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When Jungkook holds Taehyung hands and take him and minyu out of his house Taehyung didn't tell anything he just follows Jungkook silently it's not like he is not aware of the situation but part of him really wanted to leave that hell and never comeback even though he knows that he can't do that he need to be with his father no matter how he behave he is still his father and Taehyung knows that the man who loved him  endlessly is still inside him.

Jungkook got them into a bus, Taehyung is sitting in the coner of the seat looking outside the window Jungkook is sitting next to him while minyu is on his lap. Minyu stop crying and now playing with Jungkook's earings. Jungkook glance at the elder he doesn't say a word after they comeback from his house. Jungkook is worried ' did I do the right thing taking him and minyu? will he get mad at me latter ? ' there are thousand of things going on his head, but his eyes landed to the bandaged hand  'just how many time you have did this to yourself Tae, you don't deserve this' with that he sighs.

" Bunny where are we going " after getting board playing with Jungkook's earings , Minyu breaks the silence between them. Somehow it got the attention from Taehyung too so he looks at the younger with his deo eyes wanting to know the answer.

" To have fun as we planed " Jungkook answers smiling at both he wanted to see Taehyung reaction because he is still not sure about what he is doing.

Taehyung get surprised at the answer,      ' Jungkook still wants to go out with me I mean with us after witnessing all those things ' Taehyung wonders why Jungkook care so much for someone like him someone so pathetic and useless.

Jungkook keep looking at Taehyung because he can't understand Taehyung's reaction. And when there eyes met Taehyung forces a small smile and quotes turns his head down. Jungkook take it as a yes, so now he wants to everything to lightup the others mood he wants to do everything to make the elder happy.

After one and half hour they arrived to there destination which is the biggest indoor and outdoor amusement park in korea ' Lottel world '.

Taehyung give a questionable look to Jungkook he knows that everything in this place is very expensive and he didn't get his wallet with him even he got it he know he can't pay for anything here with that little money he has.

Jungkook understand him and mouths 'don't worry' and smiles at him. Meanwhile minyu is very excited and starts to claps her hands Jumping around.

Jungkook again picks her up and lead them to inside. He pay for the tickets at the gate and find Taehyung giving him a worried look.

" Taehyung, if you are worrying about the payments please don't I am the one asked you out and it's my responsibility to take care of everything okay? " Jungkook says it comes out with his firm voice so Taehyung give a slight nod not wanting to go against Jungkook.

They enters the park and Jungkook stops at the restroom. " Taehyung I think you should wash your face and fresh up a bit before we do anything "
Jungkook was right because the elder's face looks swollen after crying his eyes out. The maks of tears still visible in Taehyung's  cheeks.

Same goes to minyu because the poor girl cried a lot too. Since they can't to take her to women restroom Jungkook asks help from a lady passing by ,
" ah, Excuse me madam  can you help her to take a quick fresh up ? "
The lady understand the situation that both men can't go inside the woman rest room so she agrees.
" Minyu baby go with this ajumma  she will help you, we will wait here okay ?"

" Okay bunny " with that she left with the lady and Jungkook turns to Taehyung and raise his one eyebrow, Taehyung was watching Jungkook the way he cared about them, this little care makes Taehyung heart flutter. He came out of his thoughts when he hears Jungkook.

" why are you still here huh?, go go quick" and  give him a little push and Taehyung giggles at that and run inside the washroom.

Jungkook hears him giggling oh how much he loves that sound.He eventually smiles loving the way it sounds.

After some minutes Taehyung cameback and Jungkook stares at him he didn't get a chance to look at the elder properly so he used this chance and get a full view of Taehyung. The elder looks gorgeous and cute at the same time with his black and white hoodie and after the little freshup his tan skin glows than ever.

Taehyung feels Jungkook's stare and he feels small infront of the younger. A shy smile appears on his face.

" You look beautiful " Jungkook wanted to say more, let the elder know how perfect he is but he put that away thinking it might make the other uncomfortable.

This little compliment makes Taehyung blushs madly so he quickly turns his head down to hide his blushing face and mumbles a "thank you".

Jungkook find the elders action cute.   'don't be so cute Taehyung or I will loose my mind'

" I'm back " Minyu runs them letting go of the ladies hand.

" Thank you very much madm sorry if we bother you " Jungkook says bowing at the lady.

" No problem dear, your  daughter is very cute and you husbands are more cuter enjoy your tour here" with that the lady walks away leaving Taehyung and Jungkook dumpfounded.

" She asked me, am I your daughter and I said yes " minyu says giggling at her little lie.soon Jungkook laughs getting why the lady misunderstood them as husbands.

" you naughty girl " Jungkook pinch her cheeks.

" Minyu how many times I have tald you not to lie ? " Taehyung scold minyu and the poor girl pouts. " slowly "

"oh, Take it easy Taehyung she was just joking"Junkook says feeling bad for the little girl.

" don't take her side or this will become a habit of her " Taehyung scold Jungkook this time but the younger find it cute than scary.

" okay now you actually looks like a angry mother, if you act like this I think many people going to misunderstand us today" Jungkook says and start to walk away taking minyu's hand. And minyu look back at taehyung and jeers showing her tongue.

" you little~ stop there " Taehyung shouts from the back.

" Bunny run " with that Jungkook picks minyu up and run fast and Taehyung following by Taehyung shouting to stop.

This little moments Taehyung spend with Jungkook make him to forget his all sorrows and pain and he become the person he wanted to be all his life.

He become a happy free soul full of energy. Isn't it magical that a single person can change your whole mood in blinking second ?


Hi 😁

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