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It's been three days, Jimin keeps avoiding Taehyung Jungkook didn't even show up, he skip all his clasess past three days, Taehyung is totally a mess not having his bestfriend with him make him crazy not seen Jungkook make it worse.

Currently they are sitting in the canteen Taehyung all alone while Jimin is sitting with yoongi another table, Taehyung sees them, he tries to talk with Jimin past three days but Jimin take him down telling he have nothing to talk with him. This action make Taehyung's heart break.

" Don't you think you are being so harsh on him " Yoongi asks seeing Taehyung is looking at them with  sadness.

Jimin sighs he doesn't look at Taehyung because he know he can't stand the look Taehyung is giving them. " He needs to learn his lesson hyung, not only him I also get hurt the way he is treating me, don't make is sound like I'm the bad one here "

" I know Jimin, but look at him I have never seen him like that, it seems like he lost the world " Yoongi said because he felt bad for Taehyung normally he is always smile doing some stupid things with Jimin and now that cheerful self of him no where to seen.. " Give him a chance to explain Jimin, after all he is your bestfriend he deserves it."

Jimin finally looks at Taehyung, it is hard for him to stay away from him too because they always glued to eachother he felt like his part was missing without Taehyung but he wanted to make Taehyung understand  that he is there with him, he needs to help him whatever he is going through.

" okay I will talk to him today, But hyung what about Jungkook ? He didn't show up after that day. "

" He is insane, I'm so done dealing with him " Yoongi says recalling how stubborn Jungkook is acting these days.

" I saw him hyung, he is in love with Taehyung but Taehyung broke his heart, I don't know what is wrong with Taehyung it's obvious that he also like Jungkook but he pushed him away "

Yoongi is about to tell something but his phone rings cutting him off.

" It's Jungkook " Yoongi said checking the caller id.

" Answer him huyng, I'm leaving" Jimin waved bye to yoongi and walks towards Taehyung.

Taehyung's eyes light up seen his bestfriend coming to him, he quickly get up and waiting for Jimin to approach..

" Jiminie " Taehyung smiles at his bestfriend inside of returning it Jimin said he wants to talk to him and went outside the canteen Taehyung silently followed.

Jimin Sits in the coner of the playground where no one to see in this hour and wait for Taehyung to join him.

Taehyung nervously sits beside his bestfriend, this is the first time he feels so nervous around Jimin because he is always comfortable and free with his bestfriend.

They stayes like that for some good minutes and finally Jimin decided to broke the awkward silent.

" Taehyung, why don't you trust me?" Is the first questions Jimin asks making taehyung to look at him.

" I trust you Jimin, I really do I trust you more than anyone Jimin." Taehyung said honestly.

" Don't lie Taehyung, if you trust me that much why don't you tell me what is going on with you? Why you always hide things from me?" The pain in Jimin voice is visible. Taehyung doesn't know what to say, he didn't realise how much he hurts his only bestfriend through his actions untill Jimin said it out loud.

" See Taehyung you are going silent again, if you don't trust me there is no point continues our friendships " with that jimin stands to go but Taehyung quickly grabs his hand,

" Jimin please don't go please I will tell you " Taehyung pleased and Jimin sits again.

" Listen Taehyung I just need to help you, It hurts me to see you in pain Taehyung it hurts me to think that you don't trust me enough to share your pain with me."

" I know Jimin, I'm sorry for hurting you I'm such a horrible friend, I'm sorry "

" I hide lot's of things from you but it's not because I don't trust you Jimin believe me." Taehyung is about to cry he doesn't want to loose his bestfriend so he decided to tell him everything.

" Then why Tae, what make you sufferer alone " Jimin asks he need to know the reason.

Taehyung tells Him everything about his life, from the moment his mother's death and till now he said everything how his mother died because of him and how his father become a drunkard and ended up having a mental disorder. The way his father treats him and minyu likr a monster, how his elementary school friends make fun of him and his father because of it, he said everything. (a/n:I wanted to write this in details but I thought it will be boring to read the same thing so I made it short) tears falls down when he telling about his pathetic life.

Jimin also teared up listening to Taehyung. He pulls Taehyung to a tight hug.

" Taehyung I'm sorry, I'm sorry you go everything all alone I' sorry " They kept crying for a while and finally break the hug. Jimin wipes the tears from Taehyung's eyes.

" Taehyung listen, don't blame yourself for anything that happened, you are not responsible for your mother's death, don't be foolish " After listening to Taehyung jimin realise that he should get out Taehyung from this his own mindset before it do more damage to the boy..

" But Jimin, if they giveup on me that time as appa says this will never happen she will be still alive appa and minyu will be happy, Appa is right jimin I'm a curse, I made everyone sufferer around me. " Taehyung says, this is what he believes, that is what his father made him to believe. He can't stop thinking that he is the one responsible for everything.

" Is this why you don't let anyone to come near your life ? Is this why you ask Jungkook to stay away from you?"

" I don't deserve someone like Jungkook Jimin he deserves better, I don't want to make his life a living hell "

"Tae, what are you even saying , can't you see that  how much he loves you? you are trapped inside yourself Taehyung, get out of it ,Don't loose your loved once because of your selfishness"

" I'm not selfish Jimin I'm doing this because I think about him, I don't want to ruin his life." Taehyung tells in a small voice.

" You think this way you don't ruin him, I think you already did " Jimin said while checking his phone.

" what? What di you mean? " Taehyung asks because he didn't get it.

" Jungkook is leaving, he is going to throw everything away he just started because of you, you already ruin him." Jimin said showing the text yoongi send him saying Jungkook is going back to busan.

" Jungkook is leaving ? "

" You ask him to stay away from you Taehyung, now he doing as you said, I think you can be happy now " Jimin said disappointing towards his bestfriend.



Sorry for not updating for a long time, I had to deal with many things so  I was little busy.

But now I'm back I'll try to update often.

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