You did well

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Finally the red light on the ICU room turns to green, namjoon step forwards to the room waiting for doctors to showup and a middle aged lady doctor came out of the room.

" Doctor how is he? " Namjoon questions, yoongi also joins them.

" He was lucky that the wound is not that deep to damage the underlying tissues of his scalp. But he lost good amount of blood so we had to transfer blood that's all, he is out of danger now"

" Thank you doctor " Namjoon forces a smile.

" don't worry he is a healthy young man he will recover soon, " The doctor gives them a warm smile reading the worried face of the boys infront of her. They again thanks the doctor.

The door of the ICU again opens, to transfer Jougkook to a hospital room. Namjoon and yoongi went after them. One of the nurse said he will wakesup after two or three hours and ask one of them to come to settle the hospital document. So yoongi follows them asking Namjoon to stay there.

" look at you Jungkook, what have you done to yourself " Namjoon sighs stroking youngers hair.


Taehyung manage to find his way to home. When he arrive a police car was park outside his house. Taehyung stops seeing two police officers drags his father outside the house.

" Let me go, " His father struggles trying to escape from the officer.          " stay still old man, who you think you are to going beating people huh "

No wonder Namjoon already reported to the police.

Taehyung stayed still with an emotionless face. Taehyung's father finally notice him.

" Taehyung, stop them. I did nothing you saw right It's not me who throw a rock at your friend, tell them " He shamelessly try to defense himself making Taehyung angry.

" Shut up and get into the car " a officer commands pushing Taehyung's  father only to stop by a small hand.

" Ajjassi, don't take appa , he is not  bad person , his head is ill, appa is ill " Minyu cries trying to stop the police officer.

" Minyu daring come here " the halmonie who always take care of minyu runs to them,

Taehyung shocked at minyu's behavior, he never thought minyu will tell something like this. The girl who always fears his father trys to save him.

"oppaa stop them they will hurt him" Minyu runs to Taehyung and pulls him towards the police car hoping Taehyung will save her father like he always save her from everything.
But Taehyung he did nothing, never speak a word he silently watchs the police pushs his father inside the car and disappears from the lane.

Taehyung's mind is clouded with many thoughts Namjoon's words keeps ringing on his head ' you don't deserve to breath when he is dying there ' ' you are nothing but a curse to him '

" oppa why did you let them take appa, you are bad " Minyu hits Taehyung.

Minyu, she loves his father  even though he barely return it. They say blood is thicker than water for a reason right ,

The day when they visited to their mother's memorial minyu asked Taehyung why his father always change why he hurt them, and Taehyung said this, " Minyu baby our appa is not bad person he loves us, he is just ill that's why he change everytime don't hate him okay " and minyu learned his father is just ill that's why.

" They will hurt him, you are bad bad I hate you " with that minyu runs to Halmonie and hides herself crying.

' Everyone hate you Taehyung, minyu lost her parents because of you, Jungkook is dying there because of you, why are you still here huh ' the voice inside his head is too much Taehyung wanted to scream, he wanted to cry but no tears came out. It's like Tears can't wash away the pain he is having this time. He wants end this end the suffering, he is the cause of everyone's pain he should Just disappear.

Taehyung sets his mind, ' yes I should end their sufferings ' when the thought cross his mind a small smile appears on his face.

' Everything is going to end soon.'

Taehyung walks to his house avoiding minyu and the grandma who is calling his name. She sighs and take minyu with her thinking Taehyung might need sometime alone. She is the only one who witness how much Taehyung suffered all this time taking care of his sisiter as well as his father. she feels bad for him.

Taehyung walks to his room only to meet with his reflection in the mirror, he felt angry. ' Just die Taehyung just die ' with that he throws his fits to the mirror making it break into pieces,

He grabs one pieces with a sharp edge. He brings it to his wrist,
' this is it Taehyung, end your pains ' a voice inside his head encourage him.
Taehyung cuts his wrist, not a tear of his skin like other times he cuts deeper this  enough to damage his veins.

Taehyung  felt to the ground. He feels blood running out from his body, he feel his soul in slowly leaving him. After a moment his vision went blur,

' good job Taehyung, you did well ' is the last thought cross his mind before everything went black around him.



Taehyung I'm sorry 😭 I love you, my hand was shaking while typing this, and guys selfharm or suicide is not a solution for anything I don't want to promote these things but I had to go with the plot please don't hate me.

And two chapters more to end this book. Please stay there, even though I hurt your feelings like this.

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