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" I think I asked you to stay away from him Taehyung, and this is what you are doing in my back? " Two males who were about to separate from eachother looks at the voice coming from behind.

" Appa? " Taehyung quickly backed away from Jungkook and mouthed him to leave. But Jungkook didn't move a bit, he don't  want to leave Taehyung  with his father specially when he  looks like a drunker at the moment. Jungkook has seen how he treated to Taehyung before so he wanted to protect the boy.

Taehyung felt something bad gonna
happen when  three of his father's drunk buddies enter the park.

Jungkook also notice them so he grabs Taehyung hand and pulls Taehyung to himself.  

Taehyung's father glares at their hands. " what do you think you are doing huh?" He questions Jungkook.

" I'm trying to protect him from his damn father " Jungkook said, he felt angry towards the man. He is the reason Taehyung is pushing him away. He is the reason Taehyung is suffering so much. He can Just punch the man again but he stops because it's Taehyung's father after all.

"Jungkook let me go, just leave please" Taehyung pleased he is afraid something bad will happen to Jungkook because of him.

" I'm not gonna leave you with him " Jungkook replies, he is ready to face anything to protect Taehyung.

" Jungkook it's okay nothing will happen to me Just go " Taehyung says trying to push Jungkook away.

" I warned you about this Taehyung, but you ignored me to be with this bastard ?  I think now I have to take care of him myself " Taehyung father smirks and ask his friends to beat Jungkook.

" Appa noo what are you doing, stop this please he is about to leave I will naver meet him again believe me "

Taehyung cried looking at the two mans coming towards them.

" Too late Taehyung "

Jungkook hides Taehyung behind his back to fight  with that drunken fuckers. He manage to beat one man to the ground without any struggle, their drunken status make it easy for Jungkook to fight with them.

Taking the opportunity Taehyung's father pulls Taehyung to himself.

" Appa please stop this, please " Taehyung begs but Taehyung's father didn't affect from his pleadings.

Jungkook manage to beat three of them utill they went unconscious, at least that's how it's look like. He wipes the blood falling from his lips and walks to Taehyung.

" Jungkook " Taehyung cries seeing Jungkook is wounded.

" Appa let me go " Taehyung manage to escape from his father and runs to Jungkook but what he didn't notice was one of man that Jungkook beat  gets up and is behind Jungkook holding a rock in his hand.

" How dare you little fucker " The man shouted and hits Jungkook's head with the rock hardly.

" JUNGKOOK " Taehyung runs to him before he do anything Jungkook fall into the ground grabbing his head.

" Jungkook gets up " Taehyung knees infront of the bleeding younger.
" Ta~e " Jungkook mumbles trying to keep open his eyes but fails eventually.

" Jungkook, look at me please, open your eye " Taehyung cries holding Jungkook in his arms.

" What have you done appa, why did you do that " Taehyung shouted at his father.

Taehyung's father grabs his hair in frustration and ran away from the place following by his drunk buddies leaving them behind.

Taehyung calls for a ambulance and tries to stop blood coming out from younger's head. He felt the weak heart beat of the boy against his chest.

" Jungkook please hang in there, you will be alright, I promise " Taehyung is afraid, he is afraid that he will lose Jungkook. Just like he lost his mother infront of his eyes.
" This is all because of me I'm sorry Jungkook please wakeup"

" Please Jungkook don't leave me please " Taehyung finally said it but it's too late because the younger couldn't hear that.

Ambulance reachs there in a minute and takes Jungkook the hospital. They bring Jungkook to ICU asking Taehyung to stay outside.

Taehyung phones Jimin and inform him about what happened. He said he will come with yoongi and Namjoon.

Jungkook is still operating when they arrived.

" Tae? " Jimin calls Taehyung who is busy walking back and forth in the corridor.

" Jiminie, Jiminie Jung~kook " Taehyung couldn't tell anything more he breakdowns on Jimin's shoulder.

" shh~ it's okay, he will be fine don't cry" Jimin said trying to clam Taehyung.

" What did you do to him? " an angry voice separate the two males.

" Namjoon clam down " Yoongi said seeing how angry is Namjoon..

" Clam down? Seriously yoongi ? After what happened to Jungkook you asking me to clam down, he should be in busan right now not in this damn hospital." Namjoon is angry, he thinks Taehyung is the reason for all this, first Jungkook left the life he wanted to live because of him and now he is in a ICU fighting for his life. If something happen to Jungkook he couldn't forgive himself nether Taehyung. Namjoon promised his mother to takecare of the younger. But he failed.

" Why are you crying huh? Shouldn't you be happy ? Isn't this what you wanted ? " Namjoon shouts at Taehyung.

" Sir I~ "

" oh please Taehyung stop with your innocent act, I shouldn't let you to come near Jungkook you are nothing but a curse to him, you don't deserve to breath when he is dying there"

" Namjoon stop it already, you are over reacting " Yoongi shouts before namjoon say anything else he is angry because namjoon is being too harsh on Taehyung.

Namjoon's words hits Taehyung like a thunder, he felt his legs giving up on him. Taehyung felt to the ground.

' he is right this is because of me, I'm am a curse to everyone, I did this to Jungkook, I don't deserve to breath when he is dying there'

" I hate you Jungkook I hate you for loving me"

Taehyung mumbles but it was  enough for others to hear.
' Look what I have done to you Jungkook '

" Tae what are you saying, get up " Jimin trys to make Taehyung stand,but before Taehyung stands himself and ran away from them..

" Jimin I think you should go after him I'll manage here" Yoongi said because the way Taehyung leave didn't gave him a good vibe.


I have nothing to say,🤐🔫

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