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Taehyung pov:-

Taehyung walked away from home without an idea where should he go minyu is now resting in his shoulder he still hears the soft sobs of the little one.He feels sorry for his sisiter.

"Minyu baby, you sleeping ?"
"Nuu" minyu raised her head to look at her brother she sees the tears in taehyung's eyes that ready to falls in any second.

"Oppa why are you crying big boys don't cry" minyu wiped now falling tears from taehyung's eyes by using her little hands.

"I'm crying because my little princess is crying too" Taehyung said while squeezing minyu's nose.

"Im not, see?" She smiled while wiping her own eyes.Taehyung still can see the traces of dry tears in her rosy cheeks, her messy hair from the earlier incident and a small scratch near her beautiful round eyes probably happened by a nail.With all of this she still trying to make taehyung happy.

"Okay then I'm not gonna cry too" taehyung said smiling at his cute sisiter.

"Good Boy"
"where are we going ? " minyu asked looking around, it's getting dark.

"Mmm let's go to the park you love to be there right ?"

" park wow can I swinging too?"

"Of course baby I'll help you"

Minyu claps thinking about her favorite activity at the park.

Taehyung walk to the nearest children park.He wants some time alone, away from his home he have thousand things to think about and at the sametime he don't want to think about any.He is tired , tired from his own life.He felt like he wants to disappear from this shitty life but he can't he have minyu to takecare of.

Taehyung put minyu at a swing.

"Do you need any help buddy?"

Taehyung feels tired he carried minyu all the way here he wants to rest a bit but still he don't want to leave minyu alone.

" Noo I'm a big girl now, you sit there and watch me"
minyu said pointing at a bench near them.
It almost like minyu reads his thoughts.Taehyung knows that she always trys to act strong for him.Taehyung is thankful for that because without her support he might not make it this far.

For minyu taehyung is her everything.He is the one who takecare of her since she is a baby.There was no one but him.So she loves him so much.

"Come to me when you are done okay ?"
Taehyung walk to the bench.minyu waves her hand telling him to go.

Park is almost empty there is no single soul.Taehyung sit on the bench looking at the sky.There are lot's of things in his head.He feels like crying but he can't he need to stay strong.He needs to stay strong for minyu.
She was only 2 weeks when their mom died.Taehyung still remember his mothers last words.

"Be strong tae baby for minyu you should be strong" His mother mumbled those word while putting 2 weeks old crying minyu on his hand.Taehyung felt something heavy in his heart like the whole world is now on his hand.He was only 13 years old.

The next moment after his mom put minyu on his hand she stoped breathing.Taehyung saw the straight line in the cardiac monitor making a terrible sound.That sound still make taehyung breathless.It was the first sound he heard when his whole world cracked down.Taehyung didn't knew what to do what to think he wanted to cry, he wanted to asked her mother to comeback but he couldn't find nether word no tears.So he walk to the reception table to make a call to his father who was probably busy drinking with his friend on that time.
That was the moment taehyung's life becomes a living hell.

Thinking about it he remembered his father who was crying earlier.Now taehyung regrets every words slipped from his mouth.Taehyung knows that his father is acting like that because of his disorder.He knows that his father is suffering from Bipolar disorder.

Do you guys know about this? About bipolar disorder? It's a mental illness also called manic depression.It course change personalities almost like there are two person living in a one body one is totally different from other.In taehyung's father's case one of his personality is sad hopeless and lonly another is like a monster.He can't control his anger when the second personality appears.So he takes that anger out of taehyung or minyu.He blames them for ruining his life specialy  to minyu he believes minyu is the reason his lovely wife leaves them what is not true he just need someone to blame for his mistakes and minyu is the victim.

Taehyung don't like to hurt his father he knows that he is suffering too.But how you expect him to act when his father course troubles like earlier.

I'm sorry appa.Please stop acting like this I can't take this anymore I'm afraid what if I can't control myself around you like today I'm afraid that I will do something I don't want to, so please....

Taehyung is crying now he can't hold back his tears anymore.It's getting darker minyu is still swinging.A wind blows messing with taehyung's brown hair. It gives chills to taehyung he suddenly remembered that minyu catches cold easily.

He wiped his tears getting up to get minyu.He needs to go home before it's too late.He have to feed minyu and he needs to buy some ointments to treat his father's wound.

He is glad that he had sometime alone, alone from his shitty life, at least he cried peacefully.

He walks toward minyu.

" Hey princess let's go it's getting late"

" But I'm not done yet" minyu said pouting but still gets down from the swing and hold taehyung's hand.

"Let's do it another time again okay"

" pinky promise" taehyung said while picking up her.

"Oppa is the best I love you"

"Love you more baby" taehyung said peaking her cheeks.

Taehyung leaves the park with minyu but nether Taehyung nor minyu noticed that someone is watching them at the whole time..


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