Forgive me

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Third person pov :-

"Hey Taehyung is something bothering you" Taehyung snaps out of his thoughts when Jimin asks that.

" No chim,I just didn't get enough sleep yesterday."

Taehyung tries his best to act normal like he always do.Of cause he is not okay what happened yesterday is keep bothering him.His father didn't came home yesterday.He is  worried about him. Jungkook punches him really hard what if he is seriously injured? What if his father starts to hate him more?What if he bring his friends and beat  Jungkook to take revenge? What if  Jungkook got into troubles because of him.? So many things going on his mind.

"Hey Jungkook come here"
Jimin waves at Jungkook who is entering the class.Taehyung looks at him and their eyes met with eachother.Taehyung is the first one to break the eye contact.Jungkook's stare is so powerful for him to handle.

Instead of going to sit with Taehyung and Jimin Jungkook walks past them and sit behind them.

" Did he just ignore me?" Jimin asks making an unbelievable look in his face.
Taehyung knows that Jungkook is ignoring him not Jimin.

The way Taehyung talked to him was not fair he was just trying to help him.But Taehyung  was not in his right mind back then.The guilt ate him up yesterday for taking out his anger from Jungkook.
He wants to apologize but he is afraid.If he bring up that will Jungkook ask more? Will he ask why I take the man's side even after he slapped me? No Taehyung can't let that happen.

He perfectly hide his true self so long even from his bestfriend.But now he can't let this stranger to discover about him.He don't want to go through the all harsh words and get bullied just because of his father at least not again.He had enough when he was in elementary school.

And for Jungkook he was angry not with Taehyung but with himself.Why can't he stop worrying  about Taehyung  Even after what happened yesterday he kept think about him. If Taehyung is okay, did that man really leave or came again? Jungkook regrets leaving Taehyung like that but Jungkook is upset at Taehyung too.Why he had to take that man's side and get mad at him?

Been a prideful man Jungkook decided to ignore Taehyung that's why he didn't go to sit with them.And Jin gladly take the chance and sit next to taehyung.

"Hi Taehyung" Jin shyly greets him.

"Hello Jin" Taehyung smiles.

" I think you didn't see me I'm here too" Jimin says rolling his eyes everyone is ignoring him today.

"Hi Jimin. Siting next to a tall guy like Taehyung makes you invisible I guess."Jin makes fun of him.

"Taehyung look he is making fun of me Tell him I'm not short I'm just cute"Jimin fake cries.Taehyung laughs at that.

'Here we go again he is acting like nothing happened again' Jungkook thinks looking at Taehyung but this time he examine him closely yes Taehyung is laughing  he is very beautiful and his  boxy smile makes him more beautiful but something is off his eyes, it's telling different story.Or may be Jungkook is thinking too much.

" By the way Taehyung what happened to your face did you fall or something ?"
Jin asks touching the red mark on Taehyung's cheek.

"Ah~ mmm~ yes I~mm slipped at the bathroom" Taehyung says awkwardly.

"Where let me see" Jimin checks.
"Omg Taehyung didn't you put ice on it?"

" No chim it's not a big deal don't worry."

" How is not a big deal look at you oh god How come I didn't notice.I'm such a bad friend." Jimin blames himself.

" Yes you are, now resign I can take the place." Jin says.

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