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Third person pov :

Jungkook went to Taehyung's house and found if locked. So he decided to wait for him in the park. He don't know when will Taehyung gonna return but he will wait. Jungkook wants to make sure Taehyung is fine. Or he will not able to do anything.

' What have you done Taehyung, I can't just leave you out of my mind for a second , when I look at you there are thousands of emotions fills me do you feel the same? I want to know, I don't think I can hide these feelings anymore' Jungkook mind is a mess.

Yesterday when Jin touched Taehyung infront of him , he couldn't control his anger. Because this is how Jungkook. He don't want to see the person he loves with others. He is possessive and his anger issues don't help it.

Jungkook loves Taehyung.

Is it even possible to fall in love with someone just in few weeks?

Yes everything is possible when it comes to love. It might be only few weeks they met but Taehyung manage to mess up with Jungkook's heart.
Many things happen between them during those period of time and that everything make Jungkook wants to love the innocent soul and protect him and let him feel the all happiness in the world.

Taehyung stole his heart even without Taehyung knowing it, that heart never fell for someone that heart didn't know what love means but now it only beating for Taehyung it confused Jungkook at first but now he knows everything he feels about Taehyung it is love.

When you meet the right person in your life, that person will teach you how to love without using a single word and that's the power of love.

Jungkook steps out of his mind when he sees the familiar figure. It's Taehyung and his father is also with him Jungkook still remember the face the way how that man treated Taehyung he remember everything.

Minyu fall asleep on the way so Taehyung is carring him. Taehyung stops seeing Jungkook infront of the park ' Jungkook ? Why is he here, he should be in the university now.' Taehyung thinks.

Jungkook walks to them bit hesitantly because Taehyung is with his father, the man who once jungkook beat the shit out.

" Jungkook what are you doing here" Taehyung asks surprising at his presence.

" is he your friend ? " before Jungkook answer, Taehyung's father asks.

" yes appa, This is Jungkook we attend the same university " Taehyung not sure if his father remember Jungkook or not because most of the time when this clam side appears , he don't remember anything He did.

Taehyung's father nods and gives a smile to Jungkook . " Come after talking with your friend I'll take her" He says taking minyu from Taehyung's hand.

" it's nice to meet you young man" Taehyung's father pat on Jungkook's shoulder and leaves with minyu.

Jungkook was dumpfounded. Taehyung's father is totally different from when he first saw him. It almost like two person. That one Jungkook punched was a monster but this one he looks more clam and broken?

" Jungkook ? " Taehyung sofly calls.

" is that your father ? " Jungkook asks because he is not sure.

" yes " Taehyung replies and he notice the look on Jungkook's face.

" oh he is " Jungkook struggles a bit

" different right ? " Jungkook mouth opens when he hears that it is what he thinks.

" The one you punched was not my father Jungkook, and that man is my father " Taehyung smile sadly looking at his father's figure walking away from them..

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