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Third person :-

Because the so called fucker is my father Jungkook" Tears rolls down from Taehyung's eyes when he says that.

Taehyung is not weak,he know how to handle his emotions.He trained himself to do so.But past two days he cried a lot.And he is crying again infront of Jungkook he don't want that so he pushes Jungkook away and walk past him.

Jungkook is shock he didn't expect to hear something like that.'Why his own father treat him like that?' Jungkook feels bad for Taehyung.Now he can understand why Taehyung got mad at him for punching that man.But still he didn't regret it.

Taehyung walks few steps away from Jungkook he feels his whole body is burning ' it's coming again' Taehyung tries his best to keep his balance. ' Please not again, at least not here' Taehyung begs himself but his body not ready to listen.He feels dizzy  his vision blurs and the next moment Taehyung faints.

Jungkook snapped out from his thoughts when he hears it.He turns  and there he sees Taehyung is lying on the floor.Jungkook eyes widen he immediately runs to him.

"Hey, Taehyung get up,"
Jungkook tries to wake him up but Taehyung didn't response so Jungkook lifts him and run to the nursing room.

Jungkook kicked open the door of nursing room.
"Oh what happened ?" The nurse asks when she sees the two.
" I don't know he fainted do something"
" put him on the bed and stay outside" the nurse says not liking the way Jougkook talk to her.
Jougkook puts Taehyung on the bed and looks at him Taehyung's tan skin looks so pale and his beautiful pinky lips turning to purple Jougkook don't want to leave him but he did as the nurse said letting her to treat Taehyung.

Jungkook runs his hands through his hair not knowing what to do.He is worried. Am I too harsh back then? Is that why this happened to him? Jungkook blames himself for scaring Taehyung.He takes out his phone and dials yoongi.

" Hey Kook what'sup?"

" Huyng. Do you have Jimin's number ?"

"Yeah why?" Yoongi frowns.

" Taehyung, ~ he fainted, can you ask Jimin to come over the nursing room?

" Taehyung ? Ah that weird kid, what happened ? "

" I don't know huyng please just ask him to come"

" Hey relax. I'll come with him" yoongi says Noticing the change of Jungkook's voice he sounds so helpless.This is not like Jougkook.

Jougkook ends the call.And walks here and there untill the door open of the nursing room.

"How is he?" Jungkook asks.

" I gave him an injection he is sleeping now. he will be fine soon." The nurse smiles at him she scan Jungkook's body head to toy and walks to him she notices that Jungkook is panic.

"Hey Don't worry your boyfriend will be fine , he would not wakesup for couple of hours if you want I can spend that time with you" she continues now puting her other hands on Jougkook's chest.

Jungkook got her intention and pushs her hands away.
" I just want to help you relax " she smirks.
" Don't be a bitch and do your Job properly" Jougkook shouts.
she frowns and walk away being ashamed of getting rejected by the handsome boy.

" Taehyung " Jimin come inside  calling his best friend.Yoongi also come with him.

" Oh Taehyung why this happen to you again" Jimin cries sitting in the bed where Taehyung is sleeping.

" Have this happened before?" Jungkook asks walking to them.

" Yes I have seen him fainted couple of  times before. Last time he fainted is about six months ago" Jimin says patting Taehyung who is now fast sleeping.

" Why is this happening to him?" This time Yoongi speaks leaning to the door.

" He said it is a consequences of his childhood illness. It happens when he overwork himself or when he get panic , Taehyung may look so cheerful but his body is so weak" Jimin says while whipping his tears. He loves his bestfriend so much so it hurts him to see Taehyung like this.

Jungkook now blames himself more.He had no rights to scare Taehyung like that.Taehyung is already going through so much and this happen to make him suffer more.

Jungkook looks at Taehyung he looks so peaceful. Jungkook feels an urge hold Taehyung in his arms and beg for his forgiveness.But something came to his mind " Let's pretend we don't know eachother" Taehyung said this words a while ago. After what happened today he will never even look at me.It hurts Jungkook to think that Taehyung will never forgive him. Jungkook himself don't know when Taehyung become so important to him.But from the very first day he saw Taehyung, he began to control a big part of Jungkook's heart.Jungkook wants to take his all pain away, he wants to see Taehyung smile more because he thinks the boy looks so beautiful when he smiles.Jungkook wants to see that beautiful boxy smile  more often.

" You can go now Jungkook I'll be with him " Jimin says while walking to Jougkook.

"Thank you so much Jungkook if it's not for you I don't know what will happen to him." Jimin pats Jungkook's shoulder.

'If it's not fot me this may not happen at the first place' Jougkook wants to tell this but instead he forces a smile.

Jougkook don't want to leave Taehyung but what if he wakeup? He can't face to him.Jungkook looks at Taehyung for one last time and levels the nursing room with heavy heart.


Hi 😁

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