Happy ever after { Epilogue }

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2 years latter.

Taehyung stands infront of the mirror , ' I can't believe this is going to happen ' he smiles.

It's been two years he dating Jungkook all these years their love grew day by day. And a month ago Jungkook propose him to be his husband and Taehyung gladly accept because that man changed his whole life, make him feel loved make him lovehimself, cares for him and Taehyung he loves him more than anything.

" Earth to kim Taehyung," Jimin who is walking to Taehyung shouts.

" Jiminie " Taehyung hugs his all time bestfriend, the one always there for him his soulmate.

" I can't believe you are getting married that rude bastard " Jungkook amd Jimin always get into fights because his possessiveness towards Taehyung.

" Don't call him that" Taehyung hits Jimin's shoulder.

" Aww, Tae Tae getting angry when someone call bad about his going to be husband " Jimin teases.

" stop it" Taehyung pouts.

" okay okay sorry, seriously Taehyung I'm so happy for you, yoi deserve all this happiness," Jimin pulls Taehyung for another tight hug, his eyes fill with tears of happiness.

" Thank you Jiminie, I even can't believe this is happening " With that jimin hits Taehyung's head.

" Aouch, what was that for ? "

" See you are not dreaming it's really happening, you are going to marry him "

" Yes you are right thank you"

" I'm the one still dreaming that idiot will never propose me." Jimin said pouting thinking about his boyfriend.

" He will Jimin, wait for him, I heard yoongi hyung visit a Jewellery shop with Jungkook " Taehyung said winking.

" really ? "

" yes but don't tell him I told you this "

" Never, thank you for the spoiler "

" you are welcome " both male giggles only to get disturb by the knock on the door.

" Can I come in? " Namjoon ask standing in the door.

" Yes sir please, " Taehyung said, it's been 2 year they graduate from the university but Taehyung still respect his professor.

" you look beautiful " Namjoon said showing his dimples and Taehyung thanks him.

" Actually Taehyung I want to apologize, I wanted to fo this two years ago but I felt bad even to talk to you, I'm really sorry for being so harsh on you that day I didn't mean that I'm sorry. I was just too scared that I will lose Jungkook. Please forgive me " Namjoon apologize because all these years he felt bad for what he did.

" Sir please don't, it's was long time ago, I can understand why you behaved like that, I might have do the same so please don't feel guilty. " Taehyung said smiling.

" Thank you Taehyung, you are such a good person no wonder that cold hearted idiot fell for you, and also please just call me hyung no need to be formal" Namjoon said giving a quickl hug to Taehyung.

" okay hyung "

" oppaa, what are you doing come out bunny is waiting " Minyu runs into the room following by Taehyung's father.

" Taehyung it's the time let's go " Taehyung's father said holding Taehyung's hand.

They walk into the ballroom where the wedding is held. Taehyung sees Jungkook is standing in the coner waiting for him.

In other hand Jungkook heart starts to beat faster looking at the beautiful male walking to him. He still can't believe that this beautiful human is going to be his. ' mine and mine only ' Jungkook thinks. The thought make him smile.

Taehyung father handed his precious son to Jungkook.
" please take care of him Jungkook I believe you "

" I will sir, his happiness is all now matters for me." Jungkook smiles Taking Taehyung's hand.

" you are going to be mine and only mine ." Jungkook whispers to Taehyung making him blushes so hard.

And the Priest stats reading the wedding vow.

I, Jeon Jungkook , take you, Kim Taehyung for my lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. I will love and honor you all the days of my life."

" I kim Taehyung, take Jeon Jungkook as my lawful Husband and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health,I promise to lobe him untill my last breath"

"You can change rings now'. minyu handed their wedding rings hand they happily exchange them.

"The grooms can ki~" Before the priest finish his sentence Jungkook pulls Taehyung to himself and kisses him telling the whole world that this beautiful male is belongs to him and only him making the whole crowd feel single.

They break the kiss resting their forhead on eachother.

" I love you Jungkook " Taehyung said hugging Jungkook they both are in tears, tears of happiness.

" I love you more my winter flower."


[Taehyung, Jungkook and minyu in their wedding ]

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[Taehyung, Jungkook and minyu in their wedding ]


So so this Book is finally end. I can't believe I published a book woth almost 40 chapter😭.

What do you think ? Do you like the end? Please tell me your thoughts about this book.

And I want to apologize for my poor grammy and typos, I never checked a chapter twice before it publish.

And also I want to thank you all for reading this book, I know this is not your favorite but thank you for giving love to this book.

And special thank goes to Jeoniegirl for motivating me all the time to write this book. Thank you buddy 🤗💜️💜️💜️

Writing is not easy but I enjoyed writing this book so Thank you so much for voting and commenting.
Love you so much dear readers I purple you.💜️💜️💜️💜️💜️💜️💜️

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