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Jungkook pov;

After having one hour lecture from Namjoon about the university and the rules and how should he behave and how he should make new friends and...... there was so many ands,

Jougkook finally managed to leave the office room and walked looking for the cafeteria to find yoongi who is waiting for him there.
Although the environment is unfamiliar for him he somehow manage to find the cafeteria. He walked inside hoping to find his hyung. Jungkook noticed yoongi at the coner table and he was not alone there was two boys sitting with yoongi he didn't saw the faces.

Jungkook walked toward them wondering who would be his hyung is talking with. Because it's rare to see yoongi  with strangers.

When he reached to the table he heard a laughing sound. The sound was melodical for Jougkook's ears. So he looked at the owner of the laughing. As soon as jungkook saw his face he recognized him. It was the boy who fucked his mind whole night after seen him at the park yesterday.

Jungkook is not sure if he is dreaming.How is it possible to see the same boy from yesterday infront of him. Jungkook clearly remembered how the boy looked so depressed and broken  and now he is laughing? Like how? And why is he with huyng ? Do they know eachother? There are thousands of questions popping inside Jungkook's mind.
He was frozen for a while so he didn't even heard that yoongi is calling his name.

Third person pov:

Yoongi and Jimin continues their chit chat mostly jimin is the one talking Yoongi's reply is always short.But Taehyung can clearly see that  yoongi is also interest in his best friend.

' Finally someone is going to have a boyfriend' Taehyung thinks.So Taehyung looks outside the window not wanting to disturb Jimin who is having the moment of his life.

" Hey kook when did you arrive I didn't see you coming."
Yoongi asks Jungkook who is now standing near their table.
It's look like Jungkook didn't hear him.

" Jungkook!" Yoongi calls him again raising his voice this time.
Taehyung turns his head to findout why yoongi is shouting.
And there he sees a tall boy wearing a lether Jacket and a riped denim.

Taehyung now put his gase to the boy's face. He is handsome.But why is he looking at me? Taehyung thinks when he sees that the boy is looking at him with an unreadable face.

Jougkook realises that Taehyung
caught his stare so he turns to yoongi.
" I just arrived huyng " Jungkook answers while sitting next to yoongi.

"Who are they?" Jungkook asks curiously not taking off his eyes from Taehyung.
" ah do you remember the cute boy I talked about yesterday. It's him." Yoongi answers pointing at Jimin.
Jimin blushs again probably happy about the fact that yoongi talked about him with the tall boy.

"Hello I'm Jimin And this is my best friend Taehyung.Are you a friend of Yoongi hyung? "

  'Taehyung' Jungkook's mind only note downs that name.

" I'm Jougkook! And not 'a friend' I'm his only friend" Jungkook answers with a smirk.

"Oh I see" jimin nods.

Jungkook again looks at Taehyung. Now Taehyung feels awkward.

"Hey chim we should go now"
Taehyung whispers.

" But we still have some time left"
Jimin says not wanting to leave just yet.

"Then you stay here I'm going" with that Taehyung stands up.

"Hey wait I'm coming with you" Jimin says grabing taehyung's hand.

" we should go now huyng I'll see you latter ."
Jimin greets both jungkook and yoongi and leaves with his bestfriend.

"Yah~ why did you in such a hurry.I was about to ask his number."
Jimin pouts.

" Sorry Chim I just feel awkward. And don't worry about it. Visit him tonight and asks his number" Taehyung says winking.

" Ah that's a good idea.You have some useful brain cells"

" Woah! You took it serious ? I was only Joking." Taehyung hits jimin.

"Aww, That hurts idiot. By the way don't you find that Jungkook guy is handsome?"

"You are unbelievable chim I thought you are interested at that scary looking boy. Now you changed your mind after seeing another handsome boy.?"

"It's not like that I'm just saying. Also I don't mind having one of them as my boyfriend they both are handsome but yoongi huyng have some effects on me"

"Do you even need to mention that? I saw how you guys were flirting  shamelessly."

" Do you think he likes me?" Jimin asks hopefully.

" well, judging  the way he looked at him I think he likes you"

" Really ? I knew that" jimin says clapping and jumping around.

" Don't over react Jimin we still don't know anything about them." Taehyung says thinking about the way  jungkook looks at him. ' Do he know me? but I don't remember his face at all' Taehyung wonders why jougkook looked at him with that shocked face.

"Don't worry I'm gonna findout soon" Jimin says with a confident voice.He is too excited to have a boyfriend.Don't blame him he waited years searching for his soulmate.

They finally reachs to the class and settle there. The class is filled with students and there are some unfamiliar faces too.

'Hmm, Jimin was not lying when he said there will be more transferred students.'


.........Boring chapter. Anyway Thank you for reading my story.💜️💜️

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