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Jungkook pov:

Jungkook calls Taehyung for the nineth time and got no response.It's been two hours he is waiting in the children park for Taehyung to showup but he didn't.

Jungkook is now panic what if Taehyung doesn't want to go out with him or did he forget about the date?.
' should I go back? No namjoon hyung will make fun of me.'

Jungkook is little disappointed he was too excited for this day to come and it's seems like Taehyung doesn't even remember it's today. He decided to call him for the last time. ' If he doesn't answer this time I'll just go back.'

Jungkook dialed Taehyung's number.

" h~ello" a little sobbing voice responses in the other side of the phone.

"Minyu? " Jungkook recognize the voice.
"Hey baby are you crying ? "

"Bunny ? "

" Yes baby why are you crying where is Taehyung ?"

" Bunny, oppa don't listen to me he is bleeding, bunny pleees come " minyu cries through the phone.

" I'm coming baby don't cry take care of your oppa okay "

Jungkook Wasted no time and runs to find Taehyung.He regrets not taking his bike.

Jungkook never a guy who believes in gods but right now he is begging, begging for Taehyung he doesn't know what happened to Taehyung or why is he bleeding. The image of it make Jungkook shivers.

When Jungkook reachs to Taehyung's house the front door is cracked open
he takes a deep breath before he enters he is afraid to face the next moment.

" Bunny " Minyu runs towards Jungkook and hugs him. " Bunny oppa " Minyu looks terrified. She holds Jungkook's hand and take him to the kitchen where taehyung is,


Taehyung cried untill his eyes get dry now there was no tears release his pain he is feeling right now. Minyu is still crying beside him. He stand up and went to the kitchen leaving crying minyu at the floor.

" opp~a " minyu calls Taehyung through her cries but he didn't even spare a glance at her. Now minyu know what is gonna happen next she have witness this before. She quickly followed her brother.

Taehyung feels lots of pain inside him he can't handle it not anymore he know how to get rid of this pain.

He didn't done that for a long time but now he want it no need it. He need to get away from this never ending pain this is the only way. Taehyung smiles to himself when he manage to find a knife with keen blade.

He put the tip of the knife on his left hand and slowly bring it around his wrist. He saw the blood pouring giving him satisfaction.

" oppa stop please" Minyu cries she is bit afraid to go near Taehyung.

"Oppa you are bleeding" Taehyung didn't hear Minyu he only focus on the feel that blood running out of his body that feels good to him.

Minyu runs to bring the halmonie for help because she knows that Taehyung is not going to listen to her. But she stops hearing Taehyung's phone ring.

____ end of flashback _____

Taehyung is trying to get another cut one is not enough to allay his pain.

"Taehyung!" Jungkook runs towards him and grab the knife away from his hand.

" Give it back," Taehyung tries to take the knife back his mind is all a mess he only need to get away from the pain ' am I not allowed to do this at least' He thinks and fight to get what he wants.

" TAEHYUNG COME BACK TO YOUR SENCE " Jungkook throws the knife away and punch Taehyung not that hard but hard enough Taehyung to come back to his sence.

" Jungkook? " Taehyung looks at him with disbelief. Tears filled his eye again.

"Tae" Jungkook cups Taehyung face and pull him to a hug.

" What are you doing baby why are you doing this to yourself hmm?" Jungkook feels the tug in his heart seeing Taehyung like this make his heart broken into pieces.He tears up even he is not noticing it.Taehyung cries again in Jungkook's embrace.

Jungkook slowly push Taehyung away from him and takes Taehyung's bleeding hand. He checks the woond and thank to whoever listen to his request up there because the woond is not that deep to damage his main vein.

" Minyu baby, can you bring me the first aid box ? " Jungkook asks minyu who is looking at them at the kitchen door.

" okay " she runs upstairs to bring the first aid kit.

Jungkook wraps Taehyung's wrist with his hanky in order to stop blood.Taehyung stay still glued his eyes to the floor because he doesn't have courage to look at Jungkook. Minyu come back in flash with first aid box and handed it to Jungkook.

Jungkook remove his hanky and cleans the woond and bandages it after puting ointments.

Jungkook place Taehyung's hand on his lap and make Taehyung looks at him by lifting his chin softly.

Taehyung sees the shining tears in Jungkook's eyes. ' did Jungkook cry for me?' That thought makes him tears up again. Jungkook wipes Taehyung's eyes using his thumb.

" You are okay now, don't cry " Jungkook smiles at him and helps him to stand up.

" Minyu baby come here" Jungkook calls minyu opening his arms and Minyu jumps to him, Jungkook picks her up and he holds Taehyung's hand using his free hand.

" Let's go "


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