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Taehyung pov:

Taehyung drops minyu at their neighbor's house so he can go for his part time Job.
He feels so tired he knows his body needs rest but not now, he have to get this job may be after this he will rest.Taehyung sighs.

He is kind of used to this used to overwork himself because he had to start wark when he was barely 13 years old.
After Taehyung's mother died his father started drink eveyday he become worse day by day and somehow ended up getting bipolar disorder.
Taehyung tries to get him for treatments past two years but his father refused. He scold Taehyung telling him he is not a phycho so he don't need any treatment. Taehyung ended up gaining more hate from his father.So he gaveup.

Because of these things Taehyung had to take all responsibility to his hands
it was very hard for him and still is but he have no choice.

Taehyung felt like end his life several times but he can't, he have to take care of minyu and his father too.

No matter how his father treat to him he is still his father and Taehyung blames himself for everything happened to his father because if it's not for Taehyung his father didn't have to go through many things to turn him like this and his mother didn't have to die too.

"I wish they gaveup on me that time, I don't deserve to live." Taehyung looks at the sky " I'm sorry mom I'm such a bad son, if we can go back time I want to be where you are today so you can happily live with appa and minyu" Taehyung teared up again but before they falls he wipes his eyes.'This is not the time to cry Taehyung hold yourself.'

Taehyung stand infront of the restaurant where he ask for a job as a stewart boy.He feels little nervous to go inside because he was supposed to be here yesterday. But he couldn't so he better prepare a good excuse for his absence.

Taehyung walks inside the restaurant it's not a big fancy one but a typical one that middle class people visit the most. Taehyung didn't have a good feeling about it but he decided to ignore it since he need the job.

Taehyung sees middle aged man in the counter so he cleared his throat to gain attention.There was no any customers at the moment.
The man looked at Taehyung.

" Ah ~ sir my name is Taehyung and I applied for a job here"

" I think I asked you to come yesterday " The man walks toward Taehyung.

" I'm sorry sir something urgent happened so I didn't able to make it" Taehyung looks down not wanting to look at the man who glared at him.

" Find another job, I hate to listen excuses " The man says with a bolt tone and turns to go back to the counter.

Before that Taehyung grabs his hand " I'm sorry sir please let me have this job I promise I'll wark hard please I need this job" Taehyung begs.He don't care even he looks so pathetic right now.

The man now looks at the boy closely he was about to hire someone because Taehyung didn't show up yesterday but looking at the handsome boy he changed his mind.

" Okay, You can start wark from today. 3 to 9 is your warking hour." The man smirks.

Taehyung hesitant for a second. The advertisement said warking hour is 3 to 7 that's why he applied to this. He can't be so late he have to do other stuffs too like helping minyu with her homeworks,prepare dinner and his own studies too.

" Why is there any problem ?" The man asks because the lack of response from Taehyung.

" Ah no sir, thank you for your kindness I'll wark hard" Taehyung decided to take the chance because he can't lose it. May be he can ask latter for a early shift. Untill then he will manage.

" Good go to the locker room and change in to the uniform."


Jungkook POV;

After yoongi left Jungkook walks into his room again.He decided to talk to Taehyung tomorrow but it didn't help him not to think about the boy. Jungkook wants to know if Taehyung is okay. So he dials Jimin's number earlier he take from yoongi.

" hello ?"

" Hi Jimin it's me Jungkook"

" oh Jungkook, good thing you called I wanted to thank you, Thank you for helpings Taehyung Jungkook, I don't know what will have happened to him if you were not there"

Jungkook bites his lip he can't accept his thank since he is the reason whatever happened to Taehyung.

" Actually Jimin I called you to ask about Taehyung how is he now? " Jungkook uttars hesitantly.

Jimin sighs before answer." I don't know Jungkook he didn't seems well after he wakesup but that idiot went for his alba"

" What? Isn't he supposed to rest. How is he going to wark in that situation" Jungkook become more restless after hearing that.

" I tried to stop him but he didn't listen"

" Do you know where he warks ?"

" Yeah, I was there when he applied for that job "

" can you send me the address."

" Sure, are you going to visit him?" Jimin asks. He wonders why Jungkook is so concern about his bestfriend.

" Yeah " Jungkook answers.How can he stay at ease when he know that Taehyung is warking in that situation.

" okay I'll send you the address please take him home"

" I will " Jungkook ends the call getting up to find Taehyung. what a stubborn boy you are Taehyung why don't you think about yourself a bit.Jungkook thinks.

" I better get that stubbornness out of you"

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