehyung, he didn't wanted to disturb the sleeping boy..

After they left Jungkook walks back to his room. He sees Taehyung sleeping hugging his pillow. Jungkook sits on the bed looking at the sleeping beauty in front of his eyes. He carefully remove the hair on Taehyung's face and tucks it behind his ear.

Taehyung looks so peaceful while he is sleeping. Jungkook wonders how can someone this beautiful even exis.Jungkook put his index finger on Taehyung's eye and touchs his long eye lashes. And slowly takes it to Taehyung's nose, he notice the small mole on the top of his nose.Jungkook smiles at that thinking it's cute.
For Jungkook everything about Taehyung is cute. He brings his finger to Taehyung's rosy lips.

'you are beautiful Tae, I wish I can have you with me like this forever'

Jungkook is not aware of his thoughts right now.He is not a playboy who thinks those kind of things about anyone. He had a relationship before but it didn't warkout well because the girl cheated on him.Jungkook didn't mind at all because it's not like he had strong fleeings for her anyway he just wanted to experience a relationship so he thought to give it a chance since she hit on him long time.

But with Taehyung it's different. Jungkook just let his heart to think whatever it wants. He can't help it because Taehyung is now sleeping in his bed looking so beautiful, Jungkook can stare at him all the night no he can stare at him forever. Can he tho?

Jungkook's eyes landed to the ugly hickey on Taehyung's neck. He quickly take his hand away from Taehyung because the guilt began to eats him up again. He stand fixing the comforter make sure Taehyung to not catch a cold.
He gives a last glance to Taehyung and walks to the couch to get some sleep.


" Noo... please~ Noo stop it ~ Do~n't touch me ~~ Please"
Taehyung cries throwing everything he feels against his body. The man who tried to rape him now hunting him in his nightmare. " No~ please~let me gow~ "
Jungkook wakesup hearing Taehyung's loud cries.He rans towards him.

" Taehyung hey " Jungkook calls him softly trying to hold Taehyung.Taehyung is shattering badly and his whole body is wet from sweat.
" Don't touch me~" Taehyung pushes Jungkook's hands away and began to hit him." Go away"
Jungkook hold his both hands stopping him.

" Taehyung!! "
Jungkook shouts this time. Taehyung stops and open his eyes.
He looks around and sees Jungkook sitting next to him.

" Jung~kook ? Jungkook please save me please he is~ he is trying to~ " Taehyung says through his cries.Jungkook heart brake at the sight.He didn't let Taehyung to finish his sentence and pulls Taehyung to a tight hug.

"Shhh baby listen, it's okay. It's just a nightmare see you are okay I'm here" Jungkook rubs his hand on Taehyung's back hoping he will calm.

Taehyung couldn't stop his tears so he cries on Jungkook's shoulder.Jungkook let him. " I'm sorry Taehyung I'm sorry " he mumbles holding the boy even tighter.

Taehyung gets away from Jungkook.After breaking down on Jungkook's shoulder he finally could clam a little.He looks at Jungkook who is already looking at him.

" Jungkook, it's burning here" Taehyung says scrubbing his neck. He feels disgust. His whole body is burning. " and here, and here " Taehyung continues touching his body tears rolls down while he is doing that.

" Hey stop it you are gonna hurt yourself " Jungkook grabs Taehyung's hand.

" I can't it's burning. I want to bath please" Taehyung says in a small voice.Taehyung mind is a whole mess only thing he want now is to get rid of the disgust he is feeling.

" Okay come " Jungkook helps him to get down from the bed and leads him to the bathroom.

" Here " Jungkook handed Taehyung his shirt and sweet pants. Taehyung takes it and disappear in the bathroom.

Jungkook sighs. And clear the mess Taehyung course earlier. After fifteen minutes Taehyung cames out of the bathroom wearing Jungkook's over size shirt and his sweet pant. Jungkook breath Hitchs at the sight. Taehyung looks so good in his clothes. Jungkook shakes his head. ' clam down Jungkook what are you thinking'

"Mmm done? " Jungkook breaks the awkward silence. Taehyung nods walking to Jungkook.
Jungkook wanted to ask how Taehyung feels now but he is afraid to bring the that topic. The boy seems quite clam now Jungkook don't want to remind anything by asking that.

" Get some sleep. I prepared the bed for you." Taehyung didn't reply but do as Jungkook said. He climbs on the bed and settle under the comforter. Jungkook give him a smile mumbling a "good night" and turn to go back to the couch but a small hand stops him.

" Don't go " Jungkook looks at the boy with surprise. Jungkook doesn't know what to say he just stare at Taehyung.

" I'm afraid stay with me please "
Taehyung pleased looking at Jungkook like a lost puppy. That look didn't help at all Jungkook to refuse the boy's request.

" Ah~ okay " Jungkook lays next to Taehyung keeping his distance.

After a while Taehyung seems to fall asleep.Taehyung hugs the big warm pillow next to him in his sleep. He feels so comfortable it make him to sleep without any nightmare. But the big pillow struggles a lot to avoid the loud heart beat he feels against his chest.

Sleep abandon Jungkook that night.
How can he sleep when Taehyung is sleeping on his body hugging him so casually..

"What are you doing to me Taehyung ?"


Writing is not easy 😫 I'll try to do better than this in future 🤧🤧..

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