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Taehyung stops to see the person behind him there he sees Jungkook.

" Why are you following me? " Taehyung puts his hands on his waist hoping to look scary.He is still pissed with Jougkook after the earlier incident with Jin.He thinks Jin is so innocent to be treated like that.

But Jungkook finds Taehyung's act cute rather scary.

"I'm not following you" Jungkook replies.

"Then why did you walking behind me?"

" Because you were walking infront of me."

Taehyung rolls his eyes.'I can't handle this guy anymore' taehyung thinks.

"Whatever" Taehyung mumbles and starts to walk faster.

Jungkook also fasts his steps to meet taehyung's.Jungkook normally ride his motorbike to go home but he decided to walk as soon as he find out Taehyung is going to the same way as him.

" I don't think we introduce eachother well" Jungkook tries to start a conversations.

The thing this handsome stranger walking so close to him messes with Taehyung's heart beat.But he don't want to make it obvious.

"I'm Taehyung and you are Jungkook." Taehyung didn't let jungkook to introduce himself.

"Oh You remember my name?" Jungkook smirks.He loves the way Taehyung pronounce his name.

"Just for your information I don't have amnesia" Taehyung says sarcastically.Jungkook laughs at that.

"What's so funny ?" Taehyung pouts.

"Aren't you so cute?" Jungkook don't wanted to say it loud it just he thinks louder than he wanted and Jungkook can't help it.
when Jungkook first saw Taehyung he thought the boy don't even know what smile is.But now he looks totally different.He remember that Namjoon always says how evey people have up and downs in their lives and may be something like that happened to Taehyung too but still it feels strange to Jungkook.

"What? I'm not cute and why are you talking informally to me. How old are you?"

"I'm 20. You?"

" I'm 21"

" I thought you are younger than that"

" Excuse me? Did you just call me old?"

" May be" Jungkook says smiling.
Taehyung sees the way Jungkook smiling.His front teeth looks like a bunny. 'A handsome boy with a cute bunny smile' Taehyung thinks.

" Are you going to pick up your sisiter ?"

" How do you know ?"

" you said it earlier when Jimin guy asked you to hangout with him."

"Ah yeah" Taehyung mentally slaps himself for asking stupid question.

"you mind if I join you?"

" Why you want to join me?" Taehyung hesitants to allow him. He just met Jungkook few hours ago can he trust this guy?
'Oh Taehyung he didn't ask you to go out with him or something don't over react'. A voice inside him says.

"It just I'm bored.Your bestfriend stalled Yoongi huyng so"

The way Jougkook looking to Taehyung with hopeful eyes don't help Taehyung to refuse his request.
Taehyung is amused by Jungkook's duality.The way he changed from handsome bastard to cute bunny is

"Okay" Taehyung agrees.

" How long do you know Yoongi huyng ?" Taehyung wants to know more about yoongi because little part of him worried about his bestfriend. He wants to make sure Jimin is not getting into troubles.

" It's been 7 or 8 years why you ask?"

" I just wanted to make sure Jimin is safe with him"

" Don't worry he will be fine Yoongi huyng is a good guy."

" And how can I believe you? We just met today"

" It's not my problem." Jungkook says shrinking his shoulders.
" But I can say that yoongi huyng is also likes your bestfriend already."

" How you so sure?"

" It just he kept telling me about a cute guy he met"

" And Jimin kept mentioning a hot guy" Taehyung adds.
"Also they flirts a lot today"

"Yeah a lot, I was about to throwup." Jungkook says making a disgusting face.Taehyung laughs at that.Jungkook losts at the way Taehyung is laughing his boxy smile is so cute and unique.Jungkook has never seen anyone this beautiful.


Taehyung stops his laughing when he hears Jungkook calling his name.This is the first time Jungkook calls his name after they met. The way his name come out from Jungkook's mouth sounds melodical to Taehyung's ears.

"mmm?" Taehyung looks at jungkook and jungkook is already looking at Taehyung.

" Your smile suit your face than tears"
Jungkook continues looking directly at Taehyung's eyes.Taehyung is confused about what Jungkook means by that he was about to ask but something else caught his attention.

It's his father.


 ~WINTER FLOWER~  ( Completed )Where stories live. Discover now